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Well, I have no real clue but I would like to know what the warring community believes about this. The Teamcape rule within the CWA arena.


This really occured to me after a fight today after the fight [sE] SIlent Ember vs [Clan that shall not be named]. It was a short prep fight as per usual, We did fairly well, came on top with a win with 10-11 people left in a 22 v 22. In my personal opionon the difference was more or less clear who performed better today. However before the war, two of our four snipers decided it would be funny to act unaccordingly and bring the other clans cape {Which they were punished for}. During the war I recieved a PM from their Warlord saying that they demanded me to get my snipers to take off their cape, however unfortunately I wasn't able to read this PM until the end of the war. Some people, after looking on it, will either say one of two things, One they accuse you of being No honor or two realize that it was a minor mistake.


After the war and looking at the beaten clans IRC and reading some of the comments they made, it made it sound or seem that the only real reason they lost was because of the teamcape. Not judging by Silent embers clearly well done performance. I really wasn't sure what to think. Looking back, obviously in wild and old CWA or what have you, capes do matter since you have to be in cc to appear as a purple dot, however in CWA u have no choice to be in a CC which really gives you no other reason why people should complain about capes. Its not hard to tell people apart, and the justification that a cape can wager the outcome of a fight that much is a bit farfetched. However I found this sparked discussion between many people both in conflicts of ideas and general belief.



My question to you :


 Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight? 

If it does, why is that? 

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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight? I dont think so


If it does, why is that? If someone doesnt attack someone thats hittin them just cuz they got the same cape,specialy in cwa,they must be [developmentally delayed] .



TPR lets their members use any cape they want.as all the power rangers have diferent colours.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

In cwa not that much unless your [developmentally delayed]ed and don't know the difference of purple and blue.


If it does, why is that?

confusion by members thinking they are their own members except their snipers.



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Does Teamcapes wager a lot on the outcome of a fight?

No, if you were a sniper irl I'm sure you'd stand out in something suitable for the enemy to see you easily. [/sarcasm] Snipers should be allowed to try and blend in. Doesn't make much of a difference once you figure out whose doing it..


If it does, why is that?




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i thought teamcapes was used so you dont need to right click to attack them if theres a clan mate attacking him close


Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

Nope,but shows they are organized clan


If it does, why is that?

uhm saves time from right clicking instead of just 1 click?sometimes u just 1 click and click on ur clanmates >_> so the teamcapes help on that

cafq0zh5.gifElite Member of Ascension | hrkot2.gifSenior Member of Silent Ember | 3145bsw.jpgOld School of TPR


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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

It can. Overall it helps organization, the obvious benefit is that you can see who is on your side and who isn't, and of course the non one-click to attack. I can see why people complain, but I think that often it's used as a ploy to discredit the other clan when they aren't happy with there loss. In top clans at least, cape-switching is a daily occurence - and when you learn to just suck it up it makes practically no difference.

If it does, why is that?

See above.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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People who are not brought up in the 'old' wild dont right click, lol...so to have snipers from the other clan in your own cape has an effect I guess. If no cape rule is set, then people cant complain about it, however I do think is is respectful not to wear the other clans cape or be 'rainbow warriors' .


The tactic is also used all the time in pvp by certain clans but I personally think its wrong.

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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

No, if it isn't in the rules, then there should be no problem about it. It's a smart strategy used by many clans' snipers, and some random people who just want to stand out and who are usually striked for being stupid.


If it does, why is that?

It doesn't.


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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In PVP, it can be especially irritating as it can make enemy fall in leaders a right click or enemy snipers harder to locate. In CWA, it can be a pain but not really that big a deal unless the whole clan does it.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

No, not hugely, but if T0 wars a clan in red capes, we'll usually bank and get blue capes as we can lead better and get faster piles by looking for the other clan cape. But teamcapes don't wager alot on the actual outcome.


If it does, why is that?


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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

No, if someone is hitting you with the same teamcape, it's obvious they're on the other team. However, it does make it harder to distinguish that person as the opposing clan.


If it does, why is that?

It doesn't.

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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

It depends whether it was CWA or PVP. If it's CWA then the use of a CC is inevitable and therefore the use of teamcapes wouldnt be neccessary since clan members are highlighted as a purple dot. In PVP, that's a total different story as it may be an advantage to your enemy [as someone said earlier, 'blending in']; in old RS, there was no CC, so the idea is kinda classic and today im guessing is difficult to pull unless a member was kicked out of a channel and marked as a 'blue dot' on the map..


If it does, why is that?

PVP, read above.

qn5sti.gifProud True 0wnage Event Coordinatorqn5sti.gif


Ex-Legendz Old School

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Teamcapes arent really important, only thing is you cant left click :(


Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

It depends whether it was CWA or PVP. If it's CWA then the use of a CC is inevitable and therefore the use of teamcapes wouldnt be neccessary since clan members are highlighted as a purple dot. In PVP, that's a total different story as it may be an advantage to your enemy [as someone said earlier, 'blending in']; in old RS, there was no CC, so the idea is kinda classic and today im guessing is difficult to pull unless a member was kicked out of a channel and marked as a 'blue dot' on the map..


If it does, why is that?

PVP, read above.

Teamcapes where P2P at old wildy...

M on my Chest.


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From personal experience it is harder to see snipers/crashers in your own clan's teamcape because sometimes members in the clan aren't able to enter the clan chat and you end up attacking your own members, so it's avoided until you know for sure they are not in your clan. So is it "essential" to war wins? I wouldn't say so, but it's certainly an annoyance that can help contribute to a win. And the left-click attack option is always nice, but mainly only for your own clan members because most people right-click to attack anyways.


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Helps me, mainly if i'm sniping or anti-sniping. Much easier to know to attack them at a glance if they aren't wearing your cape. I mean, I doubt it really affects the outcome of wars. Mainly it's just a clan pride thing.

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does team cape matter to the overall fight? id say insignificantly


i mean sure, for one hit people might be surprised if they suddenly were atcked by someone who's wearing the same cape as them. but thats only for a second or so. after that they recognize the person and the cape is useless.


does your clan seem to think its a big deal? afterall they did punish those people who wore the other teams cape, right? :blink:

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Teamcapes arent really important, only thing is you cant left click :(


Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

It depends whether it was CWA or PVP. If it's CWA then the use of a CC is inevitable and therefore the use of teamcapes wouldnt be neccessary since clan members are highlighted as a purple dot. In PVP, that's a total different story as it may be an advantage to your enemy [as someone said earlier, 'blending in']; in old RS, there was no CC, so the idea is kinda classic and today im guessing is difficult to pull unless a member was kicked out of a channel and marked as a 'blue dot' on the map..


If it does, why is that?

PVP, read above.

Teamcapes where P2P at old wildy...


i know they werent, but i know for a fact that F2P clan wars took place in basic colour capes those times - red/yellow/purple etc capes counted as team capes in those times (for F2P)...

qn5sti.gifProud True 0wnage Event Coordinatorqn5sti.gif


Ex-Legendz Old School

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Does Teamcapes wager alot on the outcome of a fight?

No, its a cape, whats that going to do besides point you out?


If it does, why is that?

It can if you are sniping and wearing the other clans team cape which is bad [wagon].(sorry if you can't say bad [wagon] on tip.it)


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if u dont want to hear am8 rage while hes leading.. u'll wear 1 (in downfall at least...)




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