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Game of catch up


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Okay after being away from the clan world for almost 5 years, I came back, and joined a new clan (Downfall :grin: ) about two weeks ago.


Needless to say, I have a lot of catching up to do. I feel like a total noob :grin: The dynamics of the clanning world have obviously become a lot more complex and I'm having issues understanding some stuff... Back in 2003/04/05, it was pretty simple; there weren't that many [well-known] clans, and those in the top 10 had requirements anywhere from as low as lvl 100 to 115 plus combat. It looks like that has changed (which is really not a surprise). All wars, whether full out clan wars, or mini PK run-in wars, took place at greaters. Warring/PKing tactics were really basic compared to what clans and PKers are doing nowadays.


So here's a few questions I have:

1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?

2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?

3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?

4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.

5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?


CWA Arena was introduced when wilderness was taken away/changed to a safe neo pets [cabbage]. Many people left the clan wold and new ones were introduced to a safe type of clan world. They love their pixels and cbf to loose sets in the wilderness. It's more time convienent to war in cwa. While other clans love the thrill of loosing/gaining pixels. It's almost tradition for some people, me personally I always thought the clan world was interesting just didn't join until after cwa era. I really wanted to be apart of the better clanning community as it's much more fun to have a war in the wilderness.


To sum it up, it's preference of where you war, obviously the better clans are in pvp due to the fact of most cwa clans being mass recruited/not as dedicated


2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?


TWR is no where near to representing the best clans of RS. They do however represent some of the more powerful and ACTIVE CWA clans. I emphasize active as that's how you get points/rank ups, wining just speeds the process up.


3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?


Teams are a bunch of people from different clans into one. This allows you to still be in a clanning experience with friends from other clans rather than leaving your clan to join your friends clan. They're normally less serious and always promote Main Clan > Team. They provide some extra wars and you get to meet a lot more people and see how they war etc. Really cool experience tbh. It also picks up in activity for main clans as sometimes you can't war anyone so you war some teams.


4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.


I would say 'THE' is in good shape, just don't see them do pvp much, then again i don't browse RSC a lot anymore/ever. RSD is in good shape, Gladz are slowly getting back into the pvp world and doing a good job. TRWF is good, Corr is good still, Exer - aren't they a team? Eos good. Dragonwood - dying/hanging in there, Mori pretty much non existant imo, then again idk if they are posting on rsc or not.


5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.



Violent Resolution/ Echos of Silence / Divine Forces - Perhaps some more, just read Top 10 clans on RSC / actually read the war topics and make the decision yourself.


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1) Some clans may stick to CWA warring because of no risk, no crashing from other clans, and ability to set rules. Also, they may not have the opts to war in PVP yet. Of course, some clans war in PVP because of the risk and drops.


2) Don't take my word for it, but I don't think the TWR is really accurate in measuring a clan's strength. It can only do so to a certain extent.


3) You are pretty much correct. Teams are an excuse for friends in different clans to be able to war together without breaking the multi-clanning rule.


5) I'm not so sure so you'll have to see another person's answer.

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Here's some answers to the questions that I can provide a considerably adequate answer.


2) TWR doesn't represent top clan rankings for a couple reasons:

a) Clans join TWR only if they request to do so,

B) All TWR wars I've seen so far are CWA wars and the top clans prefer PVP/PKRI wars (therefore they don't join the rankings), and

c) TWR points system is more based on activity than actual warring strength. I would consider Dragon Hunters as the strongest full out clan in TWR (in terms of memberlist size, quality of members and average combat) and they're ranked 8th on the TWR.


3) In a way teams are a method of avoiding multi-clanning, and some clanners view them as a type of multi-clanning. I personally view teams as a group of people that get together for fun wars in a more relaxed environment, and always take second place to the clan one's in.


5) I consider Violent Resolution, Corruption, The Titans, Divine Forces, Runescape Dinasty, Echo of Silence, Reign of Terror, The Rising, Chivalry Legions and Crimson Raiders to all be in the top 10 f2p clans. Unfortunately they don't actively post here, but some of their members have been quoting their topics and posting them here (thanks to everyone who does this, I don't enjoy going over to RSC to read them).

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Okay after being away from the clan world for almost 5 years, I came back, and joined a new clan (Downfall :grin: ) about two weeks ago.


Needless to say, I have a lot of catching up to do. I feel like a total noob :grin: The dynamics of the clanning world have obviously become a lot more complex and I'm having issues understanding some stuff... Back in 2003/04/05, it was pretty simple; there weren't that many [well-known] clans, and those in the top 10 had requirements anywhere from as low as lvl 100 to 115 plus combat. It looks like that has changed (which is really not a surprise). All wars, whether full out clan wars, or mini PK run-in wars, took place at greaters. Warring/PKing tactics were really basic compared to what clans and PKers are doing nowadays.


So here's a few questions I have:

1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?

2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?

3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?

4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.

5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.


1) People prefer to stick to the regular style of warring becauses people like the risk of losing items. It also shows the dedication and commitment to their clan.


2) It is the TIP IT war ranking not the runescape rankings. So obviously the clans which don't participate in tip.it aren't listed.


3) Teams use to be for friends to pk but nowadays they are the same thing as a clan. I agree with your statement about it being a loophole but opinions will vary.


4) "The" i havn't really heard much from but they still would pull 30+. RSD still can pull 100+ easy and Gladz recently ended a pkri with 150 options. I know BK can still pull 120+ Options, TRWF can pull 300+ options and same with corruption. Yes Exer are still alive(recently saw them pull 90 ops). Eos still pulls a good 240+ and Dragonwood pull around 90-120+ options. I haven't heard from Mori recently but im guessing they pull around 60 options.


5. Opinions will vary but this is my top 5.


1. Violent Resolution/Corruption

2. Violent Resolution/Corruption

3. Echo of silence/Runescape Dynasty/Divine Forces/The Titans - Haven't been paying too much attention to top clans.

4. Echo of silence/Runescape Dynasty/Divine Forces/The Titans

5. Echo of silence/Runescape Dynasty/Divine Forces/The Titans



4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.


I would say 'THE' is in good shape, just don't see them do pvp much, then again i don't browse RSC a lot anymore/ever. RSD is in good shape, Gladz are slowly getting back into the pvp world and doing a good job. TRWF is good, Corr is good still, Exer - aren't they a team? Eos good. Dragonwood - dying/hanging in there, Mori pretty much non existant imo, then again idk if they are posting on rsc or not.

Dragonwood isn't dieing. Were still pulling a constant 30-35 + people :P

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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tukuruk for warlord?

Id stop trying to insult my clan and worry about your own, since you are only pulling 80ops to a pkri.

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Everyone above has pretty much answered your questions, CWA needs spicing up to attract all the top clans there a lot although they will fight there. Warring at member gate is different to CWA and a lot prefer the old haunt.


ps BK will be 9 years old at the end of this month

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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?


Quite frankly its what a clan is truly wanting to prove. CWA is the easiest way to prove what clan is better in organization and skill. It allows for non-crashing however it does not give "loot" which so many people crave. The top clans do pvp and can spend upwards of 9 hours in 1 single fight. It is more about what clan is more willing to throw out their bank more than anything else. It has come to the point of outlasting more than 1 clan having insanely more organization than another.


2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?


Not close but it is a good list of clans that take full opportunity of CWA. In the full clan world this list probably gets very little acceptance. I personally do not like many lists tbh since most tend to be highly biased.


3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?


There isnt much actually. Teams tend to be strictly for the random fight in cwa or pvp. It is just that a loophole. Teams tend to bring more drama than is needed and I am happy to say that MANY of the older clans still do not allow multi-clanning.



4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.


'THE' just recently celebrated its 10th birthday. Still doing well and in terms of warring we tend to be more organized than others that pull our numbers. RSD is doing very well for themselves. I had always seen them as a clan that had lower numbers than most other clans they fought but their quality and skill helped them win. They now tend to pull just as much as many of the other clans that they face. Gladz have recently been doing very well in terms of warring and with the help of BK attempting to "hunt them" found more opportunities to go into pvp (funny how that backfired). BK is doing fine although some of their tactics have left me wondering just how far they will go for wins. TRWF seems to be doing very well and is in the top 3 of GMT clans with TR and FOOLS. Can compete in the top 15 and maybe even top 10 on a good day. Only thing that ever holds them back is their timezone in terms of warring but maybe that is a blessing for them since they do not get into the long dragged out fights. Corruption is a top 5 clan and has been in the middle of a bunch of e-drama lately with many of the other top 5 clans. Exer..... well many of their staff are staff in a cc team/clan called Pure Hatred that has been known to crash and just create problems. Once seeing them as honorable its now more like they are trying to stay active through another means. EOS is a legit top 5 imo and I would expect them to start pking and owning weekdays like they always tend to do during school terms. Dragonwood is doing well from what I have seen. Been getting into some stuff with Gladz lately so I would like to see how that turns out. Mori isnt even around anymore to my understanding and if they are then its simply a community.


5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days?


Strength of warring - RSD, VR, Corr, Df, and EOS these clans have the numbers to take on anyone else in the top and VR probably has the best shot at it.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?

It depends what the clans' interests are, however many clans start out as CWA and move slowly into PvP warring.


2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?

None, these are just clans that have joined the TWR and war other clans on it frequently.


3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?

I see teams as a way for war hungry people to be a part of a lot of wars when they are bored. Teams are less serious and are soley based on fun, while clans are more strict and serious.


4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.



5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.


Check that topic, for my opinions and others.


§ Crimson Raiders Veteran | skull_crossbones.gif Ex Downfall Warlord | bcouncil.gif Ex Team Vendetta Council

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tukuruk for warlord?

Id stop trying to insult my clan and worry about your own, since you are only pulling 80ops to a pkri.


15-18 inactives bro. We'll see where we're at soon enough; Never said we were better.


Then again my clan doesn't need to do joint pk trips with BK to fight the Gladz. Wonder how many people tukuruk took with him to DW? [ Serious Question ]


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Thanks for all the replies.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..?


No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot)

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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Thanks for all the replies.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..?


No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot)



The Alliance is nnow The + Gladz

http://rs-downfall.com Join the Community, if you're already in a clan register and become a clan friend!

Downfall Since September 6, 2008

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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?


Answer- Some people just don't like the risk of losing their stuff, Though i now see newer clans like true ownage and downfall starting up to do pvp as they hope to break the top 25 by the end of the year


2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?


Answer-well I would say downfall is one of the stronger clans on the list, but its mostly based on activity


3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?


Answer- teams is a placxe to meet more people have a more chilled time and clans is where the serious stuff is


4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.


Answer-Rsd and corruption are in the top 10, trwf can be considered top 10 and dwood is top 20ish. but hey congrats to all of them


5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.


answer- TOP 10

Violent Resolution

Runescape Dynasty

The Titans


Echo of Silence

Divine Forces

Reign of Terror

Chivalry Legion

The Rising

Crimson Raiders

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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?Because some people don't like the new wilderness which is basically the less ep you have the smaller your drop is. EP is the percentage of how much your drop will be usually.



2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength? Not all clans are in twr rankings but it usually is a rating of how active your clan is and how many wars you win out of the wars fight. 1 war is an automatic 50 points.



3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them? Teams consist of members in other clans. Clans do not accept members who are in another clan usually.



4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long. Yes they are pro.



5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.


Top 10 would be.

1. Violent Resolution

2. Runescape Dinasty

3. Divine forces

4. Echo of Silence

5. The Titans

6. Reign of Terror

7. Corruption

8. Chivalry Legions

9.The Runescape Warhungers Federation

10. Wilderland


Solace Member

Silent Ember Warlord

Tko Blitz Trial Member

Condemned Army Member

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tukuruk for warlord?

Id stop trying to insult my clan and worry about your own, since you are only pulling 80ops to a pkri.


15-18 inactives bro. We'll see where we're at soon enough; Never said we were better.


Then again my clan doesn't need to do joint pk trips with BK to fight the Gladz. Wonder how many people tukuruk took with him to DW? [ Serious Question ]

Id guess 3-4 including him maybe +-1

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Thanks for all the replies.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..?


No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot)



TA is around in some forms.


TMRD exists as a community and most of them are in TT and Corr I believe. They still have a forums and such. Jagz is still a clan but does very little if any pking/warring. They are more non-pvp based and are more of a community.


THE and Gladz are both active in pretty much all facets of the game. BK attempted to hunt THE and Gladz but it didnt work out. If anything that little attempt help push Gladz to become stronger. Last time I was with 'THE' and got involved with BK they ended up setting a fight with us and then invited Exodus along (a clan in the top15) to help them out.


So all of the TA clans still exist as well as TA but people will say that Jagz and TMRD are dead simply because they base almost everything off of warring.


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1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method?


CWA Arena was introduced when wilderness was taken away/changed to a safe neo pets [cabbage]. Many people left the clan wold and new ones were introduced to a safe type of clan world. They love their pixels and cbf to loose sets in the wilderness. It's more time convienent to war in cwa. While other clans love the thrill of loosing/gaining pixels. It's almost tradition for some people, me personally I always thought the clan world was interesting just didn't join until after cwa era. I really wanted to be apart of the better clanning community as it's much more fun to have a war in the wilderness.


To sum it up, it's preference of where you war, obviously the better clans are in pvp due to the fact of most cwa clans being mass recruited/not as dedicated


2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength?


TWR is no where near to representing the best clans of RS. They do however represent some of the more powerful and ACTIVE CWA clans. I emphasize active as that's how you get points/rank ups, wining just speeds the process up.


3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them?


Teams are a bunch of people from different clans into one. This allows you to still be in a clanning experience with friends from other clans rather than leaving your clan to join your friends clan. They're normally less serious and always promote Main Clan > Team. They provide some extra wars and you get to meet a lot more people and see how they war etc. Really cool experience tbh. It also picks up in activity for main clans as sometimes you can't war anyone so you war some teams.


4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long.


I would say 'THE' is in good shape, just don't see them do pvp much, then again i don't browse RSC a lot anymore/ever. RSD is in good shape, Gladz are slowly getting back into the pvp world and doing a good job. TRWF is good, Corr is good still, Exer - aren't they a team? Eos good. Dragonwood - dying/hanging in there, Mori pretty much non existant imo, then again idk if they are posting on rsc or not.


5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? No abbreviations please.



Violent Resolution/ Echos of Silence / Divine Forces - Perhaps some more, just read Top 10 clans on RSC / actually read the war topics and make the decision yourself.


dw aint dying mate


Thanks for all the replies.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..?


No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot)



TA is around in some forms.


TMRD exists as a community and most of them are in TT and Corr I believe. They still have a forums and such. Jagz is still a clan but does very little if any pking/warring. They are more non-pvp based and are more of a community.


THE and Gladz are both active in pretty much all facets of the game. BK attempted to hunt THE and Gladz but it didnt work out. If anything that little attempt help push Gladz to become stronger. Last time I was with 'THE' and got involved with BK they ended up setting a fight with us and then invited Exodus along (a clan in the top15) to help them out.


So all of the TA clans still exist as well as TA but people will say that Jagz and TMRD are dead simply because they base almost everything off of warring.


our beef's with gladz, when that exodus thing was happening it was 4 bk members and the other 100 ish opts were exodus, also u had another clan helping u at that point, i think re or dw

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our beef's with gladz, when that exodus thing was happening it was 4 bk members and the other 100 ish opts were exodus, also u had another clan helping u at that point, i think re or dw

Dragonwood who we were hunting/had killed a few of their members before? RE who don't fight past 9GMT yet this skirmish took place at 11GMT?




Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

Click here for our website - 110+ F2P Combat Requirements

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Thanks for all the replies.


Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.


Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..?


No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot)



The Alliance is nnow The + Gladz


Don't answer things that you have no idea of. The + Gladz are still alive and kicking. Both clans have been actively warring and are now on the rise up. Jagz are still alive, they may not war as much, but they're still a clan and they still come to TA events. TMRD are a community clan now with most members joining Corr + Titans as echo said. TMRD members still come to The Alliance events (such as TA vs Exodus Pkri). As for Blacknights, they left long time ago.


From The Gladiatorz point of view, we were probably the most active clan in PvP in December. That did us alot of good. Our pulls picked up recently pulled 30 to 2 day prep mid-week PK (shame no clans were out though :?) and ending with 50 people against Clan Legacy last Sunday.


I don't really want to answer the questions as they've all been answered as above and I don't feel like repeating

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our beef's with gladz, when that exodus thing was happening it was 4 bk members and the other 100 ish opts were exodus, also u had another clan helping u at that point, i think re or dw


Dont lie Andy seriously. We found you guys were out so asked if you would like a fight. We even stated that we would make sure gladz wouldnt interfere because they were about to start massing up to go pk. We tried to make sure no other clans would be involved. Btw throwing out that we pk'ed with RE or DW is not smart as I am sure they will tell you that we didnt. When we went to go dd a Exodus+BK rushed us. We were confused in what was going on not expecting BK to pull such a low so we went to mossies. When we had regrouped and were ready to go back and fight you, we found out that Exo+Bk were fighting DW. We started to help DW out knowing it would be difficult to take on 2 clans. Lol then exo comes into our irc and threatens to crash every one of our fights since we were apparently crashing their fight with DW. When DW found that it was Exo+Bk they asked if we would help. We started fighting and DW left. Held our own for a bit but it was clear the numbers were taking a toll on us. Gladz left early from their massing to try and help us but still didnt have enough numbers to deal with it so we left. We admitted THE was not on the same level of Exodus+BK yet.


Dont start beef by trying to lie about something when it was your clan that has caused all the problems. You spied on a clan trying to hunt them and they ended up wrecking you. You pk with other clans because you are probably too scared now to do it on your own since you have now stirred up trouble with both Gladz and THE. Its a joke now between Gladz and THE on who can go and find Bk first to get the fight because we both have the respect to not get involved with the others fight and we both know that in pvp we can take you.


That my friends is why if you see Bk in pvp they might be pking with another clan.


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Interesting, still think THE orGladz could easily take BK 1v1.


I found it funny how BK asked a few THE members to step out og Gladz pile so they would continue fighting but then when it's gladz vs BK+DW they didn't ask DW to leave.


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Interesting, still think THE orGladz could easily take BK 1v1.


I found it funny how BK asked a few THE members to step out og Gladz pile so they would continue fighting but then when it's gladz vs BK+DW they didn't ask DW to leave.

Well... We wanted Gladz vs Bk at first. We didn't get that so we ended the pk went to bh bank then along comes Dw+bk spamming crap

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