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Help that is unwanted?


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They may have that advantage of meanerness, but the older generation has the benefits of obliviousness and down-talkery!

Don't make up words.


You know back in my day... Oh wait, you don't care about my day? How odd, neither do I.




OT:One thing to remember though is to respect everybody, because you don't know who they really are. I've made the mistake of telling strangers to F off before, then learned that they were a person in authority. Then again, I tell people in authority to F off if they're wrong anyway.


The moral of the story is that people are idiots.

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Ive Been Playing Since 04 And I Have Noticed Every Year That The Newer Players Get Worse And Worse. Yesterday I Had A Level 32 Wearing Full Steel Call Me An Agility n00b Because I Was Wearing My Agility Cape, After I Walked Away He Started Following Me And Spamming Me Saying, My Level 500 Main Could Smash You And So On... I Think That This is Because Of The Players Being Younger And Younger.


Proud To Have Once Owned An Untrimmed Agility Cape

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Each of them is acquiring (to my eyes) an unhealthy disrespect of any form of authority or communal values. I have been told, to my face in real life, "I refuse to give someone respect just because they are an adult. Adults can't say they know what is good for me." They do not accept the idea of compromise for the common good in a personal or societal setting.



Speaking, also as an adult, I will not respect someone just because they're older than me and I am raising my son the same way. Isn't respect worth more when it's earned than when expected, whether deserved or not? Also, how is it compromise to automatically respect someone just because they were born before you were? By expecting the respect based on your age, you are also showing an unwillingness to compromise with the changing attitudes of society. How is it a compromise if the teenager is expected to do what they are told without discussion or negotiation? Adults, especially parents, don't know everything that happens in a teenagers head or in their life. How can anyone know what's good for someone when they don't know the full story on the situation? If the only reason I have to respect someone is based on how old they are, then there really is no reason to respect them at all - especially when they're condescending and patronizing towards those they expect respect from.


I apologize for the disjointedness of the post, but honestly, with the kind of attitude I see in your post, I'm not surprised you seem to have trouble getting respect from teenagers.


If the attitude of those around you in game bothers you so much, turn off public. Makes life a lot easier.

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I laugh at how the majority of this people talk about "immature kids" and "the new generation". It's like how a 40-year-old could say "I hate kids" referring to 20-year-olds, a nearby 20-year-old could agree referring to 15-year-olds, and a 15-year-old could agree referring to some troll that seemed young.


I once spent half an hour at Lletya mage trees trying to convince some noob that cutting the same tree will only result in more logs for both of us. When he refused to believe me, I simply cut whatever tree he switched to. We both went a significant amount of time trying to fool the other into either sharing a tree or not sharing a tree, until I finally told him to just test it. We would each take our own tree, and then we would share the last one, and he could count the logs. His tree fell after the first log. Due to his lack of knowledge of probability, he believed me after that.

I later learned that he was a grown man with 2 kids and a good job.


Lesson learned: We're all immature. Some of us are just too cocky to admit it.

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This topic, like most, can be summarised up pretty neatly. If you can follow these 4 hypothetical scenarios, the so called "old" and "new" generations can co-exist.


1. If a lower leveled player asks a higher leveled player nicely for help, the higher leveled player should do all that's within his power to help the lower leveled player.


2. If a lower leveled player asks a higher leveled player rudely for help, don't tell them to [bleep] off, just add them to ignore/turn off public until they get bored.


3. If a lower leveled player is clearly struggling, ask them once VERY POLITELY if they need any help. Don't be specific, just say "Need any help?", and it shouldn't sound rude.


4. If the lower leveled player then starts to abuse you, calling you names, put them on your ignore list/turn public off.


I'm part of the old-generation of runescape players (my post count might not indicate this, but, im not very active on the forums :P , I only post when im really compelled to), but it doesn't really matter if you're old/new generation - these should be basic rules of human society.




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To chime in on what others have said, while you're motives may have been kind, the way you tried to execute was not. If you were feeling charitable, simply giving him some gold up front, no questions asked, might have turn out better. By trying to verify his situation, you come across as condescending, which in turn makes the person in question more likely to get defensive, which he did. Next time, try a different approach, preferably a less demeaning one.

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I remeber when you could ask some random guy for help or a lil gp and they would agree. Now they wont. I had nothing and took 2 hours to 1k gp.


Eh, depending on their approach, and if I'm not required to go out of my way, I'll usually give random players items that they ask for freely. Might help my karma some day.

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Ya like one time so random guy gave me free mithril because he saw me die recently and had an extra. Those were the days. Yesterday I saw a guy day So i repaired his gravestone. He came and saw it. Said whyd u repair it noob. and left. I was only being kind.

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I blame the government.




In all honesty not to sound like a hippy or anything but I think it's the way people are brought up these days with advertising and things. It's kinda upsetting, especially when you're just trying to help out.

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I blame the government.




In all honesty not to sound like a hippy or anything but I think it's the way people are brought up these days with advertising and things. It's kinda upsetting, especially when you're just trying to help out.








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I blame the government.




In all honesty not to sound like a hippy or anything but I think it's the way people are brought up these days with advertising and things. It's kinda upsetting, especially when you're just trying to help out.


I blame Political Correctness. It really has gotten the better of us isn't it?


Seeing all these debate programs (Bill O'Reily Show) is certainly enough to get one mad quickly.


You can thank MTV, poor education, and abuse to be the causes of today's degrading values. People really don't care, especially on a game where the competition can get pretty fierce.


We all wish we received better treatment, but on Runescape that just isn't going to happen.

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