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~~Newer Bank Of Runescape~~ **Updated again 05/15/09**


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I like this idea. Sometimes I lose items in my F2P bank even, hehe, I'm so unorganised. I fully support most of your ideas, probably needs slight adjustments, but add me to the support list.


89/99 farming

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wow, i totally agree :D

I say its time for some stat resets... who's with me!

Stat reset? :uhh: Noooooooo! *Grabs levels and hugs them* MIIINE! MIIINE! :ohnoes:

mmmm...... lol :p


Woow, Jagex made a typo, let's hate them now.
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I [bleep]ing love you! This page is [bleep]ing awesome man!


















(all threats contained were not actual threats.....please dont delete this account too....)



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this is a lot of effort you put into designing this idea and presenting it. probably the best presentation in the entire forum. much respect for that. i'm a strong advocate for bank organization. check out my guide in my sig




2 things i would comment on. 1st, even with a new bank page update, and everybody being able to use all the features youve described here, this could become a blessing as well as a nightmare for players. it will take a player hours to organize their bank in a way that works for them, with all the settings and options. of course, once it is set up in the right way, its a super-useful system. the reality is, it actually takes a lot less effort to sort the bank the way it is now, than to sort it in the new way. and most people that normally dont sort their bank currently, probably will find it a headache to use the new bank page




2nd, most of the ideas youve suggested are already possible with the way the bank currently is. its no problem to "lock" an item into place. just have a duplicate of the same item and when you withdraw 1 the space is held and the layout is preserved. with a "lock item" option, what happens if you want to insert something into your item list. take for instance the new monkfish that heal 16. say i have tuna, lobbies, swordies and sharks, raw and cooked, in that order, and all are locked. now i want to add monkfish between the swordies and sharks, since i sort them in order of value and health they restore. it means i have to unlock my sharks, and everything else that follows, bait, rods, harpoon, etc, then put the raw and cooked monkfishes in place and lock everything back into the new positions. once an item is locked, it wont move to make room for inserting other items. with the way the bank is currently, i just have to insert the monkfish where i need to, and everything else moves over. locking an item to a position would defeat the "insert" function, if i understand your idea correctly




personally, my bank is arranged in a way where i can find anything i need very easily, in a matter of seconds. most members who have been playing a while also organise their bank in a way that allows them to get what they need. those that dont organize their bank either dont have a lot of items, or simply dont care/lack the patience to sort their bank out properly. for them, this update will be no help.




i'm not shooting down your idea, because its truly brilliant. the problem isnt the idea, but the change in habits that people will have to adopt to make the most of your idea. thats not something you or even jagex can control. so just bear that in mind




if this does come out, be ready to make some long tutorials :lol: :wink:

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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