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aww what the hell! i send the 12 specials down to do another bombing run(with the breath atatcks you know, and the acid should survive the fall, its the fire im worried about)


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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How long until bows and arrows are done? The Kinder Gotten send out a ten man scouting party to the forest. Another scouting party looks to find domesticable animals.

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aww what the hell! i send the 12 specials down to do another bombing run(with the breath atatcks you know, and the acid should survive the fall, its the fire im worried about)


The specials do their bombing run, each killing ten or twenty soldiers. That doesn't even dent their numbers, which may number in the thousands.


How long until bows and arrows are done? The Kinder Gotten send out a ten man scouting party to the forest. Another scouting party looks to find domesticable animals.


There's a roll once yearly on that, but the average would probaly be a year. Do you want to scout for the forest nearby or the jungle to the east?



The scouting party find a group of pronghorns, which are difficult to domesticate but they are still much easier than most other things and provide many benefits. They also find a group of miniature horses too small to carry one of your people.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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... retech... if i roll a twenty, will it kill them? i continue to do the bombing runs, and look for the leader of the army, and try to kill him.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Some of the pronghorns and the miniature horses are taken back. Steps to domesticate each are taken (for the pronghorns more docile and for the miniature horses larger and more docile) The scouts go to the jungle in the east.

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... retech... if i roll a twenty, will it kill them? i continue to do the bombing runs, and look for the leader of the army, and try to kill him.


Nope. At most you'll kill 10% of their forces and delay them. Since I have to go now, you can just put your defensive plans into one post I'll look at for tomorrow.


Some of the pronghorns and the miniature horses are taken back. Steps to domesticate each are taken (for the pronghorns more docile and for the miniature horses larger and more docile) The scouts go to the jungle in the east.


The pronghorns and mini horses start to become more docile as a result of your peaceful tribe culture, though the enlargement efforts have so far failed. This will be treated like a research. (I'll reply to the jungle thing tommorow. Look out for the edit here)

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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i set more traps, and try to set fire to something in front of them, to scare them. i continue my raids.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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I am thinking of continued plotlines. One moment please.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Species Name: Hymenoptera Umbra

Tribal Name: Umbronia

Adult Population: 800

Child Population: 100




Name of God: Umbra

Attribute of God (God of ...): Darkness

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 1500

Holy Shrines: -

Temples: -

Monks: -

Universities: 1



Government Style: (Choose)

Annual Food Production: 1,000

Annual Food Consumption: 600

Creatures per unit of consumption: 1

Housing: Surplus


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: (choose)

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)





Species Name: The Scathe

Tribal Name: N/A

Adult Population: 10,000 Scathe (There are probaly more, but I'm lumping them into groups so we don't have one million troop armies)

Child Population: 1,000 Scathe




Name of God: Incabulos

Attribute of God (God of ...): Decay

Yearly Favor: 600

Total Favor: 1100

Holy Shrines: 1

Temples: 0

Monks: 0

Universities: 1

Researchers: -



Government Style: Hivemind Altruistic

Annual Food Production: 1000

Annual Food Consumption: 1000

Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 10

Food Stored: 200

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: 5,000 Scathes (You can lessen this when you want to settle down and start a society)

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)

Juggernaut: 1

Needlers: 20





Species Name: Kinder Gotten

Tribal Name: Licht

Adult Population: 800

Child Population: 250




Name of God: Abandoned

Attribute of God: N/A

Yearly Favor: 2000

Total Favor: 100

Holy Shrines: -

Temples: -

Monks: 100

University: 1

Researchers: 100

Fortress: 1


Government Style: Republic

Annual Food Production: 1500

Annual Food Consumption: 1500

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 1

Housing: Surplus


Armed Forces

Total Army Size: 200

Warrior Monks: 100

Nature Druids: 100






Species Name: Goa'uld

Tribal Name: Abydos

Adult Population: 300

Child Population: 10




Name of God: N/A

Attribute of God: N/A

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 0

Holy Shrines: 0

Temples: -

Monks: -


Fortress: 1


Government Style: Monarchy (what closer do you get to a "god" ruling?)

Annual Food Production: 750

Annual Food Consumption: 750

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 0.2

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size:






Species Name: Elementals

Tribal Name: N/A

Adult Population: 75

Child Population: 10




Name of God: Elemental Pantheon

Attribute of God (God of ...): Multiple

Yearly Favor: 500

Total Favor: 5500

Holy Shrines: 1

Temples: -

Monks: -


Government Style: Matriarchal Despotism

Annual Food Production: 550

Annual Food Consumption: 550

Number of Creatures per Unit of Consumption: 0.1

Housing: Adequate


Armed Forces

Total Army Size:

(Below is various numbers of each kind of soldier)






Population growth is steady, but the large beasts rampage further into your farming communities.




Your Scathes have dug through to the space under the city, and are now able to surface at almost any point in the city (try to give a description of where you are surfacing, maybe a damp area or a cultivated area, etc)




Your tribe receives many refugees from the Second Goa'uld war that is progressing.




The enemy army is coming into sight of your mountain, and will attack shortly. They seem to be of a single race: dodo.




Some local nature druids join your ranks, and part of the old generation of children come of age, ready to be of service. The bows and arrows (basic) have been completed, but slings are still better for the moment, until your people gain experience using bows.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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... you have got to be kidding me. ive been fighting DODO BIRDS??? meh. i do the boming runs again, and try to cause a couple boulders to fall and crush them.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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The pronghorns are being attempted tamed.


The Pronghorns seem divinely blessed, and it will require the removal of the godly presence to tame them. However, the god seems rather weak and easy to...persuasion.


... you have got to be kidding me. ive been fighting DODO BIRDS??? meh. i do the boming runs again, and try to cause a couple boulders to fall and crush them.


The bombing runs are as successful as they could possibly be, and dozens of dodos are crushed by boulders. However, there seem to be far too many of them. The path which they traveled on seems stripped of life, a lovely decaying mess. They begin their assualt with their first wave, and are easily repulsed. They seem to be testing your defences.


The Scathe surface in basements and under houses. They will then reproduce until there are enough to infect the city.


The Scathe surface in said places, but quickly find themselves in trouble. The rooms are impeccably clean, and there doesn't seem to be any organic matter inside. Maybe growing inside those rooms isn't the best option. There are many inhabitants above though, and the caves you dug with acid are beginning to fill up with a variety of life.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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retech... i hate you. so much... i try to send a wave of elemental breath attacks, more boulders, and other such things down the hill.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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retech... i hate you. so much... i try to send a wave of elemental breath attacks, more boulders, and other such things down the hill.


Okay, think about this carefully. I said there was a really large line of soldiers. I'm not counting their casualties. Your successful attacks have done nothing. They gobbled up everything in their path. I think I'm hinting at something.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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.... oh god, are these more death and ecay bastards?... i set fire to the line of decay behind them.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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.... oh god, are these more death and ecay bastards?... i set fire to the line of decay behind them.


I gave a big hint though. Think about why China can't just send a billion soldiers over the border to Russia and wipe them out.


The Scathe burst out all around the city, taking control of anything nearby, and using them to kill anything else nearby. The scathe continue to flood up from the caves.


The Scathe burst out and take control of the first quadrant of the city, the industrial center of the city. A city guard clad in golden armor and various weapons rush towards your forces. Your commanders are unsure what would happen if you fought them, but they know that if you ran away, you would escape with no casualties.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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?.... i got nothing


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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you aint making no sense retech.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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wait i think i have it. change my action to i send my greens to regrow the land behind the dodos. if this dont work, then i am screwed.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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