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falconry botters


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@ Howbadisbad


Your last assumption makes me realise you have no idea why the trade limits were implemented and I'm not gonna get into that argument once more, it's been said too many times on these boards already.

Remember, a survey showed that 10% of the playerbase is interested in PVP.... not enough to make a huge change in cashflow for Jagex.


40k subscribers is alot. <-- the estimated ammount that quit


And they might not be interested in pvp now because pvp is stupid and has EP with random drops that inflate the economy.


The Pay to Pk Riot is, to date, the longest riot, having gone on for roughly 7 straight days, not including its brief revival on January 2nd through 4th.


It is estimated that Jagex lost about 30,000-40,000 paying members (and a lot of more F2P players) because of this. Soon after the riots were over, very rarely one could see more than 180,000 players online.


Not many people interested or dedicated. Yep.


Don't forget that a lot of those would have been bots.

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The Pay to Pk Riot is, to date, the longest riot, having gone on for roughly 7 straight days, not including its brief revival on January 2nd through 4th.


It is estimated that Jagex lost about 30,000-40,000 paying members (and a lot of more F2P players) because of this. Soon after the riots were over, very rarely one could see more than 180,000 players online.


Not many people interested or dedicated. Yep.


A good proportion of those members and the resulting player reduction were also botters who quit within the next few months, and the removal of free trade probably lost even more members. And you also have to look at that number relatively. I think there were something like a million subscribers at the end of 2007, so 40 thousand, while quite a huge drop for a series of updates, was only 4% of the total players, not even considering possible alternate accounts that would be considered one person.

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@ SirHartlar an AlexRose


Howbadisbad considers Bots to be regular players that have the same rights and impact than any other player, so don't expect that your explanations to have an effect on his stance.



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@ SirHartlar an AlexRose


Howbadisbad considers Bots to be regular players that have the same rights and impact than any other player, so don't expect that your explanations to have an effect on his stance.


We were discussing the impact the Late 2007 updates had, not whether botting was right or wrong. Sure, it was a tangent off that subject, but in this case his personal views are irrelevant to the current discussion at hand.

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@ SirHartlar an AlexRose


Howbadisbad considers Bots to be regular players that have the same rights and impact than any other player, so don't expect that your explanations to have an effect on his stance.


We were discussing the impact the Late 2007 updates had, not whether botting was right or wrong. Sure, it was a tangent off that subject, but in this case his personal views are irrelevant to the current discussion at hand.


Whether or not some of those were bots the effect on Jagex's income is the same.


I think there were something like a million subscribers at the end of 2007, so 40 thousand, while quite a huge drop for a series of updates, was only 4% of the total players, not even considering possible alternate accounts that would be considered one person.


Addiction is a terrible thing, without it I would have quit long ago tbh. For some the update overcame their addiction and they quit.


And losing 4% of your subscribers in that amount of time is something worthy of a medal.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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Maybe we should all bot something to 99 then discuss whether botting is good or bad....


I bet alot would change their minds....

This thread would be dead in the few months it would take me to do that, so I'll have to go with my imagination.


I think my opinion on botting would be fairly neutral, yet leaning on the negative. On one hand I would have a nice level and funds to raise other levels, but on the other hand my account would no longer be a result of things that I have done with it.


The problem is, I personally don't play for the destination of high skills and a lot of gp, I play for the road to high skills and a lot of gp. That's why botting isn't for me.


My opinion still leans on the negative because of the botters themselves. They could have gone on a private server and given themselves the skills, gp and items they wanted since breaking rules is not a problem to them. Instead they chose to come into RS, mess around with the economy, steal training spots from legit players and in general be a group that lessens the enjoyment of, and doesn't care about, other players.


And yet again, you sound like you botted your levels. I never used bots and never wish I had used them. I play this game to have fun and when a bot gets in my way, I hate it. I never wanted to be a p-mod but I find myself wanting that status more and more everyday to weed out the bad seeds. But that would be a temporary solution...there needs to be harsher punishment for cheaters.


And you sound like you are jealous of those who did = Stalemate there


For a near maxed player liek you, bots should never get in your way, only help you as item prices are cheaper because of bots.


Jagex needs their subscription money atm so they don't perm ban.

I'd say that both of you have wrong here. To me, Langer sounds like he plays because he enjoys the sense of achievement while howbadisbad sounds like he plays because he enjoys the various activities of the game for themselves.




And it helps us because prices go lower. (Paying 9k for a Dbone ftl?)


But really, if you are sad because people got the same 99 as you, but were able to socially interact with other people irl and you weren't, just cry. You should be happy for them because they did something fun while you sat there and did your daily grind. Then later they did something fun with their botted skills like you did with your legit trained skills, except they got to have fun while they trained to get to the point where they could have fun on Runscape.


Its a game, if someone has better pixles than you but got it with less work, that is your choice not to do the same thing as them. So cry.

Just like if someone got an arma hilt drop and you cut yews for that much cash which took you much longer, and you complain that that is unfair, cry.

You raise a lot of good points with your posts, but you could work on coming off a little less ... spiteful.


Yes, Dragon bones and red chinchompas would cost more without botters, but that would also mean that there was a lot more variety in efficient training methods as babydragon bones/ectoing and grey chinchompas would become cost effective for players with lower incomes. Sure, I wouldn't have 23k dbones in my bank right now, but I'm sure I would have come up with something else to do with my gp. I like the idea of an economy where the prices of goods in the game are set as a result of supply and demand from people instead of supply and demand from machines. That's why I'm playing RS instead of TES IV: Oblivion.


Jagex doesn't and never did care about botters. The only reason Jagex did anything was because the credit companies put pressure on them to deal with the credit fraud brought by the foreign sweatshops. Jagex's removal of free trade made it pointless for the gold farmers to bot, so we saw a drastic drop in the amount of bots in-game. Some of the bots now might still be gold farmers who are just using bots to do their power-leveling services, but I'd venture to say that many of the botters are just lazy people who would rather watch TV and come back to level 90 hunter than actually earn their levels.


We'll said, this basically sums up all these botting threads. Jagex will not step in until they see a drastic influx of real world trading that affects their profits as a company.

Jagex did at least at some point care about bots. The anti-bot measures taken during early RSC are evidence of it (mass autoer ban of december 2002 for example). However, nowadays it seems that short term monetary gains seem to be gaining importance even in the more customer focused gaming companies (look at what battle.net 2 is becoming). In the end it all depends on where the shareholders and upper management want this game to be in the short and long term.


I hope that Jagex tries to keep this game going and growing no matter if it takes a few difficult decisions to make. I think that the people making the 2007 updates should be proud of weeding out both IRL and in-game rule breakers, but the new temp bans seem to suggest they aren't.


Also, aren't falconry botters just red chin botters in training? That's what I've always thought and the price graph of red chins has always been suspicious.

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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.

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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.


Shouldn't Jagex reward players for being active and having a more diverse set of activities? It seems counter-inuitive to make the straightfoward method more rewarding.

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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.


Shouldn't Jagex reward players for being active and having a more diverse set of activities? It seems counter-inuitive to make the straightfoward method more rewarding.


I don't trust Jamflex to come up with intuitive things atm. To many epic fails recently that Jamflex should clean up before working on new stuff.


@ Zimbu


I sound spiteful when I get "into" an argument. Soz.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.






Althought my love for sc was smashed to bits like the millions of oak doors I made for 99 Con

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.






Althought my love for sc was smashed to bits like the millions of oak doors I made for 99 Con


Or like your team by the endless flow of C5 Dagger 1itemers. :thumbup:


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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Although I hate botters and will never do it myself, I think Ring World's arguments are pretty valid. Of course a boring skill doesn't justify botting, but the fact that so many people afk certain skills, and welcome new afk'able additions (living rocks for instance), says something. I personally like playing intense, so I wouldn't mind other, more active options for skills. They could balance it out nicely by making the most "boring" way, a little faster. (so not like pyramid plunder, that's a bit overpowered).


SC and Barbarian assault horn are EXCELLENT steps in that direction. I personally love SC, heck, I'm not even playing it for points lately.


Shouldn't Jagex reward players for being active and having a more diverse set of activities? It seems counter-inuitive to make the straightfoward method more rewarding.


I don't trust Jamflex to come up with intuitive things atm. To many epic fails recently that Jamflex should clean up before working on new stuff.


@ Zimbu


I sound spiteful when I get "into" an argument. Soz.


Jamflex? Really?


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This thread sure is interesting. Time to post my own opinion on it.


I personally dont like people using bots. And its not because I get less xp in X time its because botters refuse to work for a standard/achievement ingame, and just take the easy route. Which leads to the simple statement: its their choice to choose that route. If people want to bot and get, lets say, 99 magic easily, fine. I chose the hard way, I trained it using plank make. I was really happy, and actually proud of my achievement I can imagine that someone who botted it doesnt really have reached an achievement, seeing as they havent worked for it. Everybody remembers Its not about the destination, its about the journey. It basically says you gain the most experience during the journey to your goal.


I also fail to see why other people should take real offence to botting. If player chooses to bot let him. He only hurts himself. I also dont see why bots hurt the economy they bring in extra supplies, which helps everybody except DIYers because prices will drop. I can only think of people who, lets say mine rune rocks for cash who has competion of botters. Yes, thats a problem. But there are always better ways to make money. Ive never seen a bot monster hunting.


Also why would Jagex care? They arent hurting the community, and they bring in money. Even if just 1% of the players are botting, I know my company wouldnt ban them if they arent hurting anyone. Money is money. The only reason that they actually made a rule for it is to prevent everyone from using a bot. Its like the Dutch system for drugs. The government officially does not allow it to have drugs, however, you wont get a fine/arrested if they catch you having or using drugs if you just use a small amount. This is what I think Jagex is doing. Officially forbidden, but if you bot a bit, you will get away with no/barely any problems.



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l*vid of botter*

Ultra secret pro hax


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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l*vid of botter*

I usually use the green drags near stealing creation when I'm killing them, there's rarely any more than 2 people on a dragon.

shhhh don't tell anyone about them, the cool kids don't want crowds


[hide=drops]10 black masks, 39 dragon boots, 21 whip, 9 dark bow, 7 dragon legs, 8 mauls, 3 dragon left half, 2 dragon spear, 2 hexcrest, 1 kbd heads, 10 dragon med, 2 R ammy, 2 granite legs, 1 bandos boots , 1 bandos hilt , 1 bandos chestplate, 1 saradomin sword(ls), 2 dragon claws(ls)(solo)[/hide]

[hide=Viralaether's guide to Mac use]1) take your mac

2) drop it off your roof

3) ??????

4) Profit![/hide]1/7/9 quest cape ||| 5/6/9 all diaries ||| 7/14/9 300 rank MA ||| 4998th to 99 summoning on 2/27/10

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More proof Jamflex needs their Gp's


When you try to log into a world as a f2p you get a message saying buy membs




Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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More proof Jamflex needs their Gp's


When you try to log into a world as a f2p you get a message saying buy membs




Lol now you're just trolling!



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More proof Jamflex needs their Gp's


When you try to log into a world as a f2p you get a message saying buy membs




Lol now you're just trolling!


Nah I remember bringing up that Jamflex didn't perm ban bots anymore because they needed their gp's.


There are a lot of recent events that validate that statement.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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l*vid of botter*

Ultra secret pro hax

shhhh don't tell anyone about them, the cool kids don't want crowds


Oh. Nothing to see here, move along


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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