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is anyone elses?

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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damn it jagex <_<

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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Forums, highscores, Adventure Logs, Account Creation, Friends lists and Clan Chats are all down. Server probably exploded or something :P


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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My friends list is working fine, but everything else isnt.

99 fletching achieved 09/04/08 99 defence achieved 08/31/09 99 smithing achieved 07/25/10
99 attack achieved 03/11/10 99 constitution achieved 05/14/11
99 strength achieved 06/01/11 99 cooking achieved 01/17/12
99 woodcutting achieved 05/10/12 99 firemaking achieved 05/10/12

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Forums are down for both WoL and FunOrb, as well. The fl and ignore list are down for funorb (I was able to log into a multiplayer game though), and you can't log in to WoL. Seems like quite an issue, or perhaps they're doing maintenance or something.

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They are making acorns 500k each!


Nooooes! I has gainz0rd -51m exp this week :o


If they made acorns 500k each, I would be a happy man. I've been collecting acorns since I became a member, lol. Currently have like 3.1k

Too bad that'd never happen :(

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if they rollback ima be mad. I just got zerker hatchet hatchet 2.5ing -.-

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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I feel so alone now.


Me too.. I hate FM now (I can't talk).


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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I feel so alone now.

Supporter of Zaros | Quest Cape owner since 22 may 2010 | No skills below 99 | Total level 2595 | Completionist Cape owner since 17th June 2013 | Suggestions

99 summoning (18th June 2011, previously untrimmed) | 99 farming (14th July 2011) | 99 prayer (8th September 2011) | 99 constitution (10th September 2011) | 99 dungeoneering (15th November 2011)

99 ranged (28th November 2011) | 99 attack, 99 defence, 99 strength (11th December 2011) | 99 slayer (18th December 2011) | 99 magic (22nd December 2011) | 99 construction (16th March 2012)

99 herblore (22nd March 2012) | 99 firemaking (26th March 2012) | 99 cooking (2nd July 2012) | 99 runecrafting (12th March 2012) | 99 crafting (26th August 2012) | 99 agility (19th November 2012)

99 woodcutting (22nd November 2012) | 99 fletching (31st December 2012) | 99 thieving (3rd January 2013) | 99 hunter (11th January 2013) | 99 mining (21st January 2013) | 99 fishing (21st January 2013)

99 smithing (21st January 2013) | 120 dungeoneering (17th June 2013) | 99 divination (24th November 2013)

Tormented demon drops: twenty effigies, nine pairs of claws, two dragon armour slices and one elite clue | Dagannoth king drops: two dragon hatchets, two elite clues, one archer ring and one warrior ring

Glacor drops: four pairs of ragefire boots, one pair of steadfast boots, six effigies, two hundred lots of Armadyl shards, three elite clues | Nex split: Torva boots | Kalphite King split: off-hand drygore mace

30/30 Shattered Heart statues completed | 16/16 Court Cases completed | 25/25 Choc Chimp Ices delivered | 500/500 Vyrewatch burned | 584/584 tasks completed | 4000/4000 chompies hunted

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This happens quite often. It's just the servers that host logs, hiscores, and friends list/clan chats are down. I'm sure they will be back up this evening at the latest.


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I agree im enjoying the DKs in w64.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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um.... so why hasn't jagex made a post, or even a tweet, about this? I'm sure they are trying to fix it, but why not let us know whats going on here?

Life is short. Eat dessert first.

I am never wrong. Once, I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

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um.... so why hasn't jagex made a post, or even a tweet, about this? I'm sure they are trying to fix it, but why not let us know whats going on here?


Probably because at this time of night there aren't a huge amount of JagEx staff at work, only those who do the night shift so they're probably busy trying to fix the problem...hopefully :lol:


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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