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Animal is Skinned Alive!


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This is how we get the fur for those expensive fur coats








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Note: the animal is alive throughout the whole process.




Note: they cannot kill the animal before they skin it or they could damage the fur.

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Ack, the video seemed a bit inappropriate to me. Way too graphic. (I didn't watch it, but I know what it's like, and it's scary.)








You can discuss animal rights and the fact that we use them as clothing here- but please, no graphic videos or images. :)


Retired tip.it moderator.

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For people who didn't see the video yet:








Market stale in an asian country, badger-ish kind of animals on the ground (alive). Man takes badger, swings it to the ground. Badger is just merely confused, and is actually still alive. Man takes knife, cuts in the belly of the animal (not deeper than where the fur ends) and rips it off. Animal is still alive, bleeding like a pig, and is thrown on a cart with dozens of other skinned animals. They just have an awful lot of pain, and are still alive.








Brutal stuff. Really bothers me those men don't kill the badger immidiately with a hammer or another blunt object. Just a throw towards the floor.

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For people who didn't see the video yet:








Market stale in an asian country, badger-ish kind of animals on the ground (alive). Man takes badger, swings it to the ground. Badger is just merely confused, and is actually still alive. Man takes knife, cuts in the belly of the animal (not deeper than where the fur ends) and rips it off. Animal is still alive, bleeding like a pig, and is thrown on a cart with dozens of other skinned animals. They just have an awful lot of pain, and are still alive.








Brutal stuff. Really bothers me those men don't kill the badger immidiately with a hammer or another blunt object. Just a throw towards the floor.




That is rather sick. But one part of that post I found funny.

bleeding like a pig
I have never heard "bleeding like a pig" before, care to explain?




I am very agains't animal cruelty, but I am not against the skinning of animals that have been killed quickly.

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Human kind has skinned animals for thousands of years. Other humans are suffering all the time and now we are here crying for an animal that probably went to a shock pretty fast and didn't even feel anything after that.








Btw I find it rather funny that it seems to be ok to kill a snake for example, but killing an animal with a fur is brutal. We seem to judge it by the looks of the animal.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Human kind has skinned animals for thousands of years. Other humans are suffering all the time and now we are here crying for an animal that probably went to a shock pretty fast and didn't even feel anything after that.








Btw I find it rather funny that it seems to be ok to kill a snake for example, but killing an animal with a fur is brutal. We seem to judge it by the looks of the animal.








Snakes get killed for skin aswell. Obviously this topic isn't about the killing of the animal for fur, it's the way they handle things that is bad. And I don't see why we shouldn't care for other living creatures other than ourselves, and nobody is crying. When somebody throws your computer out of the window you get mad at them too, right? I bet you don't think of the millions of hungry people suffering from AIDS at that moment and the next hours, maybe days. And then it's only a computer, it doesn't even have feeling.








Skinning is okay, but it should be done properly instead of this way.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Snakes get killed for skin aswell. Obviously this topic isn't about the killing of the animal for fur, it's the way they handle things that is bad. And I don't see why we shouldn't care for other living creatures other than ourselves, and nobody is crying. When somebody throws your computer out of the window you get mad at them too, right? I bet you don't think of the millions of hungry people suffering from AIDS at that moment and the next hours, maybe days. And then it's only a computer, it doesn't even have feeling.








Skinning is okay, but it should be done properly instead of this way.








When have you seen a video of a snake being brutally killed and then people have cried about it at internet? For me nature is a really important thing and it shouldn't be hurt, but I find it rather funny how we only care when an animal with fur and big eyes get tortured. I don't think it suffered any more than those bugs you poison. Yet you care about that animal and not about those bugs.








And to be honest, I couldn't care less about people suffering from AIDS or hunger at Africa. That's what overpopulation gets you, it's just a good thing that we get rid of "few" people. I wrote a bit bigger essay of it at some thread, but can't find it atm.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Oh my god........thats horrible........What kind of freak would actually wear something that they took from a living creature like you and I, and then wear it!!!!!!!



Ahrim has huge thighs?
Lego's would be a nice addition to Construction. ^_^



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Oh my god........thats horrible........What kind of freak would actually wear something that they took from a living creature like you and I, and then wear it!!!!!!!








To who did you point that?



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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When have you seen a video of a snake being brutally killed and then people have cried about it at internet? For me nature is a really important thing and it shouldn't be hurt, but I find it rather funny how we only care when an animal with fur and big eyes get tortured. I don't think it suffered any more than those bugs you poison. Yet you care about that animal and not about those bugs.








And to be honest, I couldn't care less about people suffering from AIDS or hunger at Africa. That's what overpopulation gets you, it's just a good thing that we get rid of "few" people. I wrote a bit bigger essay of it at some thread, but can't find it atm.








I haven't maybe they just aren't there? Maybe they are there, but on other fora. I don't think you should see this as a protest specifically against this animal, but more as animal skinning in a whole. And I think there is a difference between the bugs we poisen for 'healthier' food (not pers̮̩̉̉ healthier, we eat biological food at home) and an animal brutally skinned because a rich woman/man wants to show off to her friends at a party. And the second part, I don't agree with that but that's not what the topic is about (so let's not get into that), it was merely an example.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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you'd think they could just inject the animal or somethin, make it not suffer..








I pretty sure they can but just choose not to bother


Since 27 Aug 2002

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i dont see why it has to be alive, but i guess if thats how they want to do it... theres got to be a ton of ways to kill it without hurting the fur, even a little cut shouldnt hurt it that much. when me and my dad skin deer we kind of just close the hole and sew it together, and you couldnt even tell there was a hole there.



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Yeah, it's horrible the way they do it. I can't believe how people can just cut an animal open and then tear off its skin.








It is true that we value animals based on how they look. Like someone said that we don't care about killing insects, but to kill a dog is a horrible crime.


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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