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End of the World :|


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I don't really believe in it, but a little background on the Mayans... They were a race from Mexico and Central America, they did math too. They had a calendar and did mathematical predictions to predict solar eclipses, full moons, and celestial things, and they predicted even through current times. Their predictions have been off only by seconds, which by any means is pretty amazing considering they did this a couple thousand years ago.








They also predict that the world will end in December, 2012. They don't see it as a bad end, but a good one where the people of earth will pretty much see something they've never seen before and will be forever enlightened. The actual day in December isn't certain, some think the 12th (12/12/2012), some think the 21st (Winter solstace), and others think the 23rd, but I don't know why.








If the world does end in my lifetime, I can only hope that it's spectacular. But what am I going to do about it anyway? :P

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The Mayans have a temple which has a giant calendar on it. The calendar is very similar to ours. It begins at a certain time on one wall and then continues onto the other (the place where it stops is thought to be important, though I can't remember why). The second half of the calendar stops at 2012, where the Mayans predict the world will end.








Magnetic poles are know to switch sides on average between 100 000 - 150 000 years. It is a fact. Whats also a fact, is that it hasnt happened for the last 480 000 years.








Riddle Me this...




a) how did we know it happened back then








B) how do we know thatit happens ever 100,000-150,000 years if we dont know that it happened








c)who ever said anything about the mayans being smart??? i dont see them on this earth anymore...








The reason they didn't predict and prevent their demise is because if they predicted it to happen and they stopped it then they didn't predict a damn thing.If you could see the future and you change it so it turned out differently then you didn't see anything but crap, did you?

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Riddle Me this...




a) how did we know it happened back then








B) how do we know thatit happens ever 100,000-150,000 years if we dont know that it happened








c)who ever said anything about the mayans being smart??? i dont see them on this earth anymore...








You have to be the most ignorant person I've ever met.

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But after it all, when you're sitting off in heaven, hell, purgatory, reincarnation or eternal nothingness, you can think/say: "Hey, I was there when Earth was destroyed".




Lmao :lol:








Lol crazy Mexicans :lol:

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But after it all, when you're sitting off in heaven, hell, purgatory, reincarnation or eternal nothingness, you can think/say: "Hey, I was there when Earth was destroyed".




Lmao :lol:








Lol crazy Mexicans :lol:








Hey! Watch your mouth! :evil: :cry:

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crazy things going on..... I don't want the world to end yet. Let it end in the year ermmmmmmmmmmm how about 5 billion years from today when our sun starts to die.








June 6, 2006 scares me kinda, 2012 - i dunno... 2019 an asteroid might hit, which has the strength to take a single continent down. 2036 a huge asteroid will impact on Earth. 2008, people saying Russians are gonna launch nuclear missiles on us, which we'll retaliate hitting them back, which those missiles will also hit Canada and that the war will last on til 2012 where it finally stops.

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June 6, 2006 scares me kinda, 2012 - i dunno... 2019 an asteroid might hit, which has the strength to take a single continent down. 2036 a huge asteroid will impact on Earth. 2008, people saying Russians are gonna launch nuclear missiles on us, which we'll retaliate hitting them back, which those missiles will also hit Canada and that the war will last on til 2012 where it finally stops.








Yeah, yeah! And...and then a cyborg will pop out of the Atlantic Ocean and throw 400lb pigs at us until we're all crushed to death.

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June 6, 2006 scares me kinda, 2012 - i dunno... 2019 an asteroid might hit, which has the strength to take a single continent down. 2036 a huge asteroid will impact on Earth. 2008, people saying Russians are gonna launch nuclear missiles on us, which we'll retaliate hitting them back, which those missiles will also hit Canada and that the war will last on til 2012 where it finally stops.








Yeah, yeah! And...and then a cyborg will pop out of the Atlantic Ocean and throw 400lb pigs at us until we're all crushed to death.








Not after the animal rights activists catch word of that he won't...


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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The Mayans got lazy, they already made the calendar out for 300 years why bother writing the next 300? They could do that when it was needed or so me thinks.








Apophis is an Egyption snake god that lives in the underworld. If you're worried about him then you should also be praying to Horus and Amen-Ra and all those other Egyption gods. :roll:








As for the magnetic pole switch, that may happen but I fail to see how we would all die :/ Humans aren't affected by magnetism in any way. I have been in a MRI which is a electromagnic of insane power and I was unaffected. If the weak force of the poles switch how would that kill us? Put a large magnet on your head then switch it's poles. I'm pretty sure you won't die.

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As for the magnetic pole switch, that may happen but I fail to see how we would all die :/ Humans aren't affected by magnetism in any way. I have been in a MRI which is a electromagnic of insane power and I was unaffected. If the weak force of the poles switch how would that kill us? Put a large magnet on your head then switch it's poles. I'm pretty sure you won't die.








erhm i was watching on the discovery channel one night, and i beleive that magnetic shift either changed the planets rotation, or flips it around, which coould make dramatid climate changes and so on. making it so that it snows in the sieharra* (spelling) desert, and dry in the rainforests, killing all the ecosystems, destroying the food chain blah blah.. over all im guessing it would be bad (in layemans terms) we'd be *'d up yes?

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As for the magnetic pole switch, that may happen but I fail to see how we would all die :/ Humans aren't affected by magnetism in any way. I have been in a MRI which is a electromagnic of insane power and I was unaffected. If the weak force of the poles switch how would that kill us? Put a large magnet on your head then switch it's poles. I'm pretty sure you won't die.








erhm i was watching on the discovery channel one night, and i beleive that magnetic shift either changed the planets rotation, or flips it around, which coould make dramatid climate changes and so on. making it so that it snows in the sieharra* (spelling) desert, and dry in the rainforests, killing all the ecosystems, destroying the food chain blah blah.. over all im guessing it would be bad (in layemans terms) we'd be *'d up yes?








That sounds much more like what would happen if the earth changed it's axis, not whether north was south or south was north.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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As for the magnetic pole switch, that may happen but I fail to see how we would all die :/ Humans aren't affected by magnetism in any way. I have been in a MRI which is a electromagnic of insane power and I was unaffected. If the weak force of the poles switch how would that kill us? Put a large magnet on your head then switch it's poles. I'm pretty sure you won't die.








erhm i was watching on the discovery channel one night, and i beleive that magnetic shift either changed the planets rotation, or flips it around, which coould make dramatid climate changes and so on. making it so that it snows in the sieharra* (spelling) desert, and dry in the rainforests, killing all the ecosystems, destroying the food chain blah blah.. over all im guessing it would be bad (in layemans terms) we'd be *'d up yes?








That sounds much more like what would happen if the earth changed it's axis, not whether north was south or south was north.
















i also seen something on tv about the megnetosphere around the earth that protects us from solar rays or some kind of cosmic radiation type stuff, and it showed an animation of the rays hitting the magnetosphere and deflecting most of it, and if the magneticfeild (or magnetosphere) got messed up it could cause corruption and let more, of the radiation in causing bad things to happed, possible cancer, climate changes ect.. also one of the things it deflects is solar flares, which emit electrical magnetic impulses (emp) which can mess up satelites and elecrtronics, and if it went all the way through to the earth could cause corruption in cities. also you can see this stuff in the sky as the northern and southern lights.. :P

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i doubt it but according to my fait (christianity) it can not be raised as believabble but can spark a little bit of attention as there is lots of speculation with the tribulation and all in 2006 and 2012 is 6-7 years later which is how long the tribulation lasts and according to the bible will be the apoclypse.








Definitely saying i dont believe it as its loads of bull as also what i believe is no one knows when it will be. But it is interesting to read about such stuff whether true or not. It can make you ponder on it for a minute at least.








Just wondering if you have any other sources

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By this http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast15feb_1.htm the suns magnetic poles have flipped, and will do it again in 2012.




It does it every 11 years did you know that? and Earth does it to every couple of hundred of thousand years. The only people that need fear are creationists and everyone else who thinks the earth or life is less than 10,000 years old.

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I heard about this a while back when I saw a tv show about Mayans. Don't think it'll happen, I mean, look what happened to them (they all died a long time ago).








Clearly they could predict the future so well that none of them are alive.

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Guest mmortalone

BBC on the "supervolcano" in yellowstone








The BBC recently estimated the force of a possible Yellowstone eruption in the following colorful terms: "It will explode again with the unimaginable force of a thousand Hiroshima bombs per second... And the eruption will last for days."
















in my view, this has a much bigger chance(though still very small) than the world exploding.....or whatever apocalyptic event you people are predicting








saw a nova on supervolcanoes, scared half my class out of their skins

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i vote people who dont know wth theyre talking about not speak, k?








mayans civilization is not still around... descendants of their heritage are however.... roman civilization isnt around any more... oh snap they must have been stupid too! whoever said the thing about changing the future is exactly right... think nostradamus... he knew the exact night he was going to die but didnt change it, because then he would not have predicted a thing... and the mayans calander could be something as trivial as us finally completing a spacestation and moving off the earth...but the poles changing is most likely..*this refers to whoever said the earth changing axis* the center of the earth is a large metal ball solid or not, it is affected by the gravitational and magnetic pull of the sun... if it wher to revers we would either








A. shoot off into space




B. rotate the opposite way causing climate destruction




C. be sucked into the sun








the suns rays coming through the ozone layer as a result of the magnosphere going into chaos is also possible... the mayans predicted we would see something magnificent and awe inspiring as we die... the suns rays multiplpied by hundreds would be quite bright and seem 'heavenly' for a bit...and as for as your creationist remark....lets not bring religion into this... 90% of the people who bring up religiopn usually have no clue what theyre talking about... and well you dont seem like a 10% kind of guy



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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By this http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast15feb_1.htm the suns magnetic poles have flipped, and will do it again in 2012.




It does it every 11 years did you know that? and Earth does it to every couple of hundred of thousand years. The only people that need fear are creationists and everyone else who thinks the earth or life is less than 10,000 years old.








I've heard of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and found out afew years ago the suns magnetic poles had flipped. The article explains what happens linking the 2 together

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