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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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Wow stupidest thing ever: challenge of the day being to have 10 kills with launchers. Played a couple of game, and they were full of campers with launchers. Decided not to play tonight after 2 games. Hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow with everyone being the type of players they usually are (half rushers, the other half playing more defensively but not camping).

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Wow stupidest thing ever: challenge of the day being to have 10 kills with launchers. Played a couple of game, and they were full of campers with launchers. Decided not to play tonight after 2 games. Hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow with everyone being the type of players they usually are (half rushers, the other half playing more defensively but not camping).


Yeah its ridiculous to have a challange like that, One time it was get a direct impact with grenade luancher...


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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Just testing with this decent-ish clip I got. Too bad the quality is awful. Oh well. This is PC, by the way.

[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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most of them losses are from the shit ass match making system putting me in games where my team is down by 100+ in dom, or a shit tone of kills in kc / tdm, making me rage quit


and ofcourse, even tho the enemy team has 1/2 spots open i never get in one of them, i always get on the team getting shit on


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most of them losses are from the shit ass match making system putting me in games where my team is down by 100+ in dom, or a shit tone of kills in kc / tdm, making me rage quit


and ofcourse, even tho the enemy team has 1/2 spots open i never get in one of them, i always get on the team getting shit on

Yeah it keeps happening to me too, but I still managed to keep a win/loss ration of 0.98.

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the are going to

also, why are lmgs like 85% run speed or somthing, yet snipers are 100% (cept for barrett) make all snipers move slower


inb4 flamed for [bleep]ing


Also smg's should have speed prof. They are there to rush so make then better at it.


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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Up to 7 members for my elite clan. Looking for more so we can do challenges when [bleep]ing beachhead rolls them out. We're still accepting non premium and premium members. One more founder will push us to level 5 clan which unlocks custom ingame titles.


If you're interested in joining just sign up at elite.callofduty.com and send me a message here with your ingame name or send me a message on xbox and i'll invite you to join.


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does an enemy with assasin (or blind eye) stop the dom announcer telling you when a flag of yours if getting capped if that enemy is capping it? like ghost did in blops


i never hear it being called out and i dont really pay attention to the flashing A,B or C :\


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I had the most amazing game, but it's also the most weird game I've had


So I'm playing on Seatown, and I'm running in the alleyways killing people and I get on a huge kill streak


25 kills in, I see a 25 kill streak, and It was like a mini nuke, but it didn't end the game, it just made the screen orange and it killed the whole team


I didn't know nukes existed in Modern Warfare 3 O_o


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That's a MOAB, Mother of All Bombs.


It's basically a "hidden" killstreak only achievable after a 25 killstreak without using your other killstreaks to help.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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That's a MOAB, Mother of All Bombs.

I believe the actual meaning is something along the lines of Massive Ordnance Air Burst, but yeah.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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