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Another secret update?


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I usualy theive cakes from adrounge then use the lever to get to the wildy so i can train agility but today i noticed that i was not eating as fast as i used to. is this new? i used to be able to eat cakes about as fast as a dagger hits but today a guy decided to kill me with a dagger and i was eating at half the normal speed. insted of being able to eat all 3 slices and use the next obsicle i was barly able to eat 2 slices between hits.

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if everyone gets it at the same time then its not lag.








anywho, ya eating is alot slower now. maybe jagex wants us to have table maners now. lol

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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ya thats right. Pking might become easier if table manners are increased. Well I might not be in the wilderness in a long time then.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Yes, its true that cake heals the same amount as lobsters, but takes a longer time to eat the whole thing. While lobsters just take one bite. But irl, lobsters are cooler than cake.








Yes but you must see these things:








1) The cakes are almost free.








2) We don't really care if its a 3-bite or 1-bite food. We have all the time in the world. During agility, we'd prefer o heal 4hp or 8hp after each obstacle instead of eating 12hp after two obstacles.



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