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The community is getting really bad


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I kind of like the mean idiots on runescape. They make me feel good about myself. Meeting a few of those people has actually made my day a few times. They're a great laugh. I especially love the ones that insult you and laugh at you for no reason, only to ask for your help a few minutes later. I get that a lot when I'm out doing recently released quests.








Shadow of the Storm Quest-








Them: OMG you n00b! Your comn4t lvl is so low! Ure gonna die!!!




Me: We'll see.




*a few minutes later I come back with the black silverlight*




Them (same person): How did you get that? Tell me or ure a n00b!




Me: Here I'll drop one for you *walks away*




Them: THX!








I love those people! They're so incredibly funny! Don't get me wrong though, I DO perfer the nice ones. Especially after too many of the bad ones. All in all, the bad people make you appreciate the nice ones a lot more when you're lucky enough to find one. :wink:

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there are some terrible newbies to the game! yesterday, i was walking from cammy to catherby to fish some, and some noob follows me and keeps spamming me for my whip! i say no, and its that same **** you!! you're reported for being a ****ing *****. he got reported for misspessing the words, so they got through the block








and then later that day, a noob was "selling zezima's account 500k!" he says hes a good hacker and then i told him that he was a: stupid for trying to sell an account and 2: pathetic for trying to scam some1 like that.




in reply, i got a log string of curses which i cant even begin to remember lol. sooo i reported him too




















but surprisingly, the f2p people arent all that bad, compared to the p2p noobs :o ! people didnt ask for anything or spam you for your stuff, they would just ask what it was, and be on their way.



Sodb Forum


Stop thinking. It's Runescape.
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Just grin and bear it, because you know in a few years they'll be making your big mac and fries.








Oh, are you a maddox fan aswell?




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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EDIT: And yous just can't blame everything on MiniClip. Blame it on Jagex. They're the morons that pay to be advertised there to begin with (if they even pay). Not only that, but they spent a good bit of time promoting RS2. I remember seeing a review on IGN. And Real Arcade even has RS2 listed. So it isn't all just MiniClip. It maybe is the largest contributor by far though.








Jagex are morons for advertising? People seem to be forgetting that Jagex are a company, trying to make money. The more customers they get the better (for them). Saying that Jagex shouldn't advertise on Miniclip is a bit silly, as that is where their best market is! Its a shame for us mature people, but thats the way of the world - its all about money :(








As an aside, do you reckon there are forums full of immature kids going on about how lots of peopl (us) are too stuffy and can't take a joke. We are moaning about them, so its reasonable to expect them to moan about us!








Anyway, i agree that there is too much abuse in Runescape. Its coming to represent wider society more and more, as computers get cheaper and cheaper. The real world is like this too. I started Runescape to get away from that - its easier to ignore people over the internet. Runescape is turning into something like the real world, as a community, and that will always include undesirable people.








how about we try to find a standard response which is short, mature, and will shame those who give abuse? any suggestion?

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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i think autoing is more of a problem right now that immature kids, we need a mass banning like in classic but its not going to happen because jagex is too busy counting their money. i would give up months of updates to get a mass banning of the autoers

Dragon Drops: 5 medium helmet, 3 left shield half

Obby: Maul 1, Cape 1, Shield 1

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Are you really gonna let that ruin your day? :roll:








But the thing is they're just so anoyying and continue to ahrass us :x








Nicolae-that's funny :lol:








Captain-Sounds like my days. And I do agree that more noobs seem to be on p2p rather than f2p.



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All i can say is; Miniclip :evil:




Yer miniclip suddenly started the import of noobs, the rich kids who got members at lev 3 1 all stats. Or the people who waste server space because they make an account and never go on it.


Thanks to Jopie for this great signature.

99 Slayer|Fishing|Summoning|Hitpoints|Attack|Strength|Defence|Fletching.

Anyone at Manchester University PM me

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not everybody from miniclip is bad








i'm from miniclip but i'm a lvl 85 with decent skills and i work hard to get them. I'm also 23 years old, so not only really young people come from miniclip.








It's a problem you have in every online game, you can't really do somethign about it, unless re-educating those immature people (young and old)














barrow drops : 1 x torag's helmet , 1 x dharok's helmet, 1 x karil's top

goals : going for 75 rcing

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Today i was training afk at hobbies and when i look back i'm attacked by 4 guys (well one, 3 of them waiting) and see "noob" in the chat log.








They are 5-15 lvls lower, so i run out of hobbie space to give them a beating (they were wearing mith, addy and d hide) and i got called noob again :D








Then the leader, a ranger, tells his guy to leave the noob for him. I, 15 lvls, higher in full rune, and he with a bow :D. How stupid can you be.








The thing is, I wasnt annoyed AT ALL. I was just laughing with these guys. So stupid, never met such a bad "clan" (later he pmed me, asking to join his uber clan! That was hilarious) before. I mean, I felt so good compared to those rubbish pkers. So if you want a boost of your self esteem, just go to wildy with some decent gear, but stay out of multi! Yes, these guys thought they were smart by trying to lure me to wildy, in such an obvious way, even a lvl 30 would see it.








In the end, i tele'd though. I only had 10 lobbies... And hey, i was training you know ;)








Its a nice variation to training

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the probelm is that language has merged, with newb = noob = choob = froob, and people make lvl 3s to beg,then put that stuff ont their main. how about we publish an rs dictionary? tip it tried this on their chatting guide for new players but we could do with one big one

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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I definately agree with Miniclip being one of the major problems, but then again so are the parents who let their 8 year olds have a membership.








Funny things I saw today:








level 103: what town is this?




me: falidor, shouldnt you know by now?




level 103: no, ive never played before I just bought this guy.




me: reported.








level 33 at castle wars: how do I play, and how do i get better armor.




me: try reading the manual on the main page.




level 33: whats a manual?

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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I think Jagex needs to advertise RS to a more mature audience, I haven't really experienced much idiocy in RS so I don't think it's that bad but maybe if they stopped advertising on such places as miniclip and looked at a better audience.








Agreed :roll:

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Man... Ive been reported (supposedly) over the last month for








a) "Rock Stealing". Im a level 67 miner and worked hard for the level. I will use it to mine iron whenever and wherever I please. If you dont like it, thats fine.




B) Sold a rune scimmy for 25k, he offers 20k and tells me to trade or he'll report me. "Go ahead"




c) I refuse to give a begger free stuff (followed me for 5 minutes) and finally tell him to outright back off. Was reported for "inapproprate langage"




d) Refused to give a PKer "Free Food". I have a personal thing against PKing and I will not give food to a PKer (sell it, not give it). Again, reported.




e) My favorate one.... followed a scammer around out of boredom who was constantly offering the old "Armor trimming" scam. Of course I immediately warned everyone in the area. I was told that i'd been reported.








Does this mean a bad community? Not really. Just immiture. A few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Ive been called a n00b so many times that frankly, I laugh at the people who say it. There are also many who think threatening to report you will make them get thier way, which again, knowing im an honest player, doesnt bother me. Just add em to ignore, and set the public chat to "off" and private to "friends". I get alot less aggervation from them that way.

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funyest thing i have ever seen i was playing thouse mini board games and i beat some one like 9 times on the row then he start saying i hax...




I also do think rs got alot of bad ppl this days because evin members start geting ppl to ask for free stuff. O and if you are high lvl try to go on f2p world with some members armor like barrows and i dont think any of you would like to go back to f2p.

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this kind of behaviour can more prevelant when rs2 came out and with the huge increase in new members. Members world used to be pretty good no rudness or swearing well not much but it became too much. i guess it must be alot worse now.




No it was always pretty bad.








Imagine the chaos that would ensue from jagex censoring the word noob.




lol :lol:




Offering 91 and 93 herblore assists. PM me in game.

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theres not really much point banning n00b - people will just find alternatives. What does upset me is people using variations on the f word to get around the blocker.








When i want to swear i use the time honoured %$&ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã but people don't know what i mean!! what is the world coming to......*sighs* sounding like an old man at 17 - that cant be good!

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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