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Expierence formula


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lol, thats the formula for converting experience to level... i think. and feppie wants to know if theres a formula for converting level back to experience.








ill say that there probably isnt, only because while your on one level, you have soo many thousands of different experience points between that level and the next. it would be impossible to find your exact number of experience points solely from your level.

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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Level 2 - 83 xp




Level 3 - 174 xp




Level 4 - 276 xp




Level 5 - 388 xp




Level 6 - 512 xp




Level 7 - 650 xp




Level 8 - 801 xp




Level 9 - 969 xp




Level 10 - 1154 xp




Level 11 - 1358 xp




Level 12 - 1584 xp




Level 13 - 1833 xp




Level 14 - 2107 xp




Level 15 - 2411 xp




Level 16 - 2746 xp




Level 17 - 3115 xp




Level 18 - 3523 xp




Level 19 - 3973 xp




Level 20 - 4470 xp




Level 21 - 5018 xp




Level 22 - 5624 xp




Level 23 - 6291 xp




Level 24 - 7028 xp




Level 25 - 7842 xp




Level 26 - 8740 xp




Level 27 - 9730 xp




Level 28 - 10824 xp




Level 29 - 12031 xp




Level 30 - 13363 xp




Level 31 - 14833 xp




Level 32 - 16456 xp




Level 33 - 18247 xp




Level 34 - 20224 xp




Level 35 - 22406 xp




Level 36 - 24815 xp




Level 37 - 27473 xp




Level 38 - 30408 xp




Level 39 - 33648 xp




Level 40 - 37224 xp




Level 41 - 41171 xp




Level 42 - 45529 xp




Level 43 - 50339 xp




Level 44 - 55649 xp




Level 45 - 61512 xp




Level 46 - 67983 xp




Level 47 - 75127 xp




Level 48 - 83014 xp




Level 49 - 91721 xp




Level 50 - 101333 xp




Level 51 - 111945 xp




Level 52 - 123660 xp




Level 53 - 136594 xp




Level 54 - 150872 xp




Level 55 - 166636 xp




Level 56 - 184040 xp




Level 57 - 203254 xp




Level 58 - 224466 xp




Level 59 - 247886 xp




Level 60 - 273742 xp




Level 61 - 302288 xp




Level 62 - 333804 xp




Level 63 - 368599 xp




Level 64 - 407015 xp




Level 65 - 449428 xp




Level 66 - 496254 xp




Level 67 - 547953 xp




Level 68 - 605032 xp




Level 69 - 668051 xp




Level 70 - 737627 xp




Level 71 - 814445 xp




Level 72 - 899257 xp




Level 73 - 992895 xp




Level 74 - 1096278 xp




Level 75 - 1210421 xp




Level 76 - 1336443 xp




Level 77 - 1475581 xp




Level 78 - 1629200 xp




Level 79 - 1798808 xp




Level 80 - 1986068 xp




Level 81 - 2192818 xp




Level 82 - 2421087 xp




Level 83 - 2673114 xp




Level 84 - 2951373 xp




Level 85 - 3258594 xp




Level 86 - 3597792 xp




Level 87 - 3972294 xp




Level 88 - 4385776 xp




Level 89 - 4842295 xp




Level 90 - 5346332 xp




Level 91 - 5902831 xp




Level 92 - 6517253 xp




Level 93 - 7195629 xp




Level 94 - 7944614 xp




Level 95 - 8771558 xp




Level 96 - 9684577 xp




Level 97 - 10692629 xp




Level 98 - 11805606 xp




Level 99 - 13034431 xp

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If you understand javascript, here's the one we use for exp --> lvl on the site... Not gonna explain it to you if you don't know javascript :P








function expToLevel(exp)


 var points = 0;

 var output = 0;

 for (var lvl = 1; lvl <= 150; lvl++)


   points += Math.floor(lvl + 300 * Math.pow(2, lvl / 7.))

   if (lvl >= 1)


     if (output > exp)


       lvl = lvl - 1;

	if (lvl == "0")	{  return "1";	}

	else if (lvl > "99")	{  return "99";	}

	else 			{  return lvl;  }


     output = Math.floor(points / 4);



 return 0;









Hopefully that'll help a bit... If not, just isolate x in the formula you posted ;)

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I don't suppose you'd accept a piecewise function:












Honestly, Ithink it'd just be easier to look them up in a table than try to find a formula for that. If I have a bit of spare time I'll keep working on it though.

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If you understand javascript, here's the one we use for exp --> lvl on the site... Not gonna explain it to you if you don't know javascript :P








function expToLevel(exp)


 var points = 0;

 var output = 0;

 for (var lvl = 1; lvl <= 150; lvl++)


   points += Math.floor(lvl + 300 * Math.pow(2, lvl / 7.))

   if (lvl >= 1)


     if (output > exp)


       lvl = lvl - 1;

	if (lvl == "0")	{  return "1";	}

	else if (lvl > "99")	{  return "99";	}

	else 			{  return lvl;  }


     output = Math.floor(points / 4);



 return 0;









Hopefully that'll help a bit... If not, just isolate x in the formula you posted ;)








I use a program called "RSDemon, and one of the "guides" contains this:








JavaScript version




The following code is used above to generate the experience table:





















Python version




This is the very original code by Slowbyte:








points = 0




for level in range(1,100):




diff = int(level + 300 * math.pow(2, float(level)/7) )




points += diff




str = "Level %d = %d" % (level + 1, points / 4)




print str








MS Excel formula




MS Excel version by Mugol:








Cell A1: 1




Cell B1 formula: =ROUND.DOWN(A1+300*POWER(2;A1/7);0)/4




Cell B1: 2




Cell B2 formula: =B1+ROUND.DOWN(A2+300*POWER(2;A2/7);0)/4








Fill the rest of the first column with numbers 3, 4, ...




Copy B2 field formula down.








PHP version




PHP version by Gazza (aka Jargon on RS)
















function experience($L) {








for($x=1; $x<$L; $x++) {




$a += floor($x+300*pow(2, ($x/7)));








return floor($a/4);












for($L=1;$L<100;$L++) {




echo 'Level '.$L.': '.experience($L).'


















Visual Basic version




Public Function experience(ByVal lvl As Integer)




Dim a As Long




Dim x As Integer




For x = 1 To lvl




a = a + Int(x + 300 * (2 ^ (x / 7)))




Next x




experience = roundDown(a / 4)




End Function




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If you understand javascript, here's the one we use for exp --> lvl on the site... Not gonna explain it to you if you don't know javascript :P








function expToLevel(exp)


 var points = 0;

 var output = 0;

 for (var lvl = 1; lvl <= 150; lvl++)


   points += Math.floor(lvl + 300 * Math.pow(2, lvl / 7.))

   if (lvl >= 1)


     if (output > exp)


       lvl = lvl - 1;

	if (lvl == "0")	{  return "1";	}

	else if (lvl > "99")	{  return "99";	}

	else 			{  return lvl;  }


     output = Math.floor(points / 4);



 return 0;









Hopefully that'll help a bit... If not, just isolate x in the formula you posted ;)








I use a program called "RSDemon, and one of the "guides" contains this:








JavaScript version




The following code is used above to generate the experience table:





















Python version




This is the very original code by Slowbyte:








points = 0




for level in range(1,100):




diff = int(level + 300 * math.pow(2, float(level)/7) )




points += diff




str = "Level %d = %d" % (level + 1, points / 4)




print str








MS Excel formula




MS Excel version by Mugol:








Cell A1: 1




Cell B1 formula: =ROUND.DOWN(A1+300*POWER(2;A1/7);0)/4




Cell B1: 2




Cell B2 formula: =B1+ROUND.DOWN(A2+300*POWER(2;A2/7);0)/4








Fill the rest of the first column with numbers 3, 4, ...




Copy B2 field formula down.








PHP version




PHP version by Gazza (aka Jargon on RS)
















function experience($L) {








for($x=1; $x<$L; $x++) {




$a += floor($x+300*pow(2, ($x/7)));








return floor($a/4);












for($L=1;$L<100;$L++) {




echo 'Level '.$L.': '.experience($L).'


















Visual Basic version




Public Function experience(ByVal lvl As Integer)




Dim a As Long




Dim x As Integer




For x = 1 To lvl




a = a + Int(x + 300 * (2 ^ (x / 7)))




Next x




experience = roundDown(a / 4)




End Function











WOW, thats must mean:












Level 100 - 14391160 xp




Level 101 - 15889109 xp




Level 102 - 17542976 xp




Level 103 - 19368992 xp




Level 104 - 21385073 xp




Level 105 - 23611006 xp




Level 106 - 26068632 xp




Level 107 - 28782069 xp




Level 108 - 31777943 xp




Level 109 - 35085654 xp




Level 110 - 38737661 xp




Level 111 - 42769801 xp




Level 112 - 47221641 xp




Level 113 - 52136869 xp




Level 114 - 57563718 xp




Level 115 - 63555443 xp




Level 116 - 70170840 xp




Level 117 - 77474828 xp




Level 118 - 85539082 xp




Level 119 - 94442737 xp




Level 120 - 104273167 xp




Level 121 - 115126838 xp




Level 122 - 127110260 xp




Level 123 - 140341028 xp




Level 124 - 154948977 xp




Level 125 - 171077457 xp




Level 126 - 188884740 xp




Level 127 - 208545572 xp




Level 128 - 230252886 xp




Level 129 - 254219702 xp




Level 130 - 280681209 xp




Level 131 - 309897078 xp




Level 132 - 342154009 xp




Level 133 - 377768545 xp




Level 134 - 417090179 xp




Level 135 - 460504778 xp




Level 136 - 508438379 xp




Level 137 - 561361362 xp




Level 138 - 619793069 xp




Level 139 - 684306901 xp




Level 140 - 755535943 xp




Level 141 - 834179178 xp




Level 142 - 921008346 xp




Level 143 - 1016875516 xp




Level 144 - 1122721449 xp




Level 145 - 1239584831 xp




Level 146 - 1368612462 xp




Level 147 - 1511070513 xp




Level 148 - 1668356950 xp




Level 149 - 1842015252 xp




Level 150 - 2033749558 xp




Level 151 - 2245441392 xp




Level 152 - 2479168121 xp




Level 153 - 2737223349 xp




Level 154 - 3022139416 xp




Level 155 - 3336712255 xp




Level 156 - 3684028823 xp




Level 157 - 4067497401 xp




Level 158 - 4490881032 xp




Level 159 - 4958334456 xp




Level 160 - 5474444875 xp




Level 161 - 6044276973 xp




Level 162 - 6673422613 xp




Level 163 - 7368055713 xp




Level 164 - 8134992831 xp




Level 165 - 8981760056 xp




Level 166 - 9916666866 xp




Level 167 - 10948887667 xp




Level 168 - 12088551825 xp




Level 169 - 13346843067 xp




Level 170 - 14736109228 xp




Level 171 - 16269983424 xp




Level 172 - 17963517835 xp




Level 173 - 19833331415 xp




Level 174 - 21897772978 xp




Level 175 - 24177101254 xp




Level 176 - 26693683698 xp




Level 177 - 29472215980 xp




Level 178 - 32539964331 xp




Level 179 - 35927033113 xp




Level 180 - 39666660232 xp




Level 181 - 43795543315 xp




Level 182 - 48354199826 xp




Level 183 - 53387364671 xp




Level 184 - 58944429193 xp




Level 185 - 65079925854 xp




Level 186 - 71854063374 xp




Level 187 - 79333317570 xp




Level 188 - 87591083692 xp




Level 189 - 96708396670 xp




Level 190 - 106774726318 xp




Level 191 - 117888855318 xp




Level 192 - 130159848595 xp




Level 193 - 143708123591 xp




Level 194 - 158666631937 xp




Level 195 - 175182164138 xp




Level 196 - 193416790048 xp




Level 197 - 213549449297 xp




Level 198 - 235777707252 xp




Level 199 - 260319693761 xp




Level 200 - 287416243706 xp




Level 201 - 317333260352 xp




Level 202 - 350364324707 xp




Level 203 - 386833576481 xp




Level 204 - 427098894932 xp




Level 205 - 471555410793 xp




Level 206 - 520639383765 xp




Level 207 - 574832483607 xp




Level 208 - 634666516851 xp




Level 209 - 700728645512 xp




Level 210 - 773667149012 xp




Level 211 - 854197785865 xp




Level 212 - 943110817538 xp




Level 213 - 1041278763431 xp




Level 214 - 1149664963066 xp




Level 215 - 1269333029505 xp




Level 216 - 1401457286776 xp




Level 217 - 1547334293726 xp




Level 218 - 1708395567381 xp




Level 219 - 1886221630676 xp




Level 220 - 2082557522412 xp




Level 221 - 2299329921631 xp




Level 222 - 2538666054457 xp




Level 223 - 2802914568947 xp




Level 224 - 3094668582795 xp




Level 225 - 3416791130051 xp




Level 226 - 3772443256589 xp




Level 227 - 4165115040009 xp




Level 228 - 4598659838393 xp




Level 229 - 5077332103991 xp




Level 230 - 5605829132919 xp




Level 231 - 6189337160561 xp




Level 232 - 6833582255019 xp




Level 233 - 7544886508039 xp




Level 234 - 8330230074825 xp




Level 235 - 9197319671539 xp




Level 236 - 10154664202681 xp




Level 237 - 11211658260481 xp




Level 238 - 12378674315708 xp




Level 239 - 13667164504568 xp




Level 240 - 15089773010553 xp




Level 241 - 16660460144069 xp




Level 242 - 18394639337440 xp




Level 243 - 20309328399666 xp




Level 244 - 22423316515210 xp




Level 245 - 24757348625607 xp




Level 246 - 27334329003268 xp




Level 247 - 30179546015181 xp




Level 248 - 33320920282154 xp




Level 249 - 36789278668837 xp




Level 250 - 40618656793231 xp












Thats just sick!

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* says slowly and shocinkley* OH MY GOD. :shock:








Shockingly? :| ?








i cant spell....








my magic is 1..get it spell..magic! AHAHAHAHA i crack my self up












(mage is really 46)

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is the experience formula. Is there also a formula to convert experience to level?




Short answer:




No, but this is close




Level ~= 10.0989*natlog((Exp+543.6816)/720.6116)








Medium answer:




There is a procedure that you can follow to find the level if you were given the exp.








Long answer:




From this post we read




...The modified formula is:








Experience = floor(A*(2^(L/7)-2^(1/7)) + B*L^5 + C*L^4 + D*L^3 + E*L^2 + F*L + G)








Where L is the Level.




So now it's an exponential function plus a 5th degree polynomial with








A = 720.533673767946




B = 3.54298390625729e-09




C = -1.0176384179772e-06




D = 9.69859806900786e-05




E = 0.121741672963253




F = -0.2074127222877




G = 0.139103528112173








This matches 100% with the 100 known Runescape exp values...




What the poster did was to convert the original formula








into a continous, smooth formula.




(picture by somaster989)








So, if you know your skill level, you can find your exp value by using either of the formulas or, roughly, the graph.








The original poster would like to reverse the procedure.




That is, if you know your exp, then what is your level.




Unfortunately, this kind of equation is not invertable in closed form.








So, probably the best solution is to use a Bisection search method to solve the equation




Exp - (wally's formula involving Level) = 0




for the required Level








Here's a Matlab program to do that:








function lev = re2l(ex)




%RE2L Runescape Experience to Level calculator








%calculates exact level for a given experience








%see also: RL2E








A = 720.533673767946;




B = 3.54298390625729e-09;




C = -1.0176384179772e-06;




D = 9.69859806900786e-05;




E = 0.121741672963253;




F = -0.2074127222877;




G = 0.139103528112173;








xl=repmat(0,size(ex)); xr=200+xl;




for n=1:200




lev=(xl+xr)/2; % Binary search




e = A*(2.^(lev/7)-2^(1/7));




p = G+lev.*(F+lev.*(E+lev.*(D+lev.*(C+lev.*B))));




epx = e+p;




exerr = epx-ex;












%vectorized binary search




if ~isempty(isneg)












if ~isempty(ispos)

















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good old phil's cooking guide :)








his experience page is in my bookmarks and I often use it.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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now i can see why there is a 99 cap for skills :shock:








Nonsense... Level 421 - 917187883580515200000 xp








Are you lazy? Only 3.821.616.181.585.480.000 moss giants to go for that level!








get rich... sell the bones... 400 each... that will be... 1528646472634192000k








lol my new goal: prayer lvl 250...




ill call you whan i need the bones... and whan i have




1528646472634192000k by mining 127387206052849k rune... when i get 85 mining...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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now i can see why there is a 99 cap for skills :shock:








Nonsense... Level 421 - 917187883580515200000 xp








Are you lazy? Only 3.821.616.181.585.480.000 moss giants to go for that level!








get rich... sell the bones... 400 each... that will be... 1528646472634192000k








lol my new goal: prayer lvl 250...




ill call you whan i need the bones... and whan i have




1528646472634192000k by mining 127387206052849k rune... when i get 85 mining...




... And I thought lv 70 attack was bad

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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