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Branches of Darkmeyer quest


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I'm doing the Branches of Darkmeyer quest and I have a REALLY hard time with defeating Vanstrom Klause, so I need some advise to get me through this boss fight as I have tried about eight times with the same result (which is me teleporting out to save my dear life !).


My setup is:


Helm of Neitiznot

Dragon plate

Dragon legs

Dragon boots

Obsidian cape

Gloves barrows


and Amulet of Glory


As I'm very poor I don't have any spare cash to purchase new armor and my summoning skill is not high enough to get a War Tortoise (which doesn't seem to matter anyway !)


My main problem is the massive drain of constitution caused by Vanstrom's speed of attack - I have a hard time fighting him while trying to eat to stay alive.


I also have a problem with killing the two bloodvelds - one of them always seem to reach Vanstrom before I can kill it and as a consequence of that I'm back to square one except for the fact that I'm now low on both food and Constitution while Vanstrom is fresh and fit for fighting !


So, does anyone have any advise for me which will enable me to survive and kill Vanstrom Klause ?

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You should definitely get a good cape (fire, soul wars, Ardougne, even god cloak) and sell your dragon platebody and platelegs for Verac's skirt and Guthan's plate. Borrow an amulet of fury and use either void or barrows for the boss fight.

Supporter of Zaros | Quest Cape owner since 22 may 2010 | No skills below 99 | Total level 2595 | Completionist Cape owner since 17th June 2013 | Suggestions

99 summoning (18th June 2011, previously untrimmed) | 99 farming (14th July 2011) | 99 prayer (8th September 2011) | 99 constitution (10th September 2011) | 99 dungeoneering (15th November 2011)

99 ranged (28th November 2011) | 99 attack, 99 defence, 99 strength (11th December 2011) | 99 slayer (18th December 2011) | 99 magic (22nd December 2011) | 99 construction (16th March 2012)

99 herblore (22nd March 2012) | 99 firemaking (26th March 2012) | 99 cooking (2nd July 2012) | 99 runecrafting (12th March 2012) | 99 crafting (26th August 2012) | 99 agility (19th November 2012)

99 woodcutting (22nd November 2012) | 99 fletching (31st December 2012) | 99 thieving (3rd January 2013) | 99 hunter (11th January 2013) | 99 mining (21st January 2013) | 99 fishing (21st January 2013)

99 smithing (21st January 2013) | 120 dungeoneering (17th June 2013) | 99 divination (24th November 2013)

Tormented demon drops: twenty effigies, nine pairs of claws, two dragon armour slices and one elite clue | Dagannoth king drops: two dragon hatchets, two elite clues, one archer ring and one warrior ring

Glacor drops: four pairs of ragefire boots, one pair of steadfast boots, six effigies, two hundred lots of Armadyl shards, three elite clues | Nex split: Torva boots | Kalphite King split: off-hand drygore mace

30/30 Shattered Heart statues completed | 16/16 Court Cases completed | 25/25 Choc Chimp Ices delivered | 500/500 Vyrewatch burned | 584/584 tasks completed | 4000/4000 chompies hunted

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i actually just killed him about an hour ago. i died 3 times before i actually got the kills and im maxed(turm, exts, etc). ^the gear she suggested is the best to use. and as far as the fight goes, when he spawns the bloodvelds you should be able to get to them before they get vanstorm, if you dont one hit the first bloodveld, go straight to the second one since the first is going for you instead of van. and when he uses his bomb attack just keep running in circles and you should never take any damage. make sure your using rocktails+piety+pro meele when your close to him.

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Get Karils, kite him. Hell even black dhide works and that's like 10k for the set, probably less. Void also works, and is free.


Makes it a lot easier, assuming you can kite properly.

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Imo, during the evil ****ing flying blood of death stage, you're too busy running like mad to kite. The rest of the fight you don't need to.


Basically, during the evil ****ing flying blood of death stage, just repeated click a point in the map going in roughly a circle.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Full Meele Gear (Best you have)

BoB full of brews/restores

Blisterwood Polearm


Since I average ~200+ms to every runescape server (Australian servers freeze every 20 seconds or so) when I killed him I couldnt kite. So I just kept mage pray/piety on the entire time ran in to hit him then run away 4 squares and repeat. I did notice when he was in the air he seemed to get hit for more then he was on the ground.


During the holy water part, I just stood in it next to him and brews out healed the rapid damage.


Also make your CHARACTER look away during the darkness thing, every guide I read pre fight said camera angle, instead of making your actual character not look in his direction.

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I failed horribly like 5 times before I gave up and used red d'hide (dat noob range level). Used a bunch of rocktails and a tortoise. Got him on the first try with that.


Also, try and hit him when he's flying, since you hit like a bad mofo when he's up there. Watch out for the blood though

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Yup died a load of times here :) all too easy to do. mage pray and melee armour helped. then realising you could still hit him when he;s flying. When the blood range thing is happening - click to run away then click attack and then repeat every time you take a hit. if you get hit at this point focus on running and eating. The rest of the time he was ok. Do a search on youtube for videos of it if you still struggle...

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Thank you all for your valuable replies - they renewed my spirit and I feel like giving Vanstrom a few more tries to submit to my will.




I have had better results by switching to Black Dragonhide armor and praying against melee - still can't defeat him though...


I also managed to get myself killed and now I'm a little confused whether or not I have to purchase a new gravestone in order to prolong the time I have to get back to retrieve lost equipment the next time I get defeated by Vanstrom.


Tip.it's guide about gravestones is a bit vague on this subject to say the least.

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Thank you all for your valuable replies - they renewed my spirit and I feel like giving Vanstrom a few more tries to submit to my will.




I have had better results by switching to Black Dragonhide armor and praying against melee - still can't defeat him though...


I also managed to get myself killed and now I'm a little confused whether or not I have to purchase a new gravestone in order to prolong the time I have to get back to retrieve lost equipment the next time I get defeated by Vanstrom.


Tip.it's guide about gravestones is a bit vague on this subject to say the least.


Because you automatically keep the drakan amulet and clothing on death, you can basically tele back to your gravestone and loot in less than a minute. Also, you might need to consider taking an inv and BoB full of brews and restores if you can't do it on normal food.


Or find a combination of food and brews and combo eat the two when you need to.

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You can easily get back to any level of gravestone by using the Drakan Amulet teleport. Based on your description, I'm guessing that you're not running out of food, you just can't eat it fast enough to avoid getting KO'd by his massive damage attacks? If that's the case, you could use inventory slots to carry your amulet + Darkmeyer disguise to get back quickly if you die (they won't be lost on death).

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its always good to avoid having to eat too


this is what i ended up doing a few months ago:

-darkness attack = have your camera facing away from him at all times beforehand, then simply take a step backwards

-flying bomb things = run constantly, be careful of the pillars causing you to turn around (may need a high agility or run energy pots)

-bloodvelds = attack each one once

-bomb on the ground = run backwards ~3 steps (it will hit Vanstrom instead of you as he chases you)


then prayer and brews/restore when necessary



If a Vanstrom memory fight is offered in Tower of Dominion update thing, this is one I will probably take advantage of. I actually liked the fight quite a bit.

I've never seen Sixth Sense nor Inception nor many other popular movies and I intend to keep it that way.

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You shouldn't need to worry about dying. It's really easy to get back to the grave.


Honestly though, with your stats, it could be rather difficult. I think your best bet would be black dragonhide or Karil's armor along with protect from melee. It seems his melee attacks are fully blocked by prayer while his magic attack isn't. So always keep melee prayer on (except when he's flying, but I don't know if any prayers help you there) and just try to maximise your magic defence.


When he starts flying, start running around, just focus on avoiding his blood spells. If you're having trouble killing the bloodvelds, make sure you're using super potions and attack/strength boosting prayers and it shouldn't be too hard. I think just attacking them once should distract them so they don't heal Vanstrom, though I don't remember entirely.


Oh, and bring a beast of burden familiar full of food if you can. But be warned, when you die, you will lose the stuff stored in your familiar as it won't appear at your grave. Food is pretty cheap though - just a word of caution.


If you're still having dificulty beating him, you might want to raise your combat stats and try again later. He is a pretty high leveled boss afterall.







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first i have to say that when i killed him he didnt go into the flying stage that everyone talks about... i just used ext range pots with 60 stakes + the range backpack also when he says the darkness thing just run to the torches i dont believe the moving the camera angles thing works

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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It helps to cremate 500 vyre corpses before fighting Vanstrom, the damage boost is really useful if you aren't maxed.


I also managed to get myself killed and now I'm a little confused whether or not I have to purchase a new gravestone in order to prolong the time I have to get back to retrieve lost equipment the next time I get defeated by Vanstrom.


Tip.it's guide about gravestones is a bit vague on this subject to say the least.


Gravestones are not single-use, so you don't have to worry about buying another every time you die.




As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapabale of solving approaches zero.

Ensure you are not a social situation.

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Also, seeing as I have similar stats to yours, I'll tell you what I used. I used black d'hide armour and attacked with stakes (bring ~100 or more, the more the merrier as you'll be less likely to spend time picking them up if you run out). Stay far enough away from him to stay out of range of melee attacks and pray mage protect to avoid damage in the initial stages. You'll need to be a little lucky that he doesn't use his flying attack too much, but follow previous advice to avoid that, and the bloodvelds are simple enough with stakes.

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Thank you all for replying.


As I have written in a previous post I have switched from dragon plate + legs + boots to Black Dragonhide, this have had a positive impact on my performance as Vanstrom don't seem to be that strong in magic.


I also pray against melee during the fight and this really helps reducing the damage Vanstrom deals.


Regarding the Bloodvelds then I can say that I'm absolutely sure that if I attack one (to get its attention) and then switching to the other one then the first one will switch its focus back to Vanstrom in order to heal him.


Anyway, I'll give Vanstrom a few more chances to submit, before I consider to raise my stats and giving him another go.


Ps. I'll also try to range him with the stakes to see if I do any better this way.

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