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Guys, I don't think we should get too excited just yet. Jagex still has A LOT of autoing accounts to ban. I made a list of people I reported at the fishing guild for macroing; I investigated each one throurgholy and I am sure pretty much all of them were autoers; As of today, only 4/25 on the list are banned. As scientists IRL take samples from a greater population and study it to infer things about he population as a whole, I think we can expect that a similar figure exists for the autoing population in general.








Having said that, I can't wait for some more mass bans to get the rest of them :)

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Well i do think that this a very cool... Maybe there will be less autotypers in main spots like fally server 2 and seers... Its good that jagex finally decided to ban people that were unfairly getting an advantage on us hardcore clickers...

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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hahah they got hiroshima-d. thats pretty funny. everyone on autoing forums is like "0mfgz0rz leik 85m xp g0n3 40m away i waina die :((("
If we are on the same forums I believe he said..
i got around 85m xp banned lol




but liek i give a cabbage

And they werent autoing forums lol.. :lol:








lol last ban i lost 45 m xp all rsc :lol:

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look up mining hiscores. not much has changed at the top.








good work by JaGeX nonetheless but a lot more waits to be done.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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This was a good update, but i'm very sure the autoers will make a comback..i wonder if they accidently banned any accounts :o








Well, Jagex will be swamped with "I d0nt macro ffs!!!11111one12!!!!oneomfg!!!"










De_Pk - Level 117 - Banned September 30th '06.

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2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I wouldnt be surprised if all the people that were hacked were autoing as thy can easily contain a keylog.








LoL that just made me think of something good...Somone makes an "autoer" that like EVERYONE WANTS...They put a simple little keylogger...and then steal all the autoer's stuff...not saying that i like keyloggers...but i could make an exception of it was put into and autobot... :wink:








Thats actually how half the auto-ing programs work. Most are scams.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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best update in awhile, whoever made the post about the fish guild and all the autoers well done :D



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I call [cabbage]t








I call good job Jagex! :P








Why bs?








First of all the figure given? They've always exaggerated figures.








We can detect this type of cheating VERY easily. Suprisingly some people seem to think they can get away with this, but we're making absolutely sure you can't.








It's only easy because some people auto 24/7. People who auto normal-like playing hours, I'd like to see how easy it is to detect them.








As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats








O RLY? I'd love to see this bit of code (Presuming it's code) and see if it eliminates any possibility of a false-banning. My guess is, it doesn't. In fact, my guess is: This 'system' doesn't even exist at all.








If Jagex think they have a breakthrough against autoers, they're sorely mistaken. They've been losing the battle for 5 years now, I hardly think they've managed to turn it around now.








Once again, I call [cabbage]t.

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My point is, it seems that jagex banned some people who never autoed. which is stupid. offcourse, we cant expect them to double-check on all banns, but a friend of mine got banned and he never used autoing stuff (he is nine years old-) Doesnt this appear odd to anyone?








anyway, i must agree that outside the wrongfully banns, this is *the best cracking update* since barrows.












(no dont ban me just because i said something, i know you want to..)




jk 8)

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I call [cabbage]t








I call good job Jagex! :P








Why bs?








First of all the figure given? They've always exaggerated figures.








We can detect this type of cheating VERY easily. Suprisingly some people seem to think they can get away with this, but we're making absolutely sure you can't.








It's only easy because some people auto 24/7. People who auto normal-like playing hours, I'd like to see how easy it is to detect them.








As well as having new systems to detect people cheating in this way, we are also using a new system to go through and ban other accounts used by these cheats








O RLY? I'd love to see this bit of code (Presuming it's code) and see if it eliminates any possibility of a false-banning. My guess is, it doesn't. In fact, my guess is: This 'system' doesn't even exist at all.








If Jagex think they have a breakthrough against autoers, they're sorely mistaken. They've been losing the battle for 5 years now, I hardly think they've managed to turn it around now.








Once again, I call [cabbage]t.








Well, I must say that getting rid of the full-time autoers is a good thing, even if it doesn't solve the entire problem ;) Beside, give them the benefit of doubt : unless you're a programmer, you can't check if that code really exists or not ;) RS players are great at complaining, so if there are a lot of "serious" autoers left, we'll hear about them I'm assured.

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