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Guthan, now worthless? Bones to peaches discussion.


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As a ranger / mage who doesn't want to get attack, strength or defence any higher so can't wear guthans, Bones to Peaches is great to use for the first fifteen minutes in a multi area (like dags under the lighthouse) or other auto attack areas where the range spot is not 100% safe from all NPCs.




It saves me taking any food with me at all - no bad thing as it means I don't have to endure the inane chatter fishing in Catherby.








I know this is slightly off the topic but my tuppence worth.








BTW, Bloodveld, agree with you 200%, Hallies should be banned - its painful watching a level 40 with an addy hally trying to kill a blue drag. Melee like a man not a jessie.



Quod liet ingratum est; Quod non licet acrius urit.

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I don't really think how or why Guthans should drop, it has its price tag for a REASON.








Repair price isn't a con persay, I just wear a Rock-shell plate and legs (Because they look exceedingly cool) a Fremmenik helmet, a obsidian shield and my standard legands cape, cooking guants, rune boots.








Whenever I get to below 40 hp, i Switch over to my Guthans, heal up within generally 2-3 monsters that I am fighting, and then I'm on my way continuing to train with my non Guthan melee attire.








I find a fundemental flaw, if you happened to get low HP, you would have to kill 1 monster to heal 8 HP, what if the monster, generally does 10 damage to you per 1 you kill? Then your in a bit of trouble aren't you.








If you we're to start a Kill monster - Pick up bones - Cast spell - Eat routine, I daresay you'd sure up far too many runes to make it worthwhile.








Guthans is expensive for a reason, and truthfully, I think its actually quite a steal at 11-13 million, it is a very convinient set of armour, exceedingly useful and looks pretty darn cool. I think that if you can afford it, and you train melee, then you should really go for it and buy this. If you're not happy with your purchase, after a little while repair it (If your really not happy with it you'll find out quickly enough, probably less than 40k all up repair cost I would think) and resell.

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As a ranger / mage who doesn't want to get attack, strength or defence any higher so can't wear guthans, Bones to Peaches is great to use for the first fifteen minutes in a multi area (like dags under the lighthouse) or other auto attack areas where the range spot is not 100% safe from all NPCs.




It saves me taking any food with me at all - no bad thing as it means I don't have to endure the inane chatter fishing in Catherby.








I know this is slightly off the topic but my tuppence worth.








BTW, Bloodveld, agree with you 200%, Hallies should be banned - its painful watching a level 40 with an addy hally trying to kill a blue drag. Melee like a man not a jessie.
















i dunno what your trying to refer to with the "jessie" thing, if you mean me i guess your eyes and hands do not coopperate well together seeing how you misspelt my name. 2nd of all, i dont hally. i sold my dragon hally recently because i find no use for its slowness, ill admit their was a few times it was nice for hellhounds blk demons and such or hally bloodvelds and wait for my hp to get back up then continue with an assignment












i find it odd you say my name or attempt to say it...but yeah anway i dont have a problem with meleeing things, and bloodveld backed down from my offer(no offense bloodveld, i was just looking for a fun meaningless duel to distract from this tedious runescape) i just dont get what your trying to state with such a comment that has no realistic bearing on this convo
























edit: any way back on topic. the way the title reads "guthan now worthless" depends on how you read the title as, guthans is Worthless(junk) or worth less($ wise) just adds to more debate upon this topic

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most people that use guthan to train take if off after they get full hp and just use full rune or full drag. then they put guthans back on when they need to heal. so your actually not training with the spear and you can use it for days before it gets dammaged.








oh, and another con for bones to peaches is that you have to do the new mage arena thing for a couple of days before you can get it. you have to spend like 1 mil worth of runes.

Runescape Supreme Destiny

120/122 combat http://www.supremedestiny.com.my

99/99 str lvl 300 mortal

94/95 def lvl 220 god

99/99 att STAYCW2

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Only works on normal bones (not confirmed)




let me confirm that for u :)




only treid on dragon and big bones though.




maybe money bat or whatever bones do work.




anyways i think bones to peaches is a lot more useful if the npc drops bones and cus u dont need 70 def.




but if the npc doesnt drop any bones like the trolls im currently killing then theres no other option then to get guthans for healing.

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and bloodveld backed down from my offer(no offense bloodveld, i was just looking for a fun meaningless duel to distract from this tedious runescape)
Lets just say I'm in the lower 90's combat, and even tho I can take someone lvl 100 and down pretty easily, lvl 110 would own me :P Also i'm reluctant to tell my rsn because too many people would say crap like "0mg j00 c0uld n3v3r 4ff0rd b4rr0ws n33b lololol" or something because of my low noncombat stats -.-







edit: any way back on topic. the way the title reads "guthan now worthless" depends on how you read the title as, guthans is Worthless(junk) or worth less($ wise) just adds to more debate upon this topic

That it does, and I won't say which one I ment ;)




most people that use guthan to train take if off after they get full hp and just use full rune or full drag. then they put guthans back on when they need to heal. so your actually not training with the spear and you can use it for days before it gets dammaged.




I know this, but with the new spell you can wear your best armor/weapon the whole time, and not have to switch. Think about it this way, to all the people that complained about dieing when you get too low, think about this: gather all the bones of the enemies that you kill and cast the spell once you have a full inv, then you can heal when needed ;)




oh, and another con for bones to peaches is that you have to do the new mage arena thing for a couple of days before you can get it. you have to spend like 1 mil worth of runes.
so 1m worth of runes + all the magic exp you get vs. the 12m for guthan. B2P is such a waste of cash :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Np skulled, its good to see that you didn't post a flame :P


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I loved wearing guthan when i was p2p, but now that i think bout it, id rather fight fire giants with full torag and then when im running low on hp go kill some skeles and do some B2P...yea as a beloved guthan user i think i would rather use bones to peaches.

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Pah, Does that spell give you some of the best defence in the game? I think not!




Does it have a very powerful weapon? I think not




Does it cost more to get that the reapirs on guthans? I think so!




= Guthans = Way better!

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Pah, Does that spell give you some of the best defence in the game? I think not!




Does it have a very powerful weapon? I think not




Does it cost more to get that the reapirs on guthans? I think so!




= Guthans = Way better!

Or not!




Does guthan let you use a shield? No!Does guthan let you use a decent weapon? No! Does B2P let you wear any armor and weapon? YES! = B2P =Way better!








Fake optimism FTW!!! YEA!!!


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Pah, Does that spell give you some of the best defence in the game? I think not!




Does it have a very powerful weapon? I think not




Does it cost more to get that the reapirs on guthans? I think so!




= Guthans = Way better!

Or not!




Does guthan let you use a shield? No!Does guthan let you use a decent weapon? No! Does B2P let you wear any armor and weapon? YES! = B2P =Way better!








Fake optimism FTW!!! YEA!!!

Never heard of using different weapons? Use a whip then when you need to heal switch weapons... The spell doesnt just cost 20-100 nats it costs like tons of runes = tons of cash to get it...
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You're missing the whole point...not to mention that you bring in 2 completely irrelivant (sp?) points...

Never heard of using different weapons? Use a whip then when you need to heal switch weapons...
and my way you never need to switch weapons and can still heal whenever you need too, just pick up bones as you kill monsters and cast B2P when you get a full inv...
The spell doesnt just cost 20-100 nats it costs like tons of runes = tons of cash to get it...
and guthan costs 12m to get! Btw I got my bones to peaches spell by rc'n 1500 nats, selling 1k of them and buying cosmics and laws...not exactly 12m, eh? :roll: Don't forget that if you die in guthan's you lose tons of cash, but if you die with B2P you just lose some nats...








P.S. Why are we doing "..." over and over again?...


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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You're missing the whole point...not to mention that you bring in 2 completely irrelivant (sp?) points...
Never heard of using different weapons? Use a whip then when you need to heal switch weapons...
and my way you never need to switch weapons and can still heal whenever you need too' date=' just pick up bones as you kill monsters and cast B2P when you get a full inv...
The spell doesnt just cost 20-100 nats it costs like tons of runes = tons of cash to get it...
and guthan costs 12m to get! Btw I got my bones to peaches spell by rc'n 1500 nats, selling 1k of them and buying cosmics and laws...not exactly 12m, eh? :roll: Don't forget that if you die in guthan's you lose tons of cash, but if you die with B2P you just lose some nats...








P.S. Why are we doing "..." over and over again?...








Bloodveld's right.

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BTW, Bloodveld, agree with you 200%, Hallies should be banned - its painful watching a level 40 with an addy hally trying to kill a blue drag. Melee like a man not a jessie.








i dunno what your trying to refer to with the "jessie" thing, if you mean me i guess your eyes and hands do not coopperate well together seeing how you misspelt my name. - snip - i find it odd you say my name or attempt to say it... - snip - i just dont get what your trying to state with such a comment that has no realistic bearing on this convo








jessie is spelt correctly - nothing to do with you (why is everyone me, me , me these days?). A jessie is an english expression that means a woosie or big girls blouse or one of a myriad other phrases used to suggest someone is not 'manly' - which is what I consider those who melee with a halberd.



Quod liet ingratum est; Quod non licet acrius urit.

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with guthans, what ever you train on, the drops usually pay for the repairs








Well, if you use B2P, you dont only get your money from the nats back, you also make a profit, whilst with guthan you make only just enough to pay the repairs. (in most cases)

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jessie is spelt correctly - nothing to do with you (why is everyone me, me , me these days?). A jessie is an english expression that means a woosie or big girls blouse or one of a myriad other phrases used to suggest someone is not 'manly' - which is what I consider those who melee with a halberd.








Wow .. you must feel like a big macho with all that strong armor and beating up on some "big" monster, maybe even praying to not get hit and girls must be fawning over you like crazy .. right :roll:








Wonder what goes on in your head when you run back to bank after running out of food ( or not if the monsters you like to train on are really weak) and see the halliers/rangers/magers still in the same training place not needing any food.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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BTW, Bloodveld, agree with you 200%, Hallies should be banned - its painful watching a level 40 with an addy hally trying to kill a blue drag. Melee like a man not a jessie.








i dunno what your trying to refer to with the "jessie" thing, if you mean me i guess your eyes and hands do not coopperate well together seeing how you misspelt my name. - snip - i find it odd you say my name or attempt to say it... - snip - i just dont get what your trying to state with such a comment that has no realistic bearing on this convo








jessie is spelt correctly - nothing to do with you (why is everyone me, me , me these days?). A jessie is an english expression that means a woosie or big girls blouse or one of a myriad other phrases used to suggest someone is not 'manly' - which is what I consider those who melee with a halberd.
















i dunno, maybe because im like the only person on this forum with the name realitively similar. and the me me me thing, oh okay so im supposeod to know every "english" slang term, dude why dont british people speak real english, and not call a cigarrette a [bleep] fish and chips fish and fries or something.

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