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nice quadruple loot?

I think it's another pair of dh legs. Looks like he uses guthans for healing


Nah bro quadruple loots rufio goes hard in the paint

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[bleep] good thing you didnt come bandos with me.


To be honest it was a really good thing you didn't come. I had a mate and myself going and I just needed one more. Mate ended up being busy so i went with some clanmates.


What i thought was a trio ended up as a five man trip. Now I admit I'm low combat (98) but it turns out that everyone who went was also ~100cb. One guy didn't show so we just fourmanned. First kill went well I think someone brought a bgs so it was going to be a long trip but after the first kill, i accidentally refreshed the page.


Which is pretty amusing in itself, because Orion doesn't work where I use internet, I have to use a browser. This means I have to write a lot of scripts to re-imitate Rs3 quality of life stuff that Orion already provides but the web browser version doesnt. So I remapped my function keys to be like that of rs3. I have a habit of pressing f1, f2, f3, f4 really quickly. I just do it because idk, bad habit. So there I am at bandos and i click out of the client (maybe was tabbing out to something else while graardor down), I tab back into osrs and i tabbed into the tab, not the java app inside the tab. I begin flicking through my function keys because its a habit but because im not in the java client, when I started flicking through f1-4 it remapped to f5, which refreshed the page.


So I'm in bandos and I dont know if I should log back in because I don't want to get screwed over by login delay or whatever, so I log into Mish and ask if bandos was down, what turns out happened was even more funny.


The tank chewed through 8 sharks and half his brews, then ring of lifed out on 1 hp. Bandos went onto another guy who was 90 combat and his first time at bandos. So he panicked and died. Last guy ended up tping out (I think).




In other news 75 runecraft



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especially oldschool that you guys actually had a party instead of everyone pming him 'g'

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best drops (reasonably accurate/up to date): 1x Elysian Sigil (LS), 1x Arcane Sigil (cs), 4x Armadyl Hilt (solo at 100m, 100m, 50m, and 5m), 2x Saradomin Hilt (solo at 25m), 5x Draconic Visage (34m,1.2m,1.2m) and various cs/ls/ffa Nex splits.
Drygore Drops: 7 Longswords, 3 Maces, 3 Rapiers, 3 Off-hand Rapiers,  5 Off-hand Maces, 3 Off-hand Longswords

ROTS Shields: 12  Seismics: 16

Ascension Crossbows: 6  Spider Legs: 10

Countless Armadyl armour pieces, Saradomin amulets, Dragon Hatchets, and Fremenik Rings.
Range~Herblore~Construction~Constitution~Defence~Farming~Magic~Attack~Prayer~Strength~Summoning~Slayer~Mining~Dungeoneering~Firemaking~Agility~Magic Mastery~Summoning Mastery~Cooking~Smithing~Fletching~Thieving~Hunter~Woodcutting~Fishing~Runecrafting


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