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Different jagex mods , give different answers to every question presented








Leesters does a few thousand barrows runs and keeps detailed statistics of his progress








I'll go with Leesters :)

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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I'll go with Leesters :)
As would I. I followed his guide (almost to the word) til I got more confident there and have since made some personal choices that I feel are for the better (for me anyway) I see him world 9 barrows alot too. :shock: Who'd have thunk it?
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Someone on the tip.it forums already posted a response from Jagex stating something along the lines of..."We feel that the aspects of gameplay should be as realistic as possible. Killing monsters would not increase the chance of getting a barrows item, which can only be increased by killing the brothers found throughout the crypt and catacomb."








Killing Bothers increases chance. Killing monsters 10-20 times increases the number of runes and other stackable rewards.

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lol, first u say it matters, then it doesnt, and now it does again? i suggest you do a blog with a kill count of 15 for 400 runs and a a count of 25 for 400 runs.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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No I've seen a picture of a letter were Jagex actually stated Kill Count doesn't effect Barrows Items.








Well, look what someone posted on the internet:
















Now isn't that something?


40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads.





Are there any hidden bonuses here?


No bonuses


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Fake making is my forte, don't try and out do me :lol:








On topic: I am the one who got the message back from mod clark (something like that) saying that kc was worthless, but honestly, its mod clarks word against leesters, so who do you think I'm going to go with?leesters of course :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Different jagex mods , give different answers to every question presented








Leesters does a few thousand barrows runs and keeps detailed statistics of his progress








I'll go with Leesters :)








Thats true I would have to go with Leesters too lol.

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No I've seen a picture of a letter were Jagex actually stated Kill Count doesn't effect Barrows Items.








Well, look what someone posted on the internet:
















Now isn't that something?








Umm yeah I didn't say I agreeded with the letter. I just said there was one so hush nub?

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I've done 400 or so runs with a kill count of 10-19. This information is what I used to do the guide. I averaged an item in every 18.1 chests.








Since then I've done another 352 runs, and this time my kill count was 20-29. I've averaged an item in every 12.2 chests.








Thats a significant difference, even though the margin of error for such a small sample size is high. I did the statistical formula, and its still within the bell curve, meaning its a "significant" difference. This term means that its not "lucky". And since the more runs I do, the more the average remains at once every 12, its proving itself more significant.








So, I'm now posting that kill count DOES make a difference.....




and I'm posting this as a statistical fact.








Continuing on in my quest for a red party hat, I will now do my barrow runs at over 30+ kill count. When I have enough data to prove a significant difference, I'll let you know. If its not a dramatic difference, the sample size will have to be larger to prove significance.








So... Kill Count Matters. Woot.








No offense intended but I hardly think that this proves anything. Instead of using static numbers you used ranges... why? The only thing that does is further randomizes your results aka increasing your margin of error GREATLY. I mean the item chances could be increased from a variety of different numerical variables. Their point in KC and chest rewards was to keep us guessing so that we don't all discover that magic number that results in an item 40% of the time or something crazy like that. It would make Barrows armor no longer psuedo-rare and as commonly used as rune. To prevent this they did one of the following things:




1. Made KC directly responsible for the results of the chest as in the monsters have a drop-list of their own and/or have a "ring-of-wealth"-esque (ooooh I am patenting that word) effect on the brothers' drop-list.




2. Made KC have some bizarre mathmatical effect such as: odd numbers double the chance, prime numbers lower the chance, the higher the number in Fibonnacci's Sequence that KC ends on the greater the chance, etc. etc. You know Jagex and their twisted sense of humor. :wink:




3. Made KC have no effect whatsoever on the chest which has resulted in countless hours of wasted time therefore MUCH less Barrows equipment on the market. Think about this: if this were true and there was never a KC counter how many hundreds of sets of barrows equipment would have been put into the market?








I think that getting a KC substantially higher than the "required 6" (lets say 60, 600, or even 10k lol... sigh :roll: ) and not recieving a proportionally higher amount of runes and/or barrows items would automatically disprove theory number 1.








Since I do not have the time, patience, mental acuity, and/or resources to prove/disprove this theory as most others also do not I don't know that this theory is even provable. While THAT may be true it doesn't prove whether or not theory number 2 IS true.








Since I, and apparently a great deal of others (including yourself at one point in time), have intimate knowledge of large KCs and meager resulting rewards I think that this is the MOST likely scenario.












Now two final things:








1. I bow down to your all-knowing and phenominal Barrows guide and to you as an intelligent individual. :P Seriously. I just think that without better testing habits that you simply cannot say that you have proved anything (yet) beyond a shadow of a doubt. The alarmist attitude that you seem to be using (all caps in your title and absolutes in your declarations) seems totally out of character. I took a long time to write this reply because I greatly respect you, your work, and your posts to such an extent that I wanted to try to be as articulate and unoffensive as possible. I hope I succeeded. =\








2. I am NOT, I repeat, NOT saying that you are wrong OR saying that what I think is right. What I am saying is that I think that the evidence gathered and the manner that it has been gathered points more towards my conclusion than yours at this time. I would NOT be shocked if later we find out that KC has an beneficial effect that tapers off the higher that it is... I just do not think that there has been sufficient evidence to prove so.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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In response to RAHK.... :shock:








Heck, you know it all could be worthless because they might have changed their formula sometime in the middle of this.








I've seen Jagex responses that say ring of wealth works now. I've seen Jagex responses that say kill count doesn't matter. I've seen Jagex responses that have been faked.








Do they still send the same form letter? I'm tempted to rally all of us together, send in a few dozen more querries and see what they say NOW.








After all, hidden updates are always in the game. All I know is the numbers I have. I have no idea if the chest formula was changed since I've been doing this.








Lets send in some querries, and see what the responses are. They should have a form letter they send on this issue.








Please don't paste fakes. Its not funny, its not cool, and its destructive in nature.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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In response to RAHK.... :shock:








Thank you.... seriously.... thank you. :lol:











Heck, you know it all could be worthless because they might have changed their formula sometime in the middle of this.











You just HAD to point this out didn't you!!! This has been in the back of my mind ever since they took out blocking. I refuse to acknowledge the (likely, sigh) possibility that they would do this because it would truly drive me INSANE... not the I-always-wear-a-cape-and-a-phat(bought off of Ebay lol)-in-real-life-when-I-go-barrowing-in-game insane. I am talking about the chew-my-fingernails-until-I-hit-bone-in-real-life-when-I-go-barrowing-in-game insane. I can't stand the thought. Like nails on a chalkboard. :x








In response to the queries thing I think that this is a great idea if we all send in the EXACT same question word-for-word. That way there wouldn't be any discrepencies in their replies (other than the obvious bureaucratic garbage). Feel free to post one on a new thread and I am sure a ton of people will help out. Heck this might even be supported in the General F2p forums since I am sure they can understand the frustration caused by being so close yet so far. :!:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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leesters add me rsn: lucifier6








I know I may not post much here, but I am a lurker I just look at the topics you guys present so please dont use my post count as a way of gauging my L337ness lol.








but I'd like to talk to ya leesters, and we could possibly do barrows together and do it diff ways to see what works and doesnt








like using ring of wealth, cetrain killcount #'s, and so on

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Well, presonally I have missed feelings. It's great that now you can increase your chances of an item, sad that you have to get kc up so high though. But great data, it's nice that someone is keeping track of this data.


.:: RSC Product ::.

.:: 116 Combat ::.

.:: 1777 Overall ::.

.:: Biggest Single Drop Log Ever ::.

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ur dumb it doeswnt make a difference








You're dumber.








Why would it be in the game if it didn't?




He's trying to figure out what its deal is.








And pelase note: "ur" is not a word.


I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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The only problem with this info is that your gains from the chest are based on a random number generator. If Jagex doesn't use kill count as a factor in their random number generator (other than you must kill the 6 brothers at least), then it IS just coincidence...



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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