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Tip.It Times Presents: English: Its Proper Form


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I was wondering, while I was reading the entire article, would I be able to use this as a reference point to examplify being able to use 'English' properly. Within two years, I will be a High School English Teacher. This is an amazing and very thought provoking piece of work. So, pending proper credit to the writer and the website, would anyone be able to tell me if I could use this as a reference for future aspects of my soon-to-be career?

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Great article...I'd pretty much gone to thinking that almost no one in any forums or games online could type correctly. And it is easy to jump to the conclusion that the people using shorthand are about as smart as a brick. Of course, when they start snapping at you about making a comment about their typing, the fact that some of them continue to skip letters here and there actually proves that they really aren't the brightest crayons in the box.




Hopefully enough people will bother to read the article and figure out just how pathetic they can sound.

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Its just a matter of preference. "Spelt" is not proper in U.S. english but in British english it is. Who cares? Since when did english teachers start playing this game? Part of the novelty of using the internet to chat is being able to use bad grammar and bad spelling and be able to get away with it.

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I was wondering, while I was reading the entire article, would I be able to use this as a reference point to examplify being able to use 'English' properly. Within two years, I will be a High School English Teacher. This is an amazing and very thought provoking piece of work. So, pending proper credit to the writer and the website, would anyone be able to tell me if I could use this as a reference for future aspects of my soon-to-be career?
















I'm actually quite surprised that a lot of the comments being made here are by new accounts or old accounts that have very few posts. I'm getting the impression that I managed to provoke quite a bit of interest with that article. It's nice to see the mix of, ah, opinions on the intarwebz [sic].

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Great article, I do agree, to a certain extent.. When it comes to typing on MSN, forums, emails and stuff, I will use proper spelling and grammer. What annoys me the most is that some of the "internet words" that are used are actually LONGER and more diffucult to type than it would be to type it with the correct spelling, I do believe they call this "l33t speak" or something pathetic like that. I mean... Whats so elite about talking like your dyslexic, if anything it makes you look stupid and pathetic, not elite. Now.. There is one (or a few) place where I see fit (and actually do type with incorrect spelling), thats in the wilderness while PKing, because yes even that 1 second that you save typing a message can be the difference between life and death or a kill and a teleport.








I see it like this, acronyms and certain abreviations are fine, but lay off that god damn l33t speak and such.








However... In my time of surfing the internet I have been to many forums, and I do find that some people take the "speak English or die" thing a bit too far, some are just being uptight and trying to make people think they are smart or something.








In my opinion there shouldn't be any set rules about how you can type on the internet, nor should people make a big deal out of it, I mean come on, some words really do need abreviating (especially for honest RS players such as myself who don't use auto-typers), who is going to sit there typing "press 888 to buy adamantite bars" "press 888 to buy adamantite bars" when you could type "888 to buy addy bars" 2 times for every time it takes you to use the proper spelling.








So yea, theres a time and a place.. People just need to use their common sense. In fact, the whole entire world would be a better place if everyone had a bit of common sense (which isn't the case where I come from I'm afraid), but hey.. Thats a whole different discussion isn't it. ;)

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Although I agree with this, there other reason why incorrect spelling occurs. The problem I find, is that the people you are talking to always seem to be in a rush. During conversations, I will always try to type correctly, however if it takes more than three seconds to responde, I find that I am being asked the same question again and again, or the person walks off. To ensure we all spell correctly, then lets give each other more time to type.

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I read the Tip.It times for this month for the first time today, and was astounded by the arrogant pomposity of it.








Firstly, he suggests that those people who abbreviate words are "slavering monkeys" or something to that effect. This is patently a Ridiculous statement - are we to say that regional dialects are somehow inferior? Does speaking the QE (oh dear...I just abbrv.), that is Queen's English make you superior to others? No, this is clearly not so. Abrreviation is part of the on going evolution of the English language - 100 yrs (oh dear - another one) ago "cool" simply meant cold, yet it is common parlence today. Do you complain about "Can't" because i do not write "can not"?








Hey, you probably only save a fraction of a second for every twenty points you deduct from your perceived IQ.












This illustrates my argument perfectly - perhaps the aouthor derives some comfort in his apparent "superiority" over those lesser life forms who use any form of English that may be classed as modern?








Secondly, we come to the idea of a simple communicative problem - the "younger generation" - as he put it - seem fine with internet slang and abbrv., it is, infact, the "older generation" that are inflexible in thier understanding of the English language - they will not let it evolve, or change, but shackle it down to what they know and are comfortable with - they would have us still saying "art thou" rather than "are you". It is simple - the older generation must learn to adapt. Furthermore, if we are on the topic of communication, recent studies have shown that i am albe to wirte lkie tihs, and poelpe are slitl albe to udnretsnad. Communication is not a problem for those who have an able grasp of the English language, it is only a problem for those with antiquated views and draconian beliefs.








While shorthand may be easily understood by those who have already been tainted by its foul talons, it may require some translation for those who are not ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅhipÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ



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I must concur with my brethen with a giant amen. As an "older" player, in age not in years playing, I get annoyed with the monkeys at the keyboard. I usually turn chat off as to avoid having my screen filled with gibberish. Thank you for reminding people that taking the extra time to type properly will get them farther in life and in runescape that slang ever will. Slang is bad enough when spoken, when it typed its horrendous.








Mistresse - lvl 99 - and proud holder of a B.A. in English Literature

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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.

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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language



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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language




Yes actually. There is a correct form of english. And in everything there is a correct and perfect form. Do not try to rationalize incorrectness by saying it is the norm. Do not try to say that all things are relative: All things are absolute. The Laws of the Universe do not equivocate.








For a practical example, observe the National Academy in France-it actively and continually fights degradation of language.

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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I know people have over used this phrase....But it is only a game








Ease a little and enjoy your game without having the stiff necked super posh intelectual composition.








I think everyone should be free to talk the way they want without another person taking offense.








Remember that the rs population has a wide demographic and language range.








remember, doughnought has been shortened to donut, it doesnt make it wrong








I have realised that too many people these days think they are of superior intellect, thats what makes people come to such conclusions. Most people are just...average..face it... even though egotistical narcisits will refuse to beleive they are not geniuses but of average IQ








If i want to buy armor. I am gonna say








"byn rune pl8"








I will not say








"will someone kindly merchant me a runite platebody in respect to my needs"








try doing that in world 1 or 2, and you will be slanging in no time

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Remember that the rs population has a wide demographic and language range.




I say that that's the reason we need to use proper grammar and spelling; the vast majority of those who speak English as a second language won't know what you're babbling on about if you're speaking Idiot.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language




Yes actually. There is a correct form of english. And in everything there is a correct and perfect form. Do not try to rationalize incorrectness by saying it is the norm. Do not try to say that all things are relative: All things are absolute. The Laws of the Universe do not equivocate.








For a practical example, observe the National Academy in France-it actively and continually fights degradation of language.








i'm sorry but that is the most patently inaccurate thing ever. The world is not black and white, duties do conflict, deontology fails, and EVERYTHING is realtive



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Remember that the rs population has a wide demographic and language range.




I say that that's the reason we need to use proper grammar and spelling; the vast majority of those who speak English as a second language won't know what you're babbling on about if you're speaking Idiot.












NO, in fact this is the Exact reason why people do not construct english well, because of the fact that they are of different demographics and age.








Someone who speaks english as a third language isnt going to put on faux shakspearian parlance just to satisfy and make happy a random person in America they do not know and will never meet








Stop judging peoples writing, its democratic, every human is free to do what he wants as long as he is happy, not go stiff necked to ensure another persons happiness at his own expense.

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Remember that the rs population has a wide demographic and language range.




I say that that's the reason we need to use proper grammar and spelling; the vast majority of those who speak English as a second language won't know what you're babbling on about if you're speaking Idiot.












NO, in fact this is the Exact reason why people do not construct english well, because of the fact that they are of different demographics and age.








Someone who speaks english as a third language isnt going to put on faux shakspearian parlance just to satisfy and make happy a random person in America they do not know and will never meet








Stop judging peoples writing, its democratic, every human is free to do what he wants as long as he is happy, not go stiff necked to ensure another persons happiness at his own expense.




Someone who speaks English as a second language is, however, familiar with the PROPER FORM of the words; they are not familiar with the bastardised Internet version.








I have encountered this problem in my own experience; as I said earlier in the topic, I did not know what was being talked about when a French speaker said 'keske vu fet' instead of 'Qu'est-ce que vous faites?'.








I didn't understand them; I had to ask them what they meant.








It is no different with those who speak English as a second language; many of my French-speaking friends have reported trouble with Internet slang.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language




Yes actually. There is a correct form of english. And in everything there is a correct and perfect form. Do not try to rationalize incorrectness by saying it is the norm. Do not try to say that all things are relative: All things are absolute. The Laws of the Universe do not equivocate.








For a practical example, observe the National Academy in France-it actively and continually fights degradation of language.








i'm sorry but that is the most patently inaccurate thing ever. The world is not black and white, duties do conflict, deontology fails, and EVERYTHING is realtive

Deontology? Dunno what that is :lol:. Not everything is relative. Notice in the theory of relativity. Things seem relative, but the important things (I.E., causality), all frames of reference MUST agree. The world is black and white. There is always a best course of action. If everything was relative, things would lose their meaning. Take care, and beware, so that you don't lose sight of the absolute while seeing the mundane. :wink:

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language




Yes actually. There is a correct form of english. And in everything there is a correct and perfect form. Do not try to rationalize incorrectness by saying it is the norm. Do not try to say that all things are relative: All things are absolute. The Laws of the Universe do not equivocate.








For a practical example, observe the National Academy in France-it actively and continually fights degradation of language.








i'm sorry but that is the most patently inaccurate thing ever. The world is not black and white, duties do conflict, deontology fails, and EVERYTHING is realtive

Deontology? Dunno what that is :lol:. Not everything is relative. Notice in the theory of relativity. Things seem relative, but the important things (I.E., causality), all frames of reference MUST agree. The world is black and white. There is always a best course of action. If everything was relative, things would lose their meaning. Take care, and beware, so that you don't lose sight of the absolute while seeing the mundane. :wink:








If the world was black and white we wouldn't of bothered coming up wid all the shades of grey inbetween em


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In response to FuBai, there is a vast difference between "modernization" of a language and "basterization" brought on by lack of education. When one types in phoentics and misspells words that should have been learned in 1st and 2nd grade. Others must wonder if the person speaking ever attended elementary school in any form or function.








and i suppose you are the arbiter of what is modernisationa nd basterdisation? You only go to show the conservative nature of those who have a fixed view of the Engilsh language




Yes actually. There is a correct form of english. And in everything there is a correct and perfect form. Do not try to rationalize incorrectness by saying it is the norm. Do not try to say that all things are relative: All things are absolute. The Laws of the Universe do not equivocate.








For a practical example, observe the National Academy in France-it actively and continually fights degradation of language.








i'm sorry but that is the most patently inaccurate thing ever. The world is not black and white, duties do conflict, deontology fails, and EVERYTHING is realtive

Deontology? Dunno what that is :lol:. Not everything is relative. Notice in the theory of relativity. Things seem relative, but the important things (I.E., causality), all frames of reference MUST agree. The world is black and white. There is always a best course of action. If everything was relative, things would lose their meaning. Take care, and beware, so that you don't lose sight of the absolute while seeing the mundane. :wink:








If the world was black and white we wouldn't of bothered coming up wid all the shades of grey inbetween em




People have made all those shades in order to escape the black and white which would otherwise compel them to action. People rationalize all the time.








(P.S. Let's take up this discussion ingame. Don't want off topic)

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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I hate to repeat everyone else, but...








I <3 you!!! Seriously. Every RS player needs to read this article. The problem pointed out here is why I just cannot play RS for more than 5 minutes at a time anymore. I cannot read half the crud these kids type. My current goal in life is to get my PhD (heading to U of T for a History major next year, I hope) and become a University Professor. If any of my students handed in an essay that managed to slaughter the English language in the same way that many RS players do now, they would not make it out of the classroom alive.









~ Kei



Keistera - The Jack of All Trades

Mama Ursa - The Priestess/Survivalist

Erbrynn - The Mage

Erebus Sabre - The Forgetful Warrior

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I have no problems with people who aren't talented in English, but i do have a problem when people type small comments without re-reading them or pay a little attention to the sentence structure. Also, i have a lot of respect for people like Snake Slavik, who tried to explain in horrible English what his opinions were on Pk-ing in classic. (it was an old post, can't find it anymore) Atleast he tried, and we all know he was Russian so we had a good laugh with it :D .


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The problem pointed out here is why I just cannot play RS for more than 5 minutes at a time anymore.








Oh shutup, I do agree that people should use proper spelling and grammer, but what you just said is pathetic, and a lot of people say things similar to this, its really starting to get on my nerves, just because of the sheer stupidity of it, you don't HAVE to read what everyone says on RS, you are able to turn the chat off, and even if you weren't, surely (having the goal of becoming a professor and all) your capable of ignoring it.








I think anyone who blames their lack of gameplay on other people is either plain stupid or seriously needs to grow up.

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