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Tip.It Times Presents: English: Its Proper Form


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Although I do occasionly use some form of short hand, but runescape short hand (d long=dragon longsword). I find my self sometimes talking to kids and spend an hour translating what they said and then have to respond. Although this isnt an english class at least show some class.

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You're right about the internet being a bit of a classroom. In the future when I am hiring people, I'm going to just laugh at them if they hand me a resume full of mistakes. People need to grow up and learn that cutting corners never helps anyone.

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I loved the article. It was well thought out and concisely written. I have always felt that if someone does not have enough respect for me to use proper writing skills when they address me then they do not deserve my time. Much less whatever it is of mine that they wish to purchase or scam from me. In fact that is quite possibly why I have never been scammed. All of the scammers I have ever seen in my two years on RuneScape use the internet shorthand. Since I am not going to take the time to bother deciphering the gibberish it has probably saved me from the annoyance of being scammed. It has probably saved me from many other pitfalls as well.

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I read this laughing thinking about what i do in runescape. I use lol and thx and nvm and np. but i think i have caught the author of this article using short hand. (which i read he is heavily against) Using the shorthand of Television. which you all know is TV.








I would like to point out that everyone uses short hand. even the author of this article.








oh and uses the shorthand term for etcetera

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That was great.








I agree fully about it! I mean I try to get my friends to type right, but then I am called a nerd, and I say what Zonorhc said! XD








Yea they are "teh 1337 r0x0rz pl0x ch33tz c0d3rz g0nn4 h4x!".....




They can be that. Anyways, great job!








I only use etc. lol, rofl, things like that. Otherwise, I type correctly :)








I wish more people would take that little time just to make it so others could understand. And thats the bad thing, people could type correct, and do it fastly. Instead of fastly AND sloppy-like.








Those 1337 pl0x just got owned.








Owned with a 0 and a 3 XD








Great job man.

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Well written. I agree with that. But I also hate people who correct other people's mistakes but make a [cabbage]load of their own and then argue saying they've written it the right way while its obviously wrong. And there are moments when people miss a key on their keyboard. I rarely misspell any words, misspelling a word for me is as hard as digging up a party hat from the ground for you. I just make a typo in a text very often because I don't look at the keyboard when I'm typing and also don't check the stuff I wrote.

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Very well written. Though, being me, I had to read it extra carefully to see if you maybe slipped up and made a mistake.








In the 8th paragraph, "misspelt" isn't a word. It's "misspelled."




It was probably a typo :)








Ah well. :wink:

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I agree wholeheartedly with the author (and it brings me glee to see that many RuneScapers do, too!)








u do make sum gud points however this is ur opinion and ur opinions matters little to me...i speak like this wen im talkin on the internet nd i will continue to do so...no1 will stop me




If you aren't ready to stop, no one can make you. Kind of like the habit of grinding your teeth: an annoying habit which others may ask you to break, but if you aren't convinced, you will keep holding on to it.




Something I particularly liked about this article is that instead of being a pure rant, it elaborates reasons why you should make an effort to type properly..







Just because people speak a certain way doesnt make you any better than that person




On a lingusitic (or a communicative) level, it does.




In that respect, someone who has just started learning a language and still makes plenty of mistakes is better than a fluent speaker who fails to make use of their fluency.




If you do your best, no one can ask for more.




and it also doesnt give you the right to judge them







You might say that, but is it really possible to prevent people from forming initial judgement?








When you are typing to someone, you are automatically involving them. It's important to make sure that they know what you're going on about, therefore, their opinion does matter.




If you're not talking to them, then fine, you are free to disregard their opinion.








4dak~ It doesn't seem to me that the author is against the use of short-hand, but rather the laziness that prompts its (ab)use. I'm sure most of us would agree that short-hand isn't much of an issue when it's used within reason..

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When I read that the newest edition of the Tip It Times was written by you, Zonorhc, I just knew it was going to be a great read...and indeed, it was.








I must say, you covered a lot of ideas that I myself value as a person of intelligence, and then some. However, that being said, you've got to think of this:








A very small fraction of the "chatspeak-speaking" population is even going to click the link to read the article, because as you said, the majority of them are children, and children aren't interested in articles about grammar, unfortunetly.








Secondly, we also have to consider the very small fraction of them that WILL read it, will probably either close it out after the first "big word" is read, or will read it and not change their ways. Hopefully, however, this will affect even a slight amount of the people who use the barbaric shorthand and will spare us a pint of relief.








Wonderful job though. If I was wearing a hat, I'd tip it to you. (Sorry for the lame pun...but good job anyways. ;))



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Okay, after five pages of reading replies, I've seen enough to warrent some kudos. Without further ado:








"Here lay thine wonderful quoted ideas"








I would just like to say that it probably doesn't make typing faster if you use short hand because a qwerty keyboard is set up so that keys often used after each other are near each other, and therefore speeding up typing. When people use short hand the keys are not in their optimum position because the words are not real words, and therefore it actually takes longer.




I sat and considered a few words on a qwerty keyboard (once I figured out what a "qwerty" keyboard was), and I must say that this comment was well thought, and completely true!








Is it just me, or is it much easier and faster to type everything properly instead of using incoherent shorthand?




Hmm... Yes, because typing in shorthand, to people who have learned how to type properly (ME!!!), takes a level of concentration that--I'm sorry--some people just don't have (myself included)! Then there's the problem of trying to read the stuff... Has anyone sat there for a minute, trying to decypher what someone said, simply because you're so used to the proper manner of spelling that particular word?








...due to the fact that I type at 75 words per minute on average (Yeah, there are some days where I top out at 90 wpm), I really don't have a need to try to save a few milliseconds.




I am happy to find someone that is a similarly experienced typist as myself. I applaude you, and wonder if we can start typing lessons for these 7331-speakers, because they truly are not "Elite" with their mannar of lingual eptitude.








It started getting really bad when people would ask me (in chatspeak), "Why do you type normally?" and my only retort was, "Why do you not?"




Actually, I haven't encountered that one yet... But, I'm sure it's coming soon.








Oh, and as for my comments toward the author: I thank you for your lovingly mild newsletter, because, as some have already said, if I was the one writing it, it would have become a rant, and definately without your "one-page" limit. Linguistics are just one topic in which most 'Scapers just do not care one iota about. Well done.


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I have a few things to point out there. First, I agree with this, and until I got into the habit of typing properly, I would even use shorthand on some English assignments, then catch myself.








Second, as I just said, it was a great article, but I got bored of being yelled at half way through... :?








Not saying it was bad.








Last, isn't there supposed to be a period at the end of the last sentence?

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Ah, the wonders of the internet, giving people from all around the globe a medium to research in, a medium to play in, and most importantly, a medium to communicate in. Given this chance to communicate with people from all around the world, what do people do? Often it seems like they fight with each other more then they do anything else.








Fights range in topics from issues of worldwide importance to some of the most trivial things imaginable. But just as there is no largest number, no end to the digits of Pi and no real solution to the square root of negative 1, there is no end to the heights of triviality attainable by the online community. We have now reached the point where we argue and rant (only a very few express their opinions in a way civilized enough to be considered debate, of which the author of this week's tip it times is one) about HOW we argue and rant.








Perhaps I am the only one who feels that this arguement is the epitome of pointlessness, but perhaps not. Either way, what this arguement is is a lack of respect for the differences of others. Some people prefer to type in the way they would for an English assignment, and that is fine. However, it is also okay for people to use abbreviations for commonly used words. Whether or not they actually save themselves time, they believe they do or they have some other reason to type in such a manner or they would not. Perhaps they cannot type normally due to a need to have one hand on the mouse, or some such thing. No matter the reason, accept your differences and have an enjoyable time in the world of Runescape.

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That was a very well-written article Zonorhc. Good luck with improving the linguistic style of the average runescaper.


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I agree wholeheartedly with the article and would like to mention that Zonorhc is in need of an accolade for this much needed peice of work. I am an incredibly slow typer (about 17 words per minute) and even i take the time to spell things properly. Although oft have i missed the period at the end of a scentence, i still try to amend my errors especially those in spelling, and i believe that those who blatantly break the rules of their language should come to grips with the errors of teir ways. it is these people that have befouled the internet with their use of sutch innacuracies. They have made it banal and that, at least, saddens me greatly. I would like to add that if i had wrote the article -as i had been meaning to do for some time- it would be largely a vitriolic peice and would not go over too well with those it was targeted to. let us all try to correct those split infinitives for me and do our part in cleaning up this mess.








i hope i had no mistakes in this peice.


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English: Its Proper Form












ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åomg liek i dont nede 2 typ proprly cus dis is da internet !!!! go away nerd looser !!!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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YES! i hate the constant "u", "y", "r" etc. its only 2 more button resulting in about 2 or less more seconds of work, i mean common.








I view people who don't type properly as young and immature mostly, typing does affect how people think about you.

Pier pressure?

I can just see you being threatened by a wharf or jetty because you're a teleporter. Yes, I can see a large wooden wharf uprooting itself from the shore, walking over to you and slapping you in the back of the head for teleporting.

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