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Tip.It Times Presents: English: Its Proper Form


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Only took the time to read half that garbage.








The author really just came off as if he is so much better then anyone else.








I, for one, try to write as well as I can... and thats all that should be expected. If these kids want to write in slang... let them. If you can't understand what they are saying... skip over it. Don't take the time to write an "article" whining about it.








And I don't see what the problem is with most of it anyways. Especially in game. The text can only be so long in the chat screen to begin with, so some things have to be shortened to a degree... or you're saying a sentence in two lines. And by the time you say what you might want to say to someone... they could already be gone.








I can't help but roll my eyes at the person who wrote this lame article. You guys must be running out of ideas to write about or something. That was just... terrible.








Whether you like it or not... this is the internet. And the fact is, it isn't a English class. And yeah... I'm well aware that those are two "lame" excuses... but the fact is, they're the truth. I'm not going to think any more or any less of some of these people who type like that. Infact, chances are, I'll probably have seen it, maybe laughed a little, and then dismiss it out of my mind moments after the fact.








This article was nothing but pointless and wont accomplish much of anything.


R.I.P Shiva

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Time and time again I wince when I see the English language butchered to such extremes. It's really sad to see people do that. I mean, just a few more seconds and the person typing might actually be viewed as a sophisticated and decently educated individual. I always take my time to type all my words in the most coherent way possible, otherwise, it annoys me. I can also say that people who have this habit on the internet and those text message phones will have a horrible time doing reports for school or businesses later in life, because guess what, folks, those things carry over to "real" life.








Already in my school I've heard the Freshman English teachers talking about the poor grammar used by students. Using the letter 'u' for 'you' is not acceptable and should not become habit, letters make sounds but need to be put into words to make sense.








*sigh* I fear the younger generations are doomed in the courses of spelling and grammar. Oh well, more job opportunities for the rest of us.








This was a very well written article and it articulated the points that I've been trying to get across to others very nicely. I give it an A+









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i agree to disagree, cant help it, i type alot in short hand but it does not come from not being bothered or being lazy its more conveint for me to type as such rather than it is to structure my works but that dosnt mean i cant its that i choose not to, also sometimes its the only way to get across to some ppl. nice example ppl people ppl you can see the difference. alot of it is to do with type theway you speak aswell cos or because, just depends what is your cup o tea.








its most likly going to be flamed but some people get worked up over things that they have no control over, therefore will have no effect on the problem. typing fast may be one of the main reasons also, but as you said we are not in the class room this is a free environment to express our thoughts not to complain, if you cant read the post dont read it leave it, yet again like someone stated why work up a fuss or complain just for the sake of complaining and then again could it be the though that you may be superior to those people? to fuel your ego by correcting there spelling or putting them down for not typing correctly in a GAME or on a forum which is ment to be fun? im dyslexic and have problems but dosnt mean ANYONE has the right to put me down, they may not know or they may not care it makes me annoyed and fuels my anger like a lion r0ar!








wow i typed alot and i guess people will start reading it and then stop as it may be nearer the point than they might like, just my "2 cent" but think about that BEFORE you reply to a badly worded post to correct and make fun of the person, shame on you shame on you all.

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I have to agree. I often find myself decoding things, and I always try to type in the best English, unless I'm really in a hurry. Although I do use "u" or abbreviations like "ty" occasionly, I do it out of watching others do it, and it frankly confuses me.








I can't understand this "l33t" buisness... why on earth substitute numbers for letters? Is a 3 an "E"? A 4 an "A"?








Mind you, I tend not to insert complicated words into sentences. But I do have quite a wide vocabulary.








Felicitations. Deem the article floccinaucinihilipilificatious if you wish. But then you are simply degenerating the English language. I actually hope you get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

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What I had here before was kind of rude, so i decided to change it. Rude comment take back. Please accept my apology.








I didn't like the article because it happened to come on a day whan I was running into an influx of forum members correcting other posters' grammar and spelling. That is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to bad forum behavior.








After a bit of thought, I realized you are talking about something completely different. I've read a few good points here such as correct words not taking as long to type as some of the internet speak and l33t speak being near impossible for speakers of foreign languages to understand. I guess for me its just always been one of the funny things about rs and I never thought about it so deeply.








Phr33 st0f pl0x!!! !!! 1 d13d1!!! n teni git hax0r3d


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Usually I don't feel like i need to discuss these articles but this one hit the nail on the head. As a teenager, I find that it's very easy to pick up habits. When I first started runescape, I adopted the e-language, but I began to get scared :shock: when I started typing my english papers with "u" and "r" instead of 'you' and 'are.'








Fortunatley I managed to kick the habit and decided to type in proper english in all my playing to improve my typing skills. As a challenge to myself, I decided to try to find how much faster my typing got with almost daily practice in proper english. 3 months since I started my experiment, I have improved by 7 words per minute from 38 to 45!








On a side note, what was said about the language you're exposed to is the one you pick up is completely true. As I said above, I began to pick up the e-lingo. What has stuck with me however is the spellings on the Jagex website. Jagex is a British company and I am an American. Soon I began spelling words with "extra" u's like 'armour' and 'colour.' I have also began forgetting whether in America words like 'realize' are spelled with a z or a s.








Keep the Times articles coming!!!!!!!!!!



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I have to say the first few post are quite original :roll: .








But to my point. Often more then not, I will use small abbreviations, but most of the time the only words i abbreviate are 3 letter words that can be easily understood in the form of one letter.








For example, you is often said u, depending the situation, but it seems i have kind of strayed away from that habit.








I think though, just from typing this, that i have been doing this less, as when typing examples i will often delete because i will put the three letter form down twice.








In conclusion, my most common shorthand words used are: u=you, r=are ic=I see i=I and o=oh.








other then that, I keep away from the "Leetspeak" such as p00n, teh, 0mgZ, and stupid foolish words like that.

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Well I agree with this one that typing how you do now will effect later on in your life. Like when you apply for a job or something like that and here is a test to see if you are to obssesed with the internet








||= |_| (@//\\// |234|) ||-||5 |_| //\\//33|) 4 |_ | |=3








From now on I will try and type properly.

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The funniest part of this is that I've seen too many people that actually press more keys fro a word than needed..like "oh mye gawd!!" or "goo awaye stupeed!!!!" XD It's freaking hilarious when people do that. Everytime someone says those to me I laugh so freaking hard it hurts..

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well you know i never really thought about it like that, could become a habit... but when i think about it it makes sence, it's changed my thought and now i'm gonna try to type proper on forum... but in game u hav limited space which i usually take up, i like to talk... :oops:

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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I agree whole-heartedly with this article. I've personally been trying to clean up the way I type for fear that I may develop habits. However, I don't tend to notice this much, as I have picked up a few little tidbits that help me understand...whatever you want to call it. 1337, geekspeak (as titled by my friend), or chatbox shorthand.

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Ah, yes. I can almost hear the argument screeching out of the collective subconscious like a banshee chained to a jet engine. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThe internet is not an English classroomÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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I've enjoyed reading all of these Tip.It Times, but this one I just have to say, bravo, if I were wearing a hat, I'd take my hat off to you and shake your hand.








I really don't think people understand how much, that since their posts/typing is the only contact that others online have with them, then that's how others perceive them. If you type like a 3 yr old bashing keys then that's about as much credit as people will give you. Especially if English is your first/only language, if it is, then I'd like to say, "Yes, I do want fries with that."

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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Usually I don't feel like i need to discuss these articles but this one hit the nail on the head. As a teenager, I find that it's very easy to pick up habits. When I first started runescape, I adopted the e-language, but I began to get scared :shock: when I started typing my english papers with "u" and "r" instead of 'you' and 'are.'











Its all in your head though really. So the whole idea of it being habit forming is completely false. I use the e-language in game, to a point (I don't play too much anymore, but it was heavily at one point)... yet when I came to these very forums I would speak "proper" English.








Fact is... it only becomes a habit if you make it (or let it be) a habit.








So for the author to say that it is entirely habit forming is down right false. Plus we have spell check on word documents for a reason. If students don't use spell check... then thats their own problem.


R.I.P Shiva

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I would like to say that the main reason for shorthand in runescape is because of the space you have to type it in and it should only be used when needed. This doesn't effect(or affect im not the best lingustic individual) your grammer if you actuall comprehend what you arre reading as the full word. Also if you register shorthand for use in certain situations you can aviod the problems of using shorthand where it doesn't go. The language barrier(not the greatest speller) however usually only ends up changing the order of words and maybe the meaning by a little or a lot in certain cases. The "current audience" keeps getting listed as a cause or problem with the runescape community and I would like to remind all of you that there are those of us who have knowledge and are useing it and the "Current audience" is teenagers who like games not dumb idiots who lack basic reasoning skills, sense of morality, or ability to hold a decent conversation. While the articall was well written I believe some of its concepts are not throughly reasoned and should be reviewed. Pls don't flame me unless I said something entirely moronic because this is my response to this weeks article and I expressed it to be known and commented on, not imediatly cut down and burned. :oops:

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OMG... tht wuz a gr8 4rt1cl3!!!! M0r3 pl0x!








Sorry, you sorta had to see these jokes coming... Very good article, and although I do type shorthand ingame, it doesn't really affect my out of game or forums typing.


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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While we're on the subject, could tip it stick to using proper English too please?




For example (off the top of my head) the tool used to wood is an axe.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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