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this is my clan it is new but it needs some members and needs people who are serious and helpful to be in-game leader,supermod,wildy council,events council,diplomacy council,




if you thing you are the right person for the job on the forums then go to the recruitment centre on the clans forum and fill out the applications you want and post it in a new topic in the recruitment centre here is the link





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The Gamers Mafia Forums




The Gamers Mafia is a place to shoot the breeze about gaming, movies, anime, and music. Post some of your


fan work be it fanfics or Gfx, sigs, wallpapers, or banners.




We also like to debate politics and the lastest news and events that are going on in the world today. We have


many gfx artist who can help you perfect your skills.




So for anything from gaming and entertainment to politics, the GMs got you covered. The Gamers Mafia is a


great place to just the pass time while meeting new people and growing new friendships.





The website address to our forums site is : http://www.gamersmafia.us/




You can also get there through Xan Software by going to : http://gamersmafia.xansoftware.com




Thank you very much for reading this message.

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Anim-eh.com having trouble deciding on what to watch next? Have some fan made or original art work and no where to show it? Why not take a look or even join! click here




Love mmorpg's? Of course you do or you wouldn't be on a runescape fan site. Ever want to make a game? Have lots of ideas? Good at 3d graphics? Why not help make a game, "Legends Of Razora". Our main site may be out of date, but our boards are up to date, if you confused or having trouble ask some one will be sure to answer you. Join us at : click here




p.s. on thous sites i go by acien

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Anim-eh.com having trouble deciding on what to watch next? Have some fan made or original art work and no where to show it? Why not take a look or even join! click here




I own the mentioned site, please feel free to visit, post articles, and fun stuff in the forums, or browse our open gallery(porn is removed daily)

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Hello tip.it forum members




I have created my won site about Runescape and you can find things like:




-Money Making guides,


-skill guides,


-how to raise levels fast,


-owning your own runescape bussiness,


-information on runescape updates




and much more




I Update the website everyday and all my content is unique i write it all myself and this is all from my experience from playing runescape.




Please Visit http://www.tiprs.blogspot.com












P.S- If you have any idea's of improving the site or things I'm missing drop me a Pm :D

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Yesterday (July 25th), I created a 4 panel comic strip by posing ragdolls in the awesome Garry's Mod. I liked it so much, I decided to make it a regular thing. And so was born, the GMod Comic!








It has its own website: Click Here - please read the warning text.








At the time of writing this (July 26th), there were only two comics - but now there are seven available to view, with a further ten already made - that's seventeen comics in all!








Again, please read the information before clicking 'Confirm'!

Retired from RuneScape as of November 10th 2007.




This is what I am doing now. | My Website | My RuneScape Programs

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Programmers R Us








The forum for progrmmers, learners, wannabees and all interested in programming.








The forum has plenty of space to improve and additions of other programming languages is a practical must.




The main language is english however other languages are permitted(remember however that although someone happens to speak the language you use on the board, no-one is obligated to respond to).








The forum has catagories for internet based languages such as PHP, HTML, and Javascript




and catagories for Windows, Linux and other OS based programming languages.




A full list can be found in 'Currently supported programming languages'








Everyone is welcome and everyone can join now!




Log in If you have registered








[hide=Forum Groups]Forum Groups:




  • Administrators
    • You may only be an administrator after a large amount of time as a moderator. Only as an administrator will you have full moderation possibilities. You can only be chosen for administrator. You cannot apply.




Sub administrators

  • Sub administrators have all the moderation bonnusses of administrators but do not have access to the administration panel.
    You can only be a sub administrator if you have been a moderator for a relatively long time and the architect approves it.





  • They moderate the forum. No moderator shall be given the ability to moderate the enire forum, only parts of it. When an open place for a moderator is seen. The individual moderator groups shall not be open. You must attempt to join through the common 'Moderator' group. After that you shall be placed in or chose your moderation group.




Website editors

  • Website editors can change everthing about the forum, they can change the appearance the groups the website pages pretty much everything, however, they must post it in a special forum where the administrators will later choose whether it can be used.





  • The programmer group is mainly for the title. However, when the forum is experiencing technical difficulties the forums administrators can call upon the programmers for help. Programmers are the only group except from the administrators that can know the coding and eventual hacks I have used on the forum.

Advanced Groups

  • Advanced groups are for persons that are quite advanced in a certain programming language, they are automatically in the programmers group. You must attempt to join the programmers group before you join the advanced group you belong to.

[/hide][hide=Currently supported programming languages]Currently supported programming lanuages




  • [*:31leezjy]Web based languages
    • [*:31leezjy]Java[*:31leezjy]Javascript[*:31leezjy]HTML[*:31leezjy]PHP




[*:31leezjy]Windows based programming languages

  • [*:31leezjy]C
    • [*:31leezjy]C[*:31leezjy]C+[*:31leezjy]C++[*:31leezjy]C#





  • [*:31leezjy]J[*:31leezjy]J+[*:31leezjy]J++[*:31leezjy]J#




[*:31leezjy]Linux based programming languages

  • [*:31leezjy]None yet








Please post here to suggest a new programming language.[/hide][hide=Our Staff]Our staff




Note: To private message you must be registered on our forum.








  • Administrators
    • [*:31leezjy]




Sub administrators

  • [*:31leezjy]...





  • [*:31leezjy]...









  • Forumotion for allowing free use of their servers and harddrive space,
http://grsites.com for aiding in the logo, who is online image, and buttons for the entire forum,
San dream for his script maker which has opened new doors combined with CSS
The users of Technical forums for keeping the forum alive, hopefully healing it from inside (see Forum groups), and giving me an oppertunity to sharpen up my graphics and programming skills









The forum shall be COMPLETELY free, just being on it gives us valuable points that make us rise in the ranks and gain even more users.








New users are needed and asked for.




The forum is also used as a help center for programmers and can be used as a tutorial center.












The forum can be found at http://codes.eletronicsboard.com/

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Hey, I have just recentley started a new Organization. The reason I started this organization was to raise funds and awareness about the large ammount of poverty in Honduras. I recentley visited honduras on a mission trip and saw the poverty. The children spoke Spanish and i spoke English, but we communicated through love and love alone.




Check out my site at: http://www.freewebs.com/dollars4thedifference




If you with to donate you can do so through paypal at this site:



Visit http://www.freewebs.com/dollars4thedifference and donate to help save the kids of Honduras.

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Code of Ethics








Being a globally oriented media service, Al Jazeera has adopted the following code of ethics in pursuance of the vision and mission it has set for itself:








1. Adhere to the journalistic values of honesty, courage, fairness, balance, independence, credibility and diversity, giving no priority to commercial or political considerations over professional ones.








2. Endeavour to get to the truth and declare it in our dispatches, programmes and news bulletins unequivocally in a manner which leaves no doubt about its validity and accuracy.








3. Treat our audiences with due respect and address every issue or story with due attention to present a clear, factual and accurate picture while giving full consideration to the feelings of victims of crime, war, persecution and disaster, their relatives and our viewers, and to individual privacy and public decorum.








4. Welcome fair and honest media competition without allowing it to affect adversely our standards of performance so that getting a "scoop" will not become an end in itself.








5. Present diverse points of view and opinions without bias or partiality.








6. Recognise diversity in human societies with all their races, cultures and beliefs and their values and intrinsic individualities in order to present unbiased and faithful reflection of them.








7. Acknowledge a mistake when it occurs, promptly correct it and ensure it does not recur.








8. Observe transparency in dealing with news and news sources while adhering to internationally established practices concerning the rights of these sources.








9. Distinguish between news material, opinion and analysis to avoid the pitfalls of speculation and propaganda.








10. Stand by colleagues in the profession and offer them support when required, particularly in light of the acts of aggression and harassment to which journalists are subjected at times. Cooperate with Arab and international journalistic unions and associations to defend freedom of the press.


Set this as your homepage and you'll have less confusion





If not then:






ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThe media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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