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i dont think those are prayer icons, i think its your target indicator


But style-wise they look almost identical to the few overhead prayer symbols we have seen in the videos, plus I'd assume target indicator would rely on the standard (though possibly graphically tweaked) over-head arrow and mini-map arrow and I also doubt the target indicator would have any sort of combat class alignment which the two swords do (melee)


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Those combat stances and prayer icons are all associated with the combat update, I should we've just reach the point where some/all of that is on the 'normal' test servers, especially for something like a PvP update as they'll need to make sure it works now and have a rebalance ready to go live with the combat update.

Look closely at the shortbow that the archer is using though. It's just different enough that I'm thinking we'll get the rest of the weapon update alongside it, especially considering other promotional material where crossbows looked different and the player character had fingers.

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Those combat stances and prayer icons are all associated with the combat update, I should we've just reach the point where some/all of that is on the 'normal' test servers, especially for something like a PvP update as they'll need to make sure it works now and have a rebalance ready to go live with the combat update.

Look closely at the shortbow that the archer is using though. It's just different enough that I'm thinking we'll get the rest of the weapon update alongside it, especially considering other promotional material where crossbows looked different and the player character had fingers.


Fingers were confirmed as part of player remodel tied to combat update (necessary for sheathing)

The different looking crossbows are presumably the already confirmed 2h crossbows that offer more power at the sacrifice of a shield spot.


It's safe to say all that kind of stuff is tied to the combat update and not anything coming imminently, after all we often see things in media shots months before they actually turn up in-game.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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would hope they are released before update actually, gives time for them to move around the market before they are increased in power.

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


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But it would make no sense to pre-release them as that would require doing alllll the work to create stats for them that are balanced in the current system, why do all that extra work when they will all be readily available on release through basic skills.


The way they spoke about filling out mage robes they kinda implied it'd all be craftable (wouldn't be surprised if we get a bunch of plants akin to dg to work with) 'completeing' melee sets with gloves and boots would primarily fall to smithing and a few probably fairly common monster drops. Shield bows and 2h cbows will be fletched and smithed with ease. etc.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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  • 3 weeks later...
Of course, thats not everything that Jagex are working on for Runescape. Theyve got an average of 20 content projects - Mark indicated to me that it was currently 25. Of these only, a few are talked about at any one time, presumably because some of them will never see the light of Day. Adam Tuckwell, the PR Manager for Jagex, took us through some of them. Once the RuneScape combat update has been fully launched we will be turning our attention towards another game changing expansion which will be announced soon. In the meantime, we will soon be releasing Player-owned Ports, where players can build their own port to attract sea captains, crew and treasures. We are also working on a new, yet unannounced skill, which will be added to the game next year. On top of that, theyre attempting to make Runescape more social, so that players find it easier to use a chat room and to stay in touch with their friends.




Hmm? Game changing expansion that is not combat update and new skill. Say whaaaaat?

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The thing is they say a game changing expansion not a rework.


Perhaps Priffindas or the eastern lands?

Or could be the beginning of the Dragonkin quest series proper (of course that desert quest about bob, wgs and rotm sort of started it) since they seem libel to kill and destroy stuff.


I'd honestly quite like if the world developed more as we quest etc. I mean they have the tech to show different things to different users and hide npcs, even if they can't do no object in a place where there was an object. So why not do some cool stuff like have West Ardy renovated post-elf series, completely obliterate some cities during some dragonkin quests and sort of displace the important npcs to other locations. Heck Dragonkin destruction could offer a route to the Eastern Lands. Eg obliterate most of the Mithalin kingdom (eg falador, varrock, lumby, edge) and have us flee across the sea to new cities. Would also be nice to see the jungle return a bit in the desert as we help there and see morytanina, at least in places, change as myreque quests go on. Like maybe get Mort'on proper saved, spruce Burgh De Rott up a bit and the mierydytch area.


I also think Eastern Lands would be good in terms of new skills, a whole new culture who does stuff different could lead into new skills.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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Baby Aquanite. <3:


Also lol'd at their SoF plug-in. Can't remember the last time SoF wasn't included in something they did.

Are you talking about the spin ticket drop from the green dragon?


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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Baby Aquanite. <3:


Also lol'd at their SoF plug-in. Can't remember the last time SoF wasn't included in something they did.

Are you talking about the spin ticket drop from the green dragon?

Yes. What are the odds of that being so conveniently placed there? :P

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On the Teaser Thread in the Future Games Updates subforum, hidden links were placed in the text. They don't appear to be related to Social Slayer, but hey, who knows.








In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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Looks like recolored Green D'hide, Mystic and Rune.

From the empty days of hope, deny the darkness
Follow my voice, we'll run far away from here

If only to hide, to escape this life
And live forever, forever in the sun

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