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Do YOU believe in God?


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Yes I do.. I am 50% Jewish and 50% Catholic.. although my catholic side isn't very religion.




Although I am very religious on my jewish side. I enjoy reading hebrew and I get along with our small congregation. so it's fun.




All Christians are like that. The OT is part of the Jewish holy text, if you celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter your also part pagan.

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Guest GhostRanger
Yes I do.. I am 50% Jewish and 50% Catholic.. although my catholic side isn't very religion.




Although I am very religious on my jewish side. I enjoy reading hebrew and I get along with our small congregation. so it's fun.




All Christians are like that. The OT is part of the Jewish holy text, if you celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter your also part pagan.




When you decide to celebrate something doesn't make you part pagan. What you are celebrating is what shows what you believe in, just because the date has it's roots in pagan holidays, doesn't mean anything about me or my beliefs is pagan.

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For me, I see to many signs that a God exists. I can see it in everything.


BUT, I do not agree with some points in the Catholic Church. I stand for a Christian belief where everyone can find their own path to God. For some the Catholic Church, and it's rules etc...will be the good path. For others, it might not be. I can also assure you that I do not believe in this to make an easy answer. It's even by thinking about these things on my own that I found these answers.(for me) I also don't think God as a big old looking guy up in the sky :?


And is it bad to believe in a God?


Are you gullible if you do so?


Has science come up with all the answers by now?






Not a Christian.




I am a christian, but I am not sure I believe in an actual god, or jesus. I listen to the teachings, and ten commandments, because they teach you how to live life morally and well.




Not a Christian.








Next! :roll:




who are you to say they are not Christian? (I am not a Christian but i do believe in god) You are not god. Just because they dont meet your standards of a Christian doesnt mean they arent.




I also dont think Jesus was a god, I sort of believe he was a mortal man. If he wasnt (I havent read the Bible so chill if im wrong about this), then he wouldnt have died. Isnt it impossible for a god to die? The way I see it is that the Christians went wrong when they worshipped Jesus more than God.


Lol, his standards? Sorry, that just made me laugh :lol: . Christians believe we get to heaven through the forgiveness, yada yada, of Jesus, so saying that you're finding your own path means you're not a real Christian. He's right :P .




I believe you're taking a Jewish standpoint on the Jesus issue stating that he was a mortal man, a regular teacher, not God. Gota agree with you on that one :wink: .




Jesus DID die, but he rose again, which is one of the greatest points in christianity and is what seperates christianity from other religions.




Another quaral, did God create evil? :shock: He created everything, and evil is something.




Why do I belive god created evil? I think that evil is a test. It is like a filter that seperates men who do not belive in god.




I find proof of this in the story of Adam and Eve. God MUST have created them knowing they were to do wrong. Why would he create man to make there own choice weather or not to do evil? It's like this: If you have a cat that you hug and love too tightly, the cat realy doesn't love you back. It is forced to do what you want it to do. However, if we have our own choice and chose to love god, that is real love and not forced love.





Back to the topic of evalution: The problem of evalution is not man coming from monkeys, but man coming from nothing without god.



(Whew. That has to be my largest non-story thread yet.)






to start you think everyone who doesnt believe in god is evil? hmm that shows no acceptance or understanding of other religions which i dont htink any kind god would want. I was once taught that god wants everyone to have a religion and to believe in something diving or higher than human to show that they are not immortal and that they have limits. Islam sort of brought some Hindus off that path and Judaism brought people with no religion to believe in something and christians maybe were sent to...put the Jews back on the right path? well thats just what i think (sort of) bolded is true. ohh and please dont argue about the underlined cuz i dont care what you think on just that part


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Oh, come on now. He never said those who don't believe in God are evil. I don't know why you think that...




Back on topic, I believe his "problem with evolution" is a major problem with not believing in a God. But still...that's just one problem.




Now to address your points.




to start you think everyone who doesnt believe in god is evil? hmm that shows no acceptance or understanding of other religions which i dont htink any kind god would want.




Well, it's a good thing God's not like that. And besides, God is truth so He would want you to follow Him, that is, the Truth. Not any false religions which are...opposite of truth...lies.




I was once taught that god wants everyone to have a religion and to believe in something diving or higher than human to show that they are not immortal and that they have limits.




God wants everyone to follow after Himself. See above point.




Islam sort of brought some Hindus off that path and Judaism brought people with no religion to believe in something and christians maybe were sent to...put the Jews back on the right path? well thats just what i think (sort of) bolded is true.




I would say that every religion has brought others from other religions to follow after their path. It's not one-sided, by any means.




And, yes, atheism is a religion.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Guest GhostRanger
And, yes, atheism is a religion.




No it's not.






the theory or belief that God does not exist.




Note, theory or belief - not religion.






the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods




Athiesm is rejecting the entire idea of religion - it can't be a religion in itself.

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But still, why did the molecules of the primordial ooze develop into huge organisms like us?




If you look at other water planets (such as Mars, which had water for billions of years), the organisms never advanced beyond that...microbacterial organisms.




What was so different between Mars and Terra? Both had similar surface climates and environments billions of years ago.




Did they? I think you need to do your research.




We've found evidence of water on mars, but so-far, as far as I know, have no real evidence of life of any kind, even plants. Nor do we have any real proof of what the climate used to be like.




Earth, amongst other things (water, etc.) is the perfect distance from the sun for lifeforms like us. Not too hot, not too cold. That played a distinct role in our development.




as i was reading some of the posts i came across this one.




you say real proof of the climate that may be true but is there any REAL proof for evolution i don't know but the last time i checked there was only this happened for these two gasses interacted at just the right time to create what we see today and it just happened to be in the right location for our climate to not be too hot or too cold.




and to answer 1st question i do belive in God. Pm me if you have any questions on why i belive in God or how to be saved according to Jesus Chirst the Savour of the world.




srry for my spelling i am a very bad speller.

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Actually, Ghost, a religion is defined as:





1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.


2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.


3. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.


4. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.


5. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.




Atheists aren't a part of 1, 3, or 4, unless you call an atheist a secular humanist. All secular humanists are atheists by the way.




Actually, atheism is a personal system grounded in such belief in its principles. It can also be a cause where the atheist pursues to convince Christians/God-believing people to switch allegiances.




So, yes, atheism CAN be a religion.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Actually, Ghost, a religion is defined as:






2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.


5. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.


There is no "chruch of atheism", "holy texts", "paths to salvation", or anything like those in atheism. The only universal thing that all atheists believe in is the lack of a god/gods. Using this I could clasify any persions religion by how many god/gods you do and do not worship, there would only be 4 religions in the world/Universe, atheism=0, agonism=undecided, monothesism=1,and polytheism>1. Not many Chrisitians would like to be clasified in the same cadagory as islam,hindusim?,satan worshipers, jewish, and I dont think the others would aswell.




In short, atheism is not a religion, it is the lack of one.

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Guest GhostRanger
Actually, Ghost, a religion is defined as:





1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.


2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.


3. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.


4. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.


5. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.




Atheists aren't a part of 1, 3, or 4, unless you call an atheist a secular humanist. All secular humanists are atheists by the way.




Actually, atheism is a personal system grounded in such belief in its principles. It can also be a cause where the atheist pursues to convince Christians/God-believing people to switch allegiances.




So, yes, atheism CAN be a religion.




That's stretching it and you know it, so I'm not going to continue this one. Word games have no place in a serious discussion or debate.

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So, yes, atheism CAN be a religion.
lol absurd. atheism is not, and will never be, a religion. fact.



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Religion only requires that you worship someone or something. Worship means that you live your life with that something or someone in mind, and this affects your actions. It's not something you only do at a church or temple; worship simply requires a worshipper and an object of worship. Every human being lives for (worships) someone or something. That someone can be any person or figure seen as real, or that something can be anything from money to fish. (Many people live to fish :D ) Everyone lives for something, though, whether it's money, friends, TV, Computer Games, or any other number of things. Many, though, if not most of us, live for ourselves. When one says, "I don't believe in God, I don't live for money, I don't live for my friends," and claims not to worship anything, that person is, in fact, not a "perfect" atheist (worshipping nothing), but instead is a worshipper of human intellect. This would mean nothing is considered more important as far as affecting your actions than what the human intellect brings forward.Everyone worships. We each just have our own choice of what to worship. Therefore, we are each a follower of a religion. Anyone who believes that they are living their life without any influences is simply not being logical.

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




I dont believe that there is jail. So, if I dont believe that a jail exists I cant go there! Just because you dont believe that something is not real doesnt mean it isnt there, and that you cant go there...


There is no solid proof that your not a frog, or a monkey. There isnt even solid proof saying that what we see is real. There isnt a solid proof that you or I even EXIST!


Well thats all I had to say...


The "underconstruction" MMORPG

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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




I dont believe that there is jail. So, if I dont believe that a jail exists I cant go there! Just because you dont believe that something is not real doesnt mean it isnt there, and that you cant go there...


There is no solid proof that your not a frog, or a monkey. There isnt even solid proof saying that what we see is real. There isnt a solid proof that you or I even EXIST!


Well thats all I had to say...


Science fully agnolages that nothing in the Universe is 100%, Quantom Machanics proves this. Science and logic is based on educated guesses and probobility. Given the fact that computers can not carry on a conversation with a human at the moment, I say you most likly exist.

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Guest GhostRanger
I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




I dont believe that there is jail. So, if I dont believe that a jail exists I cant go there! Just because you dont believe that something is not real doesnt mean it isnt there, and that you cant go there...


There is no solid proof that your not a frog, or a monkey. There isnt even solid proof saying that what we see is real. There isnt a solid proof that you or I even EXIST!


Well thats all I had to say...




We don't exist? Read Descartes.

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i, for one, do not believe for a reason that i think is pretty good.


All religions, except (i think) athiest(sp?) do have a god(s) they belive in. But in my family, i am around 50%islamic, 25% christian, and 25% jewish, so i'm a part of the big 3 1-god religions. Now my problem is very simple and can be put in 5 words: "WHO THE HELL IS RIGHT?" So, i have taken a path i can prove, the path of science, and will go on to prove that we don't need a god, go to ginetics, and solve our problems, proving that we petty mortals can go past the "devine"

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I don't believe in a God.




To me, the catholic God (religion) seems to just be a way to control stupid people a long time ago, and has now gotten way out of hand. ( 2/3 of the world hates me now)




Gods of other religions ( ex Hindu, Native American) can get rather, well, silly. :?




Thats why I'm a Buddhist :P




Perfect agnostic religion for me. Plus theres a really nice temple not to far from my house :)

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Science fully agnolages that nothing in the Universe is 100%, Quantom Machanics proves this. Science and logic is based on educated guesses and probobility. Given the fact that computers can not carry on a conversation with a human at the moment, I say you most likly exist.




Logic says that god exists. Thus for logic to exist there must be a god. Logic says there must be a greatest.






This is odd so forget about what i said above....




Now listen, clear you mind and think about your life. Next think about what it would be like without and god. Then while thinking that think of where you will go after you die, and how you wouldnt exist, how you cease to exist. What it would be like to cease to exist.




Odd isnt it? Seems as if somthing is out of place....that somthing in that "reality" that you thought of is out of place....


The "underconstruction" MMORPG

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Logic says that god exists. Thus for logic to exist there must be a god. Logic says there must be a greatest.






excuse me, but were does anything say that? i don't see any logic there. anyways we have also found that most of our universe is MISSING. so we don't know. but of out known universe, 99% is made of plasma and dark matter....




when we die, we have carried out our jobs and are decomposed, feeding plants and lower life forms, restarting the food chain. i don't care were i go, i just want a gun when i get there...

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i, for one, do not believe for a reason that i think is pretty good.


All religions, except (i think) athiest(sp?) do have a god(s) they belive in. But in my family, i am around 50%islamic, 25% christian, and 25% jewish, so i'm a part of the big 3 1-god religions. Now my problem is very simple and can be put in 5 words: "WHO THE HELL IS RIGHT?" So, i have taken a path i can prove, the path of science, and will go on to prove that we don't need a god, go to ginetics, and solve our problems, proving that we petty mortals can go past the "devine"

well i cant say about the islamic ppl cuz i dont know about them, anways againts christiain and jews,,there's many type of christain's domain but i'll talk about the main on christain, if your a jew then u say u dont beliuve in jesus or god send he only beggton son to give us ever lasting life, but if u talk about a christain its kinda hard to say....but i know alot aspects of what there doing wrong, like sabbth keeping or how god will come or how we get into heaven or hell, but i'll probbly christain is the best option cuz if u dont believe in jesus you wont go to heaven :?
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I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




I dont believe that there is jail. So, if I dont believe that a jail exists I cant go there! Just because you dont believe that something is not real doesnt mean it isnt there, and that you cant go there...


There is no solid proof that your not a frog, or a monkey. There isnt even solid proof saying that what we see is real. There isnt a solid proof that you or I even EXIST!


Well thats all I had to say...




We don't exist? Read Descartes.




Descartes: "I think. Therefore, I am."




How do we know Descartes was right? Do plants think? Are they not alive?




And Gandalf, I see your point. But we know we're not monkeys or frogs because of our DEFINITIONS of monkeys and frogs. Still, I like your example.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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i, for one, do not believe for a reason that i think is pretty good.


All religions, except (i think) athiest(sp?) do have a god(s) they belive in. But in my family, i am around 50%islamic, 25% christian, and 25% jewish, so i'm a part of the big 3 1-god religions. Now my problem is very simple and can be put in 5 words: "WHO THE HELL IS RIGHT?" So, i have taken a path i can prove, the path of science, and will go on to prove that we don't need a god, go to ginetics, and solve our problems, proving that we petty mortals can go past the "devine"




alot of scienticts have come to the concultion that there most be a god. That too many things are left unanswered. As for the right relgion islamics are basicly (i think) good out way bad deads, where the Jews are still looking for the saviour profised about by the profits and Christians, or Christ followers, say that there is only one way to Heaven and that is by admiting you are a sinner (we all are even the christian, they are just saved) beliving God sent his only son, Jesus, to die on a cross, for your sins so that you may go to heaven, and rose again in 3 days and lastly confessing to God that you need his help.




If i am wrong on the islamics please let me know. i just know what i have been told on the islamics.




any questions that anyone has that they do not want to post here can pm me and i will answer them asap. (as soon as possible for those how don't know)




srry for any spelling errors




thank you for reading and may God Bless you and America

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Guest GhostRanger
I dont believe in God. I dont see it can be real. I dont believe in heaven, or hell. There is no SOLID prove about any of it. Some lunatic could have made it up aaaaaaaages ago, and everyone believed it. Im not one of those people, who force the others to think the same way as me, but i would find it interesting to see how many people see it my way.




I dont believe that there is jail. So, if I dont believe that a jail exists I cant go there! Just because you dont believe that something is not real doesnt mean it isnt there, and that you cant go there...


There is no solid proof that your not a frog, or a monkey. There isnt even solid proof saying that what we see is real. There isnt a solid proof that you or I even EXIST!


Well thats all I had to say...




We don't exist? Read Descartes.




Descartes: "I think. Therefore, I am."




How do we know Descartes was right? Do plants think? Are they not alive?




And Gandalf, I see your point. But we know we're not monkeys or frogs because of our DEFINITIONS of monkeys and frogs. Still, I like your example.




No. Read Descartes. Don't quote his most famous line and pretend like that's all he ever wrote. That's laughable. And no, we don't know he's right. But read his works and then bring up that topic.

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I used to be a Christian. I used to believe that Jesus Christ was the son of the living God who was born of a virgin, died on the cross for humans' sins, and rose from the grave 3 days later. I used to believe that there is such a thing as a soul, that there is a heaven and a hell and that my acceptance of Jesus Christ as a personal savior would keep me from spending eternity in an existence of hellfire and damnation.




But for the past 2 months I have officially been an atheist. I don't hate God. To hate God, I would have to believe in him, and when I call myself an atheist I mean someone who simply does not believe in any supernatural deity. Not just the christian god but any other god in any other religion. I am not an atheist because I hate the idea of having an authority figure. Nor because I have had a bad experience with the church. In fact, every friend I had as a christian I still hold to be my friend. It is not because I wish to do whatever I want and live free from moral restrictions. It is not because I see the atrocities done in the name of religion. I understand every group with a common belief will have their minority members who misuse that belief for a personal agenda. The reason why I am an atheist is due to nothing more than the complete lack of convincing, credible evidence for the claims of any religion.




As a christian I had doubts about my faith. I began to research every aspect of my faith and tried as hard as I could to rationalize away the arguments against Christianity and religion in general that I read. But the more I read and the more I learned, the harder it was for me to believe in a deity figure until it reached the point where I could no longer logically hold to my beliefs.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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