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I'm not sure whether to believe this or not. I've seen too many people claiming their friends have died on this forum.




Has anyone got any proof of this? They can pm so I can verify this story if they wish.

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It's a shame people who commit suicide don't realise just how many people that they leave behind do actually care about them. If he had any idea how much his parents probably loved him in the least, it would of made him think twice.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I agree and understand why you guys are saying that it's selfish to commit suicide, but I do not agree that it's a coward thing to do.








How is it not the mark of cowardice? It is the very epitome of not facing your problems and taking the easy way out.

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I agree and understand why you guys are saying that it's selfish to commit suicide, but I do not agree that it's a coward thing to do.








How is it not the mark of cowardice? It is the very epitome of not facing your problems and taking the easy way out.








It does take courage to actually kill yourself.








And anyway, people always, always take the easiest way to get out of their problems. For some people, when they really see no other way and really given up hope, then commiting suicide is the easiest way.


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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i was playing Final Fantasy (the online version) and before you start the game it gives a warning something like this:








Do not let games take over your life, you will loose friends, blah blah blah... we are not responsible for your actions in the outside world.. blah blah..








havent played it for a while so i dont remember alot




its sad.. there is no reason to EVER kill yourself. if he thought he had it bad he should go to africa and starve to death, then maby he would of had some respect for what he had, even if little.








I personally dont pitty these type of people. suicide is a cowards way out.








Some people can't cope with life it's just the way it's going to be. I understand what you're saying about how much "better" he was off than in some third world country but I think it's also important to realize that different people value different things. I know I'm going to sound like some dumb first year psychology student (because I am) but people generally report the same levels of happiness.








By the way I'm not even sure If I believe in this. Everything that I said is if it's true.

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Whether this story is true or not...








How on Earth can anyone not have pity for someone who commits suicide? Obviously suicide is the wrong choice. Obviously it hurts other people and doesn't fix anything. Obviously it's always better to appreciate what you have and try to improve your lot...








But come on. Selfish? Cowardly? Before they commit suicide, don't you have pity for someone who feels so alone and dejected that they decide they have absolutely no hope whatsoever? And then doesn't that pity increase when it turns out that that person is actually incapable of even trying to improve, and instead deliberately ends whatever hope they may have had, simply to get away from the temporary pain? Don't you feel bad for someone who is so upset and so confused and so alone that they think (mistakenly) that they can't and won't ever be happy, and destroy any chance they have at being happy? Sure, it's a huge mistake, but... it's tragic. Have pity for someone who is so unhappy they throw away all potential for happiness in the future.








I know what everyone's saying... this kid didn't have it that bad. But that's what's so tragic... he believed he had it bad, and he didn't know how to make it better. He had a good life, but because of his own irrational depression and his own unfortunate inability to work to get better, he threw away everything he had, with no hope of getting it back.








Maybe it's cowardly, but more importantly... it's tragic that he wasn't able to improve and now will never be able to. Give the guy a break. There's no need to disrespect him simply because he wasn't in control of his life. He didn't know how to take control, and now he never will. Have some sympathy.












Sorry I don't have the time to clean ^that up and remove the redundancies and repetitive statements. I hope my point is clear, even if my organization is not.

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"faces change, people stray, time and time agine."








i think thats the right lyrics.








this guy obvessly had depression problems..








he probably had bi polar aswell.








My mom has bi polar and she is always saying crazy stuff like that, and she pulls knifes and stuff on ppl lol. Any1 with bi polar or any kind of high depression,, have a high risk of commiting suicide. I dont care who you are and how good yur life is going.








One time, when i was younger i think i was 14. I took a bottel of Adaril"which is recalled now, cuz it gave people heart attacks...








anyway that day if my friend didnt say nothing to me at school,, i wouldnt have throwed up them pills I could have died and or gone [developmentally delayed]ed."special"








:roll: I learned my leason and realised that Life was more important then i thought And i learned to control my anger so i wouldnt feel that way no more.








just keep this in mind ppl








dont let yur emotions get to you,, If you dont like the way yur living get away from it .. do something new.








Otherwise yur spend a eternity in Limbo.

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What right do any of us have to condemn or condone his actions? To an outsider, yes, it may appear to be a selfish act, but to him, his reasons were logical. We don't know just how bad his life was, but it was obviously bad enough to do something drastic. So call him a weakling, call him a coward, call him anything you like, but regardless of how he died, it is still a loss of a HUMAN life.








And you with your lofty ideals, would you do so much better in his situation?

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And you with your lofty ideals, would you do so much better in his situation?








Get help. You may say it takes a strong person to commit suicide, perhaps that is partly true, but it takes an even stronger person to stand up, admit their problem, and get help.

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And you with your lofty ideals, would you do so much better in his situation?








Get help. You may say it takes a strong person to commit suicide, perhaps that is partly true, but it takes an even stronger person to stand up, admit their problem, and get help.








No one is saying we should admire a person who commits a suicide. Of course they failed somehow. That's why we should feel for them. They just weren't strong enough to go on. Isn't that tragic?








Let's say someone you loved committed suicide. Would you be mad at them? Probably. But would you look down on them, lose all respect for them, and say they were weak and undeserving of pity? Of course not. You would feel profound sorrow that they could not find help and could not improve their situation and instead just gave up. Forget whether they did the right thing or not, forget how they made you personally feel, the bottom line is that one precious person is gone before they could realize that there is hope and there are things worth living for.








^That's directed at everybody who couldn't find sympathy for a suicide, not necessarily just Nadril. To Nadril, I haven't been paying close attention, so I don't know what your specific position is. I'm just responding in general, so don't feel insulted if it seems like I'm putting words in your mouth.

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Maybe I don't exactly have the right tone for this thread, but this is pathetic. Anyone who takes their own life deserves no sympathy.








I kind of agree. Yes, it is sad, but it really shows that he was a weak person and not on the same page as his emotions...if he had been, he would have made a more rational decision and been able to appease his feelings of guilt, saddness, etc.

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And you with your lofty ideals, would you do so much better in his situation?








Get help. You may say it takes a strong person to commit suicide, perhaps that is partly true, but it takes an even stronger person to stand up, admit their problem, and get help.








No one is saying we should admire a person who commits a suicide. Of course they failed somehow. That's why we should feel for them. They just weren't strong enough to go on. Isn't that tragic?








Let's say someone you loved committed suicide. Would you be mad at them? Probably. But would you look down on them, lose all respect for them, and say they were weak and undeserving of pity? Of course not. You would feel profound sorrow that they could not find help and could not improve their situation and instead just gave up. Forget whether they did the right thing or not, forget how they made you personally feel, the bottom line is that one precious person is gone before they could realize that there is hope and there are things worth living for.








^That's directed at everybody who couldn't find sympathy for a suicide, not necessarily just Nadril. To Nadril, I haven't been paying close attention, so I don't know what your specific position is. I'm just responding in general, so don't feel insulted if it seems like I'm putting words in your mouth.








Don't worry about it Scruffy.








Yeah, I realize it is a tragic event. If a close friend or family member of mine commited suicide, I would be sad. I wouldn't raise my fist at them and call them greedy. (even though suicide is greedy).








Any humans death is a tragic thing to those close to them.








But yeah, don't worry about seeming like your putting words in my mouth, I realy haven't gotten much into this thread at all.

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And anyway, people always, always take the easiest way to get out of their problems. For some people, when they really see no other way and really given up hope, then commiting suicide is the easiest way.








ok let's realize something. At 14 years old you have your whole life ahead of you. There is surely going to be something better if your life sucks right then. This guy really needed a different perspective, and just needed to learn some general tolerance for the world and other people, look at highly impoverished people in Africa do you see them hanging themselves by the dozens? No they probably will not let some white idiot take their life away from them. Really, in life, you have to learn that it sucks sometimes. when it does, you have to keep seeking personal happiness, not treading back and looking for remorse from others. obviously, as evident by the guy making one last post, he was looking for remorse from others. It's just terrible that you would go out of life with the thought knowing that someone will feel sorrow for you because they love you, when you are killing yourself to escape everything else you don't like of the life. You need to become independent, because really all you have in this world is yourself. This kid needed to grow up a bit, but I don't know of it was his fault. Sadly no one was there there to give him that different perspective, that there will always be some good left in life, unless youro n your last breath, you are sure to experience more happiness in the times to come, and that is what should get you through the hard times, not knowing that if you quit now you will be missed. And further more, the guy's last thought obviously wasn't "i take my life in the name of camelot".... runescape isn't the reason he killed himself. He just didn't see any more good left in his life after runescape, and the only slightest happiness he had left was the love of his family, and knowing they will love you after death was the only happiness he had. Sadly he was wrong...

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Of course they failed somehow








And what do you mean by failing? if i failed a test and i feel sad, should i kill myself? By failing I presume you mean some events in their life, along with the depression they carry, have driven them to do their act, which is a lot more complex than just calling it failing. it's really as simple as the feelings it come downs to all the "bad" events in their life excluded. You feel like your down and out because depression just makes you want remorse from others, but if you strive to be a happy person by yourself (I don't mean living by yourself like literally, but rather you can achieve all that makes you happy by yourself) then you will overcome that. And really I must say taking things for granted is the nastiest habit the people in the world possess. I do it, everyone does it, even though it screws us over and makes us more unhappy. If you go to rants section what's everyoen complaining about? things in the game? well then you have to learn to be happy with what you have. As for complaining about other people, I call this more constructive because then at least you can work towarsd bettering the community in an active discussion that gets people in the community involved about behaviors of people instead of just complaining about something in the game that you know isn't giong to be fixed.








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This idiot doesn't realize how good his life really is.. His life just has small problems he has to deal with.. he doesn't need to commit suicide for which is a permenant solution for a temporary problem.. imagine what he could have completed with his life if he didn't kill himself..

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there was a black history month assembly today, and there was a speech from the chief of police. He said one thing that kept my attention on him the rest of his speech... "it's not how you enter this world, but how you leave it" People can enter this world, rich or poor, black or white, whatever or whatever, and can still make an impact on the community they live in. As for this guy... well I already said a few things about him.

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A 14-year-old person boy has last week hung Bunnik (province Utrecht) itself after to be account of popular online-game were the RuneScape gehackt by a friend. For he suicide committed, the boy placed still reported on the Internet site of its gameclan, Heroes or the Future called. The hackactie the last drop would be is for the boy, those zijns inziens had no already too best life.




I do this (suicide commit, save.) because I have many problems on school, at home and at other places. I am simply sick of the world and people who there on life. Weinige the support which I got, came of a couple friends, but now even my best friend has (the one which have him gehackt, save.) me disappointed. (...) My parents know of this nothing, you are the firsts which knowing. I do not think that someone me ever from the deep problems where I sit in, can help, this way the 14-year-old person in its farewell mail on its clan site wrote. Mirror of its complete last mail can be seen here.




RuneScape are are played daily so-called Massive Multiplayer online one Role Playing game (MMORPG) and by millions people concerning the complete world. The game takes place in a virtual online world. Striking at these games is that the time does not stand still, but just like in the real world goes. Also the social aspect of these games for many players is very important. Een hack in zo'n spel betekent dat alles wat iemand heeft opgebouwd binnen de game, lost can go.








this is it , roughly translated. Link hynes gave was broken.

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For all of thouse who want proof. . . here is it go to http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfis ... %2F2%2F100.








Please free to visit our forums at http://forums.hofclan.com/index.php?showforum=50. Any flaming in this forum will not be tolerated and will be deleted right away and you will be banned from our forums.








You can submit columns to that site so information may be false, I want to see other sources before I believe this. Sorry but the internet makes it very easy to mislead others.








If it is true I feel sorry for his family and friends, suicide is a terrible way to go and will devistate everyone you know for the restof their lives, I hope they are coping right now...

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Guys, suicide is not chosen. It happens when pain exceeds the person's recourses for handling with the issue, or infact the pain. Sure there are people worse off in the world, yes, but not everyone has the same threshold for mental pain.








Ive been through alot in my life and sometimes I've thought about ending it all, and yes the things that have stopped me have been realising that people are here and care about me. Maybe this guy didn't realise that, or didn't give himself enough time.








Suicide is in a way selfish. But I think that he may have been under alot of pain (even if his issues weren't that big,) but you have to remember that different people tolerate things differently. Maybe to him he was too ashamed to ask for help.








Whatever his reasons and thoughts behind doing this are, don't call him a coward. Maybe you think differently to him. Maybe he had alot of issues with his personality that didn't enable him to think about getting better.








Its a shame when anyone dies and even worse when they're young and its through suicide.










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