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Some of you people need to be banned for your comments. The crap posted in this thread is downright pathetic. The admins were so uptight about the Anarith threads but they let people sit and insult this kid?

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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Forgive me for being cynical, but I'm not seeing any solid proof that this really happened? Some people will do anything for attention unfortunately. For all we know he was just bored with RS and this clan or whatever involvement he had online and decided to go with a "bang" and say he was going to do this, but just see what kind of attention he got first. I don't really know though.








Cynicism aside, if this indeed happened, obviously RS wouldn't be the sole reason for it to happen. There must be some sort of other motivation, and as bad as it sounds, you have to be pretty messed up already to turn to suicide to make things better. Given I don't know what he has gone through, there's no excuse for suicide. Even turning to drugs or drowning your sorrows in alcohol is better than killing yourself, not that I condone them. At least you're not hurting your loved ones as well.








Simply though, RS is hardly a reason for someone to kill themselves, so its not a place to blame the game for something like this or even discuss that as a possibility.












It was real it was on CNN... :)
















but here is my two cents...








if the dude had a bad life he should of got some help... if his parents do bads thing to him like beat him then why not run away? but why kill yourself... its stupid for one and its like the ultimate sin... but just taking your life is hurting the people that do care for you...

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i honestly dont care if the the kid commited suicide because he stubbed his toe, he is dead








if you want to get into macho wacho bs about being a coward then do that, but the kid is dead and that is all that matters. he is gone. does it really matter how he died? i would think everyone would be sad and feeling for the kid and his family, but you want to get into conversation about how he is a coward and shouldnt have done it? sure, maybe suicide wasn't the right way to go, but if thats the way that he chose and you dont agree with it than whatever, he is still gone and now we cant do anything about it. I for one, even though i dont know him, am sad because i know the experience of death and what it can do to the people around him. i hope his family is doing ok and thats all that really matters here guys...dont turn this into a flame war

[Admin Edit: Innapropriate Text Removed]

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Some of you people need to be banned for your comments. The crap posted in this thread is downright pathetic. The admins were so uptight about the Anarith threads but they let people sit and insult this kid?




Hear Hear.

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Some of you people need to be banned for your comments. The crap posted in this thread is downright pathetic. The admins were so uptight about the Anarith threads but they let people sit and insult this kid?








This person killed himself. What he did was a slap in the face to anyone who ever cared about him... Or even knew him. Committing suicide is like says that you are more important than anyone else, and don't care how horrible your actions may make them feel.








I feel exactly opposite of you. How can people feel so bad for him when he showed such blatent disreguard for other people's feelings? Sure, many people can feel bad for him that he led such an unhappy life that he felt that suicide was the only option, but he deserves no memorials either.








I'm asking anyone to agree with me. I am only expressing my feelings. It might be better to think of my comments to be about anyone who commits suicide for selfish reasons, rather than to be about this particular person, as I can see there may be many people who would take offence at that.

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Okie, I have asked a mod to clean this thread up. Remember this is to pay your respects not to flame him and call him mental! Remember this guy is dead not just quitting runescape, please don't just post ' St0p1d f0ol I d0nT caRÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã 1f 1 gÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãt haCkÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãd! 1 w0nt k1Ll mYsÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâãLf...'

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Okie, I have asked a mod to clean this thread up. Remember this is to pay your respects not to flame him and call him mental! Remember this guy is dead not just quitting runescape, please don't just post ' St0p1d f0ol I d0nT caRÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã 1f 1 gÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãt haCkÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãd! 1 w0nt k1Ll mYsÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâãLf...'








No one has really posted anything like that. I don't think the thread needs to be cleaned up at all. Suicide is a serious issue which many people have quite extreme views on. If something is necessary to be done, I guess it could be split up into two topics... One to pay your respects ( ... ) to this person, and another about the discussion of killing oneself in general.

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Also I was wondering, why didn't the parents see this coming?




As a parent I would see my child not having friends, sitting behind the computer all day, and I would not let this happen. If your child is so depressed that he's willing to commit suicide, you HAVE to notice this...








You can never let something make you so vulnerable. I'm pretty sure if he didn't play RS so much, he wouldn'tve been in this situation.








I do agree we should SPLIT this into 2 topics.

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Ok, killing yourself over 11M? I dont actually think thats why someone would take their life like that.








As a person who has known many who suffered depression over the years, its not the material loss you feel that drives you this far. It is the psychological trauma of being betrayed, left in the cold, not feeling like you are worth anything. I sincerely believe RS was not the pinicle of his problem, but indeed only the tip of the iceberg. It was a detonator for an exposive charge.








And this is why I dont play rs as actively anymore - rs is seriously, seriously traumatising once you take it seriously. It is absolutely amazing what people would do just to get a few more pixles on their character's screen. This doesnt just happen in RS, but in RL too, when people kill for cash (ie pieces of paper), and kill themselves when they lose their life savings.








This is indeed a very sad thing. My deepest sympathies for the parents of this young kid.

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Yeah, any game is no excuse for suicide. Thats like killing yourself because you were banned. You know what, its like game-over, move on, either start a new game, new account, or just quit playing and find some other form of fun.








Now people who are saying "well shiva could have commited suicide, why is their so much sorrow for him." First off, their is no proof that his death is from suicide, and second, he never made a post on a runescape forum about it. That just seems like ur looking for attention. I mean, i can see this kid just looking for attention, not committing suicide, and having to add everyone he knew on ignore and leave the clan world because of this.








Against i have respect for the dead, but i don't respect those who kill themselves for attention.








Edit: I just got word that this kid commited suicide over losing about 11M..








seeing as how rs gp goes for bout 15-20$ ea on ebay, he killed him self over a couple hunded bucks.

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Its quite sad that people have to be so selfish to take their own lives. They show no respect for the people who do care about them. I mean EVERY person in this world has at least one person who loves them or cares if they die in the street. Very sad I don't know what to say other than its utter BS if this kid 14 years of age killed himself over 11 Million Fake Gold in RS. I show no feelings for him at all because killing your self is about as stupid as you can get. When you have an entire life to live.... quite sad if I do say so my self :cry:

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I can't believe how many people here are trying to justify, attack or reason his suicide. What good is that going to have now? He's dead.




Why is it so hard to mourn this tragic loss of life, no matter who's responsible or to blame?

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It's sad (unhappy, don't mix them up...)that his life led him to think that suicide was really the right thing to do. :( His family must be in so much pain, and I feel sorry for them. As for the hacker/friend, I doubt he's ever going to get over it, and he better not.








Well, many of you may not believe me, but I'm honestly having problems like those he had right now.








I'm currently going to a school my parents forced me to go to, have few friends, no close friends (my only close friend moved away) and I really havn't found one thing to be passionate about in my life.








But there's always the same thoughts in my mind that keeps me going. I always tell myself the same things, that suicide is a sign of utter weakness and selfishness towards the ones I care about. I have also realized that everything in the universe happens for a reason (otherwise there would be nothingness), including my life, and that wasting it would be wasting everything God has given me becuase of my own selfishness.








So no matter what happens, I just make sure I'm hard on myself and realize that suicide is NEVER and option. For anyone of the Tip.it Forums with problems that he and I had, I recommend you sit down at a desk, get out a pen and paper, and make a list of 100 reasons why not to commit suicide. Once you get that list done I guarentee that those thoughts of suicide will never grow into something far worse, just as long as you never forget about your list.








RIP, I empathize with ya kid

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Some of you people need to be banned for your comments. The crap posted in this thread is downright pathetic. The admins were so uptight about the Anarith threads but they let people sit and insult this kid?








This person killed himself. What he did was a slap in the face to anyone who ever cared about him... Or even knew him. Committing suicide is like says that you are more important than anyone else, and don't care how horrible your actions may make them feel.








I feel exactly opposite of you. How can people feel so bad for him when he showed such blatent disreguard for other people's feelings? Sure, many people can feel bad for him that he led such an unhappy life that he felt that suicide was the only option, but he deserves no memorials either.








I'm asking anyone to agree with me. I am only expressing my feelings. It might be better to think of my comments to be about anyone who commits suicide for selfish reasons, rather than to be about this particular person, as I can see there may be many people who would take offence at that.








None of us know the circumstances that lead up to his death. The kid most likely had some pretty serious mental issues prior to his friend betraying him. The whole bit about Runescape and him getting scammed was probably no more than the catalyst needed to set such a horrible set of events into place. People sit here posting garbage like "sad nerd", "no respect", etc but do any of you know what is going through the mind of someone who is mentally and emotionally unstable? You can claim that anxiety and depression are something you could easily overcome but until you have experienced what he has you are in no position to ridicule him.








I don't agree with what he did. I believe suicide is a very selfish act, one that causes sorrow and pain to the people who love you but I am not callous enough to sit here and post such disgusting comments about a dead child.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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no doubt its real
















It's written in dutch, but for those who can't read it, it really says he committed suicide after his account got hacked.








I doubt he committed suicide because his account got hacked. If so, kinda sick-minded.

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Honestly - a lot of the people commenting on this thread should not have posted. It's clear a lot of you really don't know what you're talking about, and your posts show your ignorance.








First - isn't it obvious that he did not commit suicide over a game? You can try to link his suicide to the event of his character being scammed/hacked, but it's not the items missing from his account that helped him make his decision, it was the principle of what happened. One of his few friends took advantage of him, and this lowered him even more.








Everyone says suicide is selfish and it puts massive grief on those who cared about the person. What if nobody did care about the person? What if the only people that did care about the person were dead as well? What if the people who cared about him never showed or told him that they cared about him? You can't seriously blame the entire situation on him.








Lots of you are saying his life was so good. What are you talking about? Where is your proof that his life was good? Who decides what makes life good? There's a lot more to this than what you are saying. Everyone interprets differently, I understand that, but how can you just go out there and say "BAM his life was better than mine?" Did you accompany him every day? Were you actually there?








The bottom line is - this isn't because of a game. This is because of human interaction. People were cruel to him and this is what he chose to make of it. You don't have to add to the cruelty after the fact. Just keep your snide comments to yourself.

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i have something to say to everyone defending him. seriously, if someone actually commits suicide, they're just really weak-minded cowards. especially if its over a game..




people that suicide are morons, just like people that cut themselves..




grow up and get a life.








"oh people were cruel to him!" grow up. the world is a cold place. nobodys going to pamper you every day. it's your job to do whatever you have to do, nobody gives a damn about your bad day.

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This is just to everyone who was all "you'd think people close to them would notice.. blah blah blah" or whatever..








After the first time I attempted suicide no one appeared to keep a closer eye on my emotional state.




After the SECOND time same deal.








Basically xxsheepxx got it fairly close to correct with the last statement, nobody gives a damn about your bad day.




Sucks but it's true. Which is why I tend to give a damn when my friends seem a bit down because I know what it's like to be on the edge and really don't want them being in said state.












Although it does go both ways, people teatering on the edge really should seek help.




And people close to said person should damn well know when something isn't quite right.




Especailly when they're not quite cheery for a long time :-?

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i have something to say to everyone defending him. seriously, if someone actually commits suicide, they're just really weak-minded cowards. especially if its over a game..




people that suicide are morons, just like people that cut themselves..




grow up and get a life.








"oh people were cruel to him!" grow up. the world is a cold place. nobodys going to pamper you every day. it's your job to do whatever you have to do, nobody gives a damn about your bad day.








Grow up you say? Take a leaf out of your own damn book please? How the hell can you STILL not comprehend that it was NOT because of a game. It would've been the same result if the "friend" took the boy's wallet instead of stealing his runescape money. It was not the game, or the game items...it was the action that the friend took, I know when you get out there in life few people give a damn about your bad days, but when there are irreversible circumstances that make every day a bad day, something is wrong with you if you don't care.








And also, I don't care what you say, when someone kills themself, they are resisting the QUITE LARGE natural instinct to stay alive. That does take considerable will-power to do.








So, xxsheepxx, I just can't think what contributed to creating a monster such as yourself, but it saddens me.

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why??? :cry: kill yourself about a computergame? :cry:








the newspapers are full with it :(








I'm not sure whether to believe this or not. I've seen too many people claiming their friends have died on this forum.




Has anyone got any proof of this? They can pm so I can verify this story if they wish.








why not believing it? its true... i can show you proof... buts its all dutch :(
































Suicide gives birth after mail on forum online game




A boy of 14 Bunnik has committed suicide. DaarvÃÆÃâÃâóÃÆÃâÃâór left behind he a contribution on the forum, in which he took farewell.












The boy told on the forum of its favoriete online-spel RuneScape in English that he has problems on school at home enough and of its life. The drop was that its best friend account van RuneScape had have been cracked.












School, the USG in Utrecht, have during a meeting with students and employees farewell have been taken. Headmaster Taat called the news of its dead ' inconceivable and hurries himself impossible reported '.








To betray




"at only felt himself Thursday evening and run out on", she said. He was gehackt in a computer game and felt himself betray. The computer game himself was not therefore the cause. Also in a another game or playing on the street you can feel yourself treasons. Despair made himself of him master and he dread unfortunately that moment no more expedient.












To RuneScape hundreds of people concerning the complete world can participate at the same time. The choices which make the players, influence the game of the others. There also much must become cooperated to deserve points and this way at ' grow ' in the game.








nr 2:








UTRECHT - Thursday the 14-year-old person boy from Bunnik who suicide, has been buried committed after he felt betray itself at playing a computer game.








The drop for the suicide was that a friend is account for a popular computer game had gehackt. For the boy Bunnik to its action proceeded, placed he a farewell bulletin on its Internet site.








In this told he that he at home and on school had many problems, and little support got. He had been disappointed enormously.










^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Yesterday evening it was on the TV, it was really.. uhhh how do i say it.... In my therms i would say, gif some more respect, He was hacked on a computergame, it was so unrespectfull.




Nothing more to say about it than... PLZ don't repeat maartens actions.

Crashing and looting your wars, since 02'

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i have something to say to everyone defending him. seriously, if someone actually commits suicide, they're just really weak-minded cowards. especially if its over a game..




people that suicide are morons, just like people that cut themselves..




grow up and get a life.








"oh people were cruel to him!" grow up. the world is a cold place. nobodys going to pamper you every day. it's your job to do whatever you have to do, nobody gives a damn about your bad day.








Were you born dumb? Or do you just act like it?




Mentioned several times in this thread before, he hasn't killed himself because he got hacked, but because his rl friend betrayed him.








If you are too lazy to read the topic, and have no respect for desicions of people, dead or alive, i have nothing to say to you anymore.


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