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will the 99 stat be the limit for all skills PERMANENTLY?


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The max combat level is 126.




The max experience in any skill is 200M.




200M experience would equate to around level 126 in any skill.








(Just thought I'd point that out.)








Anyway, while raising the max level would be nice, it'll never happen.

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See one problem Jagex probably has with doing this is people with 100mil exp in a skill already. Jagex does not want to raise the max level to say 120 when 10 people already have enough exp for it. This would be pointless and would create no race to the top. I remember 2 famious races, the race to level 123 (SAX and many others) and the race to 99 smithing (bluerose and others) What would there be a point of for this? Who can get 150mil exp?












Please mark that none of these numbers are accurate only a way of explaining.

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I think that Jagex should bump the 99 max lvl to 999. This way people will play much, much more trying to get that 999 for years. It would be a very profitable decision for Jagex. :wink:












id quit, honestly, their would be no possible way to compete with higher lvl players, and the rich skillers.
















and besides, 999 str pkers, duelers...no thank you. i dont feel like getting 3 hit with 91+ hp.












maybe they should just fix the exp doubling thing and raise it to 999, like frogmite said, double every 20 lvls. so 4470 is lvl 20, lvl 40 = 8,940....til 999(im working on the exp for that...)

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i don't know i would like it if they raised the 99 cap.. I am 99 range I really like doin it but there's not point other than gettin HP exp and raising in the range ranks (around 200 overall in range)

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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Guest Nezikchened

I would like it that they would keep 99 as the max, but it would take more exp to get 99...

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if they changed max from 99 to 100. just even things out.








it may be like stat maxes on Final Fantasy games, 255 is max because thats the highest 2 digit hexadecimal number possible (FF)

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How about a few memebers servers dedicated to lvl 100+ combat players? All NPCs are 2x their normal levels with double the drop rates. IE a level 182 iron drag becomes a lvl 384 iron drag that is 2x more likely to drop dlegs etc.








Put some of the challenge in it and another thing to attain for getting a ridiculous combat level.








In regard to past 99, I dont think they could or should allow new skill abilities past 99. Just allow an increase in speed/hit rate etc. IE a lvl 120 fisher could catch sharks much faster than a lvl 99 but they shouldn't introduce whale fishing for lvl 110.








The overreaching issue is lvl99 just isn't that common and above level 99 no one should obtain earth shattering special abilities for the same reason Dark Beasts drop crap. IE so few people have 90 slayer that it would drastically unbalance the game if dark beasts started dropping abyssal double mega whips (you get the idea). Once there are a few thousand players that have lvl 90 slayer, they'll do something with it.








So it goes for lvl 99+. If there are only a couple of hundred players that can go above 99, giving them access to special smithing/mining/fishing etc abilities would drastically unbalance the game.








Allowing people to level thier att/str/def above 99 wouldn't necessarily unbalance the game though. The benefit of getting additional combat levels drops off drastically after getting to lvl 70 in any one of the combat skills. As such I dont see a problem with unbalancing the game by allow people to go over 99 as long as they dont get access to special abilities past lvl 99.

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I'm happy with it now bcuz i dont have any skills past 75. Jagex should have double updates every week. One with a minigame-quest thing for the higher lvl players and visual and graphics update. (Like fally even though i hate the new look =)) More things for lvl 99 would be good, something to strive for. No offence, but who cares about the high lvl ppl? Jagex does, the Rs community doesn't. So Jagex has to keep them here, not with higher cap, but with more to do. (more places, items, armour.)

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I'm happy with it now bcuz i dont have any skills past 75. Jagex should have double updates every week. One with a minigame-quest thing for the higher lvl players and visual and graphics update. (Like fally even though i hate the new look =)) More things for lvl 99 would be good, something to strive for. No offence, but who cares about the high lvl ppl? Jagex does, the Rs community doesn't. So Jagex has to keep them here, not with higher cap, but with more to do. (more places, items, armour.)








Thats a bit short sighted of a view. There is more than enough in the game to keep you busy to combat level 100. The game needs more interesting stuff for the level 100+ players but not necessarily more levels. More stuff like the barrows, etc. Stuff for high levels to do, not necessarily more levels to attain.

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I think the game is already in trouble in some ways.








Aside from merchanting, the fastest (guaranteed) way of making money is running laws.








You might make a lot from treasure trails or monster killing etc but that's subject to RS's notoriously lumpy randomness.








You can make a solid profit from fishing, mining, felling etc (primary skills), but that's slow.








Almost all the secondary skills make a loss. This is because the training method Jagex put in place for training these skills creates an obscene imbalance in supply and demand. You have to make huge quantities of items (potions, bows, armour etc) that it destroys the market for these items, hence most just go to hi-alchemy. Meanwhile the price of the raw materials rises as people fight to raise their skills.








I'm surprised that fletching mage longs is still proiftable. It's been a nice earner but most people would pay more for logs etc.








Anyway, it might have been more balanced if it took longer to make a few better items (for much more xp), rather than having to produce 10k of an item that most people will only want a couple off.

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I think the game is already in trouble in some ways.








Aside from merchanting, the fastest (guaranteed) way of making money is running laws.








You might make a lot from treasure trails or monster killing etc but that's subject to RS's notoriously lumpy randomness.








You can make a solid profit from fishing, mining, felling etc (primary skills), but that's slow.








Almost all the secondary skills make a loss. This is because the training method Jagex put in place for training these skills creates an obscene imbalance in supply and demand. You have to make huge quantities of items (potions, bows, armour etc) that it destroys the market for these items, hence most just go to hi-alchemy. Meanwhile the price of the raw materials rises as people fight to raise their skills.








I'm surprised that fletching mage longs is still proiftable. It's been a nice earner but most people would pay more for logs etc.








Anyway, it might have been more balanced if it took longer to make a few better items (for much more xp), rather than having to produce 10k of an item that most people will only want a couple off.








Umm.. laws have been 300 each for a long time, 25 x 300 = 7500. A full inv of magic logs = 28000, for those high level smithers, they get a profit of 500-1k a bar and have almost nonstop orders, that's much more profitable than your running laws.

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Jagex has stated many times that it isn't possible to raise the 99 limit without completly redoing the system which would require a complete stat reset.




I may not have 99 in any stat(I'm lazy lol) but I don't wouldn't want my past 5 years of work reset. And I'm sure most of the RS community feels the same.




So unfortunately I don't see this happening.








You're wrong, I don't have the picture atm, but my friend asked a jagex mod if it were possible to raise the level cap without whiping everyone, and the mod answered that it was. I'll see if I can find the picture.

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I've been playing rs for long time...and i cant say i like this idea...








When you get a higher cap limit...ull get the necessary lvls and start complaining again. This game takes to much time out of ppls lives, just like it used to do to mine...and getting higher cap in stats wont help.








And yea, the game does get boring, if it was rsc pking system, people would enjoy it and a lot of frineds would come back, but instead choose rsc, or to quit.

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All i can say is if you even have 1 99 skill you play too much imo. I think 99 is fine because a very small percent of rs actually even gets close to a 99 skill.








So because what you feel is playing to much, there should be a end to the game for some people? what about those who have been playing since the start? I disagree with you on this, i think they need to remove the cap allowing for further updates in all the skills and to keep people into the game. Think about it say a die hard skiller wants to stay number 1 on the list right now all they have to do it get 200mil xp and there number 1 forever.

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Umm.. laws have been 300 each for a long time, 25 x 300 = 7500. A full inv of magic logs = 28000, for those high level smithers, they get a profit of 500-1k a bar and have almost nonstop orders, that's much more profitable than your running laws.








There's a huge difference - and I said fastest.








I remember seeing an estimate that you could cut about your level in mage logs per hour. That would put a ceiling of about 100k/hour on cutting magic logs (with level 99 w/c).








The sort of law running I'm talking is the world 66 sort. I did from the other side (crafting) and it was great xp, though an evening of it almost gave me RSI!








You need no skill - well you need 27 or so rune essence, which you could mine, or else about 1k's worth. You run 27 ess (IIRC) to the law altar where u exchange it for 27 laws plus 27 noted essence. You get back to the bank AQAP and run again. I've heard rates of 300k/hour quoted, though I could do that myself actually making the laws, so I expect you can get more if you use tele's appropriately.








I'm not sure how much money there is in rune. Most rune equipment comes from drops rather than smithing. Certainly I get a lot, though mostly alch it all as you really have to go to f2p to sell it and that can be a long and painful process.








But yes, even with coal at 200gp, there's a reasonable profit, though I expect that will drop as we get more level 85 smithers. There's quite a limited supply of rune into the world.








It's also interesting that while the smelting part is profitable, the smithing part (for rune) is highly unprofitable.

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well as i said i messaged jagex about removing the cap. Im kinda disapointed in them right now because they responded by saying no "sneak peaks" of updates or waht they have planned will be given out. They did say that the will never reset levels to 1 no matter what they do. They worst part about it was they said they looked me up and i have no 99s yet so ill have hours of playing without haveing to worrie :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bring back an old old post...








But... I was bored, and found that for level 999, it would require around:








4,611,143,369,000,000,000,000 - In the sextillions... :shock:








I don't see that really happening unless somebody either finds out how to live forever, or it's a family account of people that only play the game, eat, and sleep, and it's passed down through like 30 generations... (and each person lives to be like 90...)

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