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How should I improve my work ethic?


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lately, I've been noticing that im slacking off in school. I still do all of my schoolwork, homework, etc, but its not at the same level. I get more and more distracted by minute things, and its harder for me to stay focused at home. any tips on how to improve?








thanks in advance

R.I.P. Shiva

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Classic case of ADHD, no doubt.

mind telling me what that is? :oops:




Think of where you might end up if you don't finish school.
weird, because i have motivation from within myself, my parents, and 12071823 different things, thats why i always finish my work, but it seems to take forever

R.I.P. Shiva

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I'd cut down playing Runescape. Give yourself less oppurtunity to distract yourself from the task at hand. It's very hard to do, I know from experience, but you'll get there in the end. I know that's ironic because sticking with something like that is what your problem is, but if you try a little thing first, like quitting Runescape (or cutting down to say weekends), which has other benefits itself, you'll be able to apply that technique to other distractions and focus on the task at hand.

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Classic case of ADHD, no doubt.

mind telling me what that is? :oops:








ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Although from what you said if it is something like that, it would be ADD, not ADHD.








However, chances are it is not that. Getting distracted isn't exactly the same as having ADD.

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ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Although from what you said if it is something like that, it would be ADD, not ADHD.








However, chances are it is not that. Getting distracted isn't exactly the same as having ADD.

ahh thx, ive heard of ADD, but never ADHD for some reason, and i doubt that i have that since ive gone 15 years without having symptoms








I'd cut down playing Runescape. Give yourself less oppurtunity to distract yourself from the task at hand. It's very hard to do, I know from experience, but you'll get there in the end. I know that's ironic because sticking with something like that is what your problem is, but if you try a little thing first, like quitting Runescape (or cutting down to say weekends), which has other benefits itself, you'll be able to apply that technique to other distractions and focus on the task at hand.
no worko :oops: ive already quit runescape :shock:











Turn off the computer. Works for me all the time, lol.

i need my computer to surf the web, since a lot of my schoolwork involves research, and i cant live without listening to my classical music :oops: , besides, AIM is my friend for schoolwork help

R.I.P. Shiva

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Read around a topic which is not related to school work. Something that you're genuinely interested in. So that you remember what it's like to be intellectualy interested in something for its own sake, not just because of school work. Even if you used to like school work, it's easy to forget that because you keep thinking "I have to do this."








It's a classic case of what you do affecting your attitudes - rather than your attitudes affecting what you do. There's a fascinating topic, go and read a book about attitudes and how they're formed and can be influenced most effectively :D What's the best way to try and change someone's attitude - to persuade them?

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Really you just have to force yourself not getting into distractions. Identifiy specifically what's distracting you from doing homework as soon as you get home, and work on eliminating it until you get your homework done. It's really hard, but you have to make a conscious effort to deliberately stay away from any distractions until it's done. Lock yourself in a bathroom and just get it done. And don't listen to music while you're doing it either - it slows you down. Someone told me that you can't really tell, but your brain can only focus on one thing at once. With music, its attention rapidly switches between your work and the song, so it seems like you're doing them both at the same time, but really it's just inefficient because to a degree you really are getting slowed down and somewhat distracted.




Now if only I could do that...

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Really you just have to force yourself not getting into distractions. Identifiy specifically what's distracting you from doing homework as soon as you get home, and work on eliminating it until you get your homework done. It's really hard, but you have to make a conscious effort to deliberately stay away from any distractions until it's done. Lock yourself in a bathroom and just get it done. And don't listen to music while you're doing it either - it slows you down. Someone told me that you can't really tell, but your brain can only focus on one thing at once. With music, its attention rapidly switches between your work and the song, so it seems like you're doing them both at the same time, but really it's just inefficient because to a degree you really are getting slowed down and somewhat distracted.




Now if only I could do that...








I don't know about you, but music focuses me. Despite what scientists may say, listening to music helps me stay focused while doing my homework and speeds my work and ups the quality.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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Ah...well, I'd say your main problems are motivation and focus.
















You need a good idea of your goals in life, what you want to do. You don't know? Find something! Being goal-oriented is the only way to really movtivate yourself. Expand your outlook and see what's down the road...think about college, a job, what you want to do later in life. Your future is what should motivate you.
















As far as your homework goes, work without distractions. There are a couple of reasons:




1. You'll do a better job




2. You'll finish your homework much more quickly




3. You won't regret not doing your homework well the next day




4. That "Ah, I did all my homework, and now I can rest" feeling is great.








You need to go away from the computer. Go to a desk in your room, and sit there with a single light on and your door closed. Resolve to not leave your room unless you have completed your homework. Regarding your "I need AIM for homework help" comment, save problems that you cannot get until after you have completed every other assignment, THEN go ask a friend about the problem you didn't understand.












On a side not, I've been doing homework since I got home until about 25 minutes ago...and I'm about to go to bed in 5 more minutes. It's been a crazy week...but I've done my homework, and done it well, because I know that it will pay off in the future.








Good luck, you can do it.[/b]

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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Turn off your home computer, and if you really honestly need to use iot for study do it in a library. Computer and internet usage is free.... or at least it is where i live.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Turn off your home computer, and if you really honestly need to use iot for study do it in a library. Computer and internet usage is free.... or at least it is where i live.
thats it...i cant go to the library, since i live quite far from one, and it isnt convenient. i have dsl at home, and its not worthwhile to go to a library to do something that i do at home.








Ah...well, I'd say your main problems are motivation and focus.
















You need a good idea of your goals in life, what you want to do. You don't know? Find something! Being goal-oriented is the only way to really movtivate yourself. Expand your outlook and see what's down the road...think about college, a job, what you want to do later in life. Your future is what should motivate you.
















As far as your homework goes, work without distractions. There are a couple of reasons:




1. You'll do a better job




2. You'll finish your homework much more quickly




3. You won't regret not doing your homework well the next day




4. That "Ah, I did all my homework, and now I can rest" feeling is great.








You need to go away from the computer. Go to a desk in your room, and sit there with a single light on and your door closed. Resolve to not leave your room unless you have completed your homework. Regarding your "I need AIM for homework help" comment, save problems that you cannot get until after you have completed every other assignment, THEN go ask a friend about the problem you didn't understand.












On a side not, I've been doing homework since I got home until about 25 minutes ago...and I'm about to go to bed in 5 more minutes. It's been a crazy week...but I've done my homework, and done it well, because I know that it will pay off in the future.








Good luck, you can do it.

I AM motivated, its just that its hard to concentrate. i always get my homework done, regardless of how long it takes, but its just a hassle getting distracted by random things. as for the other suggestions, i shall try them, thx








I don't know about you, but music focuses me. Despite what scientists may say, listening to music helps me stay focused while doing my homework and speeds my work and ups the quality.
indeed, and since i listen to nothing but classical, i have no reason to believe that my music distracts me








Stop playing runescape and other games and get off the forums









wont work. like i said before, i dont play runescape or any games while im on the computer, and i check forums after im done with homework :(











just remember, if you do something now you wont have to do it later.

sry, but that doesnt help me at all











Find something you really like to do...Then make sure you do your homework first.

im not allowed to do much on weekdays, so i really have nothing to look forward to. but thanks anyways, motivation, as said by other people, is a great way to improve my work ethic








Read around a topic which is not related to school work. Something that you're genuinely interested in. So that you remember what it's like to be intellectualy interested in something for its own sake, not just because of school work. Even if you used to like school work, it's easy to forget that because you keep thinking "I have to do this."








It's a classic case of what you do affecting your attitudes - rather than your attitudes affecting what you do. There's a fascinating topic, go and read a book about attitudes and how they're formed and can be influenced most effectively Very Happy What's the best way to try and change someone's attitude - to persuade them?

yep. im absolutely fascinated by certain science things, that doesnt help my distraction problem. but yea, i need to become more interested in schoolwork, but its so hard when i have world civ-most boring thing in the world :roll:




















so far, thanks for the advice, and i hope to get some more good responses :wink:

R.I.P. Shiva

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update:so ive been getting better at this so far. the only thing that im really lacking now is an interest in everything i learn. im interested in math and science...but how can i become interesting in things lik Romeo and Juliet, and the Punic Wars :oops:

R.I.P. Shiva

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Sometimes you just aren't.








Hopefully, you'll eventually learn to just bear with it and stick it out. Math and science are good areas to have interest in for sure. If you don't like english, just try your best to appreciate it. I'm really not sure what to say as far as doing a certain procedure... :?

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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the thing is..i cant accept that my work ethic isn't "good enough", due to my father. In his mind, i HAVE to do well, and i HAVE to be the best. if it werent for him, my life would be pretty normal. Then again, without him i wouldnt be at teh best highschool of my state (i really dont mean to brag, sorry if it came out like that). so yea, i appreciate what hes pushed me to do, and i wanna do my part to make my life work. so plz, any suggestions are graciousely (sp?) welcomed by me

R.I.P. Shiva

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hmm id say its either a phase or youre jsut like me...i used to be an honoral student til 8th grade. im now a junior and i get f's and d's. school isnt for everybody man. and i accpet that. im not into big money, families, or anything liek that. im a laid back guy who lieks to sometimes party, play my guitar and bass, and hang out with friends. jsut the simple life. even tho id love to be a rockstar. but who doesnt? :P

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i used to get straight a's in public school...average percent of all classes at around 95% :shock:








sure, in private school its much harder, but now my average percent is down to around 90%, which doesnt seem like a lot but it keeps me from getting straight a's which is all my dad cares about. and unlike you, i dont have a chance to just say "i dont really care about school, it isnt for me". my parents came from a 3rd world country to the U.S. and have done so much for me, so i cant let them down by saying "this isnt for me, im fine living a modest life", so i hope you understand that i cant be like you. as for the phase thing, it may be so, but i want this "phase" to end as soon as possible, and im hoping help from you guys will do something about that :wink:

R.I.P. Shiva

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Yeah, I see what you mean. My parents are somewhat like that too but most of the motivation comes from myself. Find something you really like and try to do great in that. Personally I love math but dislike english. However I still work hard on english because if I have any chance of going to a very good college for math I need to be very good at english too. So just look around for something interesting. Or try going on wikipedia and looking all over, I always find that motivational.








As for distractions, try turning off the internet while you work. I have a similar problem of procrastinating and it works well for me (I still have a bunch of homework and a project due tommorow yet I'm on here posting, I should probably do that myself now.)










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Yeah, I see what you mean. My parents are somewhat like that too but most of the motivation comes from myself. Find something you really like and try to do great in that. Personally I love math but dislike english. However I still work hard on english because if I have any chance of going to a very good college for math I need to be very good at english too. So just look around for something interesting. Or try going on wikipedia and looking all over, I always find that motivational.








As for distractions, try turning off the internet while you work. I have a similar problem of procrastinating and it works well for me (I still have a bunch of homework and a project due tommorow yet I'm on here posting, I should probably do that myself now.)









hmm, never thought of taking a look at wikipedia. ill try that today. thanks so far guys :D

R.I.P. Shiva

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