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Favorate Subject In School?


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Chemistry..going into the lab is great and I've learned tons in that class...




but Shop is really cool too..always nice to go out and do some hands on work building or welding stuff :D

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Economics :D








It helped so much with understanding the business systems that are in place in the world, and the newspapers that are reporting on them.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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German and Woodwork...








I love learning about other cultures and languages so German is one of my favourite subjects.








I also I love doing hands on Subjects like Woodwork. I love seeing the finished products of my work and also its a bit of a bludge and relaxling period of the day so I love that aspect of Woodwork too. :D

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I really like physics, and I like certain aspects of biology, mainly stuff about ecology and other species of animals etc. (I really love marine biology but there doesn't seem to be syllabus just for it) but it's mostly the human body from now on to GCSE, and microbiology.








I love history as well, modern history (post-1900), and any aspect of American history I find fascinating (years of the tudors being rammed down my throat makes me want to look across the atlantic :P ).








My history class wants me to look across the atlantic too =\




(We're just now finishing up world war 1 =\ I don't think we'll get past the Korean war by the end of the year)








Avert your eyes! It's (mostly) boring! :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Computer Reapir (thats what its called at my school....) Because I like computers and the teacher. I mean, who wouldnt like a teacher that calls all the idiots in the class butheads in front of other teachers and yells at them for 10 minutes straight because they did something wrong? :D

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Come to think of it, I don't especially like any of the subjects I take in school. I take Civics, which is stuff I already know concerning our almightily wonderful, perfect, free American government and about how it came to be that way after the tyrannic, Nazi English King opressed us. I take Intro to Engineering, which is just drafting and dimensioning simplistic drawings. I take Health, which is just talking about how alcoholic beverages function and are made (which, given how many winery tours I've had to endure over the years, is by no means new knowledge to me). I take English, where we have a teacher who seems to be on a Black Rights crusade against my [unfortunately] predominately white-elitist school. I take Algebra 2, which I'm good at, but is rather easy and repetitive. I take Biology, which is rather easy and boring (but at least the people I have class with are awesome!). I take Spanish 2, where I get to be taught by the clueless cheerleading coach who forced a kid to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (and subsequently got her name in the Washington Post, one of the US's more respected newspapers).








The beef I have with all of my classes is that I usually get the material on the first time it's explained to me, and that I absolutely despise doing the homework. I don't even do it half the time and my teachers all say "well, if you don't do the work you'll fail the tests," and yet I get at least a 95% on every test I take, simply because I retain the information. Granted, I don't necessarily want to take an ultra-taxing class, but I don't feel that I should have to do homework when I understand the material sufficiently. It wastes time for me for doing it, for the teacher for grading it, and just brings my grade down if I don't have time to do it because of other classes. If I had it my way I wouldn't do any homework, because I always pay attention in class and participate more often than the majority of my peers, as well as take notes.








I want school to stay at school, not follow me home and outside of it where I'm trying to develop my life in areas that are more applicable than acting out Shakespeare in drag (being Juliet) and learning about how Americans have "freedom of speech" that is limited. To make things worse, half of my classes are taught by sarcastic, loathing teachers who are at school because they receive paychecks.








To be honest, I've learned more on the internet than I've learned in school over the past year. I've learned many ways to make myself more likeable and less of a [bleep], more things about computer and network administration (which seems to be a promising future career for me), and more about classic writers and literature than I learned at school. It's very sad.








On top of which my mother keeps buggering out on me about how my interim (halfway through the marking period report card type thing) is going to be messed up, since I was absent for five days, and then the day I came back the interim period ended and my teachers are counting all of the work that I didn't make up against me until I do make it up. In short, this means that my interim report will be filled with Cs, Ds and Fs, and my mother is upset at me about that, despite the fact that interims mean nothing and are only used as gauges for progress and don't actually count for anything cumulatively and academically.








If you read that, then thank you for entertaining me while I skewed off on my rant about my state's mediocre educational system.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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(9th period).








:shock: Only 7 for us...








6 max here








Dude, how long are your periods?








We have 40 minutes here & then 3 minutes transition. Between 1st & 2nd, and then 2nd & 3rd, I have to walk to the other side of the school, and then back. Our school is pretty massive, too.








But heck, what is Cross Country training for anyways? :lol:

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I take Civics, which is stuff I already know concerning our almightily wonderful, perfect, free American government and about how it came to be that way after the tyrannic, Nazi English King opressed us.








Civics... When I took that I couldn't stand it... It's all propoganda, in short, it's BS.




The American government is currently one of the more corrupt governments among the OECD countries...












Oh and for the record? The Nazi's were Fascists. 18th century England was run under a Ogliarchy. There's a difference, a big difference...

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