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Are you one of those people who never seem to learn from lying? I mean like, do you lie about something you did or something really stupid and then you still have the feeling of looking like an idiot because you're a terrible liar?
















I have a bad problem with lying. It's a really stupid habit... Blah. :( I just felt like sharing that.

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I hate when people lie. There are only a few situations it is acceptable in. Mainly when you are protecting someone or trying to not to hurt them.








What really annoys me is people who lie constantly, for no reason at all. I have this one friend who has this problem (though it's been getting better lately), and he lies about the stupidest things. I can't think about a specific example but it could be something like I ask him what he ate, and he tells me something... Later on I find out that he actually ate something else. He had absolutely nothing to gain by lying to me. I just don't understand why he does it.








Ugh... Sorry for the rant.








Anyways, you should try to not lie so much... It's really a very unappealing characteristic in people. I am guilty of lying sometimes too, but only when it is absolutely necessary. Even then I still prefer the truth no matter how brutal it is.

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I try not to explicitly lie unless it's something thats so obviously not true (like the sun being blue >.>) :P








When I do unintentionally lie it's small small things that I think would haven o impact on the rest of my day >.<


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I dont lie much, but this one kid in my class hel ies for everythin. Like once, he was chewing gum, the teacher asked to throw away the gum and sit back down, and he lied that he didn't had gum and crap. Just throw the gum away, shesh. You wont get in trouble... immature people

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't lie...well atleast try my best to not lie (we all do every now and then).








I am also not a believer in white lies. The ones which are there not to hurt people's feelings. Like if someone asks me how they look. I try not to lie rather put it in a nice way which they wont be offeneded. To me lies are still lies no matter how bad or small they may be.

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a good frend of mine asked me once how i thought about someone, on msn, about another frend (he was a frend of him and i was, but not that good frends)








i was like: yea and now his sitting there with you seeing this conversation right?




he said: no really, im not that childish... i swear




so i said (honest): well sometimes he gets angry to quick, and wants to do games his way. but hes a nice person.








the other day we 3 met, and i was like: wanna play soccer?




and he said: well i dont know, what you told about me yesterday...








i felt sooo betrayed, never met those 2 again...




about a year ago i guess this happened.








but if he asked me how i thought about him one on one, i wouldve said the same.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I don't really tell any whoppers -- the occasion just never comes up for me to have to. I don't concentrate on telling the truth; rather I always think what would be the best thing to say, be it the truth or a little white lie. So yeah, I lie when it stops me from hurting others' feelings, or when it makes everything run smoothly without causing problems later on (can't think of an example. but I'm thinking homework/college work, etc).

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Yea, I don't ever lie about something that would hurt someone.








The majority of the time I lie is just to make it easier...Like, someone will ask me a question and instead of saying "No" and explaining myself for 30 seconds, I just say "Yes" or "Sure" and carry on.








I don't really lie real hard though. I'm often accused of lieing (once a day atleast) when I tell a story. Normally it's a story I hear on a news website (namely msnbc.com) or about a fact I find on wikipedia.

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On the subject of lying...
















CamoBizkit is by far the best liar I have seen in a long time. The guy only managed to convince everyone he knew in RuneScape and on Scapeboard that he was in fact a female.

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On the subject of lying...
















CamoBizkit is by far the best liar I have seen in a long time. The guy only managed to convince everyone he knew in RuneScape and on Scapeboard that he was in fact a female.








Apparently he made a few slips, like Tomato (CastleCaster) caught him saying that "she" could bench 190 or something :lol:








I just believed "her" because I never knew him/her, just saw them post every now and then so it's not like it would have taken much to fool me.

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I just thought he was an idiot regardless of gender.








The funny one was "Lovely420" I think it was, who got 'married' to McTavish in RS and then turned out to be a guy.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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CamoBizkit is by far the best liar I have seen in a long time. The guy only managed to convince everyone he knew in RuneScape and on Scapeboard that he was in fact a female.








Bro, don't remind me




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