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i'll probably get flamed for this but i would like to host a huge train for tipit starting place varrock castle then to lumby,draynor,remmington,fally,and then edgeville hope to see you there date: march 14th anytime just be there rsn:sr travis 77 look for him then follow but anyone who's following me you must follow him and so on ty.. i wont leave until i record atleast 100 people hopefully oh almost forgot>>tipit ruLES!!!! edit: im a noob today is the 11th i meant 14th sorry ppl

Iv Green vI.png


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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.








thats gotta be one of the meanest things ive read in a while here...








Come on, we all should appreciate tip.it and if you're not going say something like "sorry but i can't go" or something like that. No reason to flame him...








ill come if you can supply more details :D

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.








thats gotta be one of the meanest things ive read in a while here...








Come on, we all should appreciate tip.it and if you're not going say something like "sorry but i can't go" or something like that. No reason to flame him...








ill come if you can supply more details :D




Yeah I agree...Its pretty mean!! I will come if it's a f2p world(my members finished) and fits my time.=]

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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.








Welcome to the forums troll. :roll:

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.








Rofl youre a bigger noname buddy.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.
You know, calling someone stupid is discriminating against stupid people, and is punishable under law... I think... That's what our disipline person at my school said about mentally challenged people?
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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.












be positive :roll:
















sigh, the world these days

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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.
Oh the irony. If you are going to accuse someone of being a "no-name", make sure that you are well known yourself first :lol:





sorry i dont wanna get muted
lol i'd have thought you would have been muted by now you insult everybody who tells you your wrong or annoys you a tiny bit lol
:lol: Skulled means he doesn't want to be muted for advertising tipit ingame :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Are you stupid? You actually think that some no-name like yourself is just going to get a huge train going? Seriously, nice try, but it's not gonna work bro.








nice post count you got there sicktwisted :roll:








*cough* 10 post noob *cough*








can I have some cough medicine?

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