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Cyber Punk. Feel the warmth of his laser hand!


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I thought this merited its own topic. AA'd, dithered up, the whole shibam. 18 colors.








Personaly, I think its my best yet. Evar.








Thank you.

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You deserve my respect simply because of the colours you use.




Please keep it up.




i agree 100%, like i said before with ur dither one. i admire ur color choices makes u unique :D also i like it how its like half human and half machine reminds me of terminator :lol:








free sig pl0z? :P

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That's amazing man :shock: .








I've always been wondering this, but I wonder how you could make Rz3 look like as a pixel (dude in my avatar) :shock: .








*hint hint*.












But yes, deffinitly one of my favorites from you. The dithering is amazing.

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so freaking realistic and creepy!




make the canvas a lil bigger, add some dead stuff with blood splattered around and u got a work of art ( its awesome rite now too )




i like how u shaded accordin to the fire from his hand

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Boogie: I don't know about that, but it sure makes me feel good to hear it! Thanks.








Knives: Thanks, but remember- he has no soul.








Abhinav: I love how you say realistic- thats exactly what I was going for with my pallete. It may not 'look' like real tones, but when they come together, they create that illusion.




Perhaps when I'm feeling a bit more creative I'll take your advice and and a background- but for now I'm poop'd.




Also nice to see you notice the way I considered the fire and blended it all into the different parts. Thanks.








Alex: I so have to draw that. Atomic Punk, arr, let me radiate on you!








Nadril, perhaps that can be a project for me whilst I recharge my batteries and attempt more edits on this guy. But- who exactly is Rz3, or shall I just make eyes and a mask?








Pureleder: Who knows- perhaps he has a metal skeleton? It seems that my colors are imrpoving. I remember when I started to use 'unique' colors, not many people liked them. But, hopefully, I'll only get better.




(The only free thing you'll get out of me is an avatar, or if I really love you a 100x100. :P )








Thanks for responding everyone.








(Idea: What do you think of me enlarging the sides, putting in some cyberscape with some dead bloodsmattered bodies on the ground, and animating his beam as well as several other beams coming from the hole-prtrusions on his shoulder?)








Also: Does anyone besides me think my signatures pretty nifty on this one?

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Godslayer, I got a picture of Rz3 just for you, preaty much sums him up XD.
























Also, he's a lot nicer than he looks in my avatar :oops: . He's realy a nice guy (he's a fat wagon counter terriost from counter strike, btw.)








edit: brown thing behind him is just the chair :oops: .

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(Idea: What do you think of me enlarging the sides, putting in some cyberscape with some dead bloodsmattered bodies on the ground, and animating his beam as well as several other beams coming from the hole-prtrusions on his shoulder?)








Also: Does anyone besides me think my signatures pretty nifty on this one?








Again, nice pixel. Adding the stuff might be good, but I like the simplicity of it atm. Looks like an optical illusion. It seems so simple but so complex at the same time.








If I could afford something of yours, I'd buy it (I don't have much RS money, and we aren't allowed to sell them anyway anymore :( )








Yes, your signatures are pretty nifty. It'll be quite a thing when I can say I saw your early work after you are famous :)








BTW, did you make ters sig?


Curse you Nomad!

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