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The Knowledge Base - Jagex vs Fan Sites?


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Whatever their motivations, Jagex's KB is too little too late, IMO; there are already dozens of better sites out there that already offer more than the KB will ever offer.




If their intent is to replace fansites, it won't work. Many of the most popular fansites have been fielding off competition for years, and the KB is just another competitor for users, and if JAgex's previous efforts are any clue, it's going to be a pretty weak competitor at that.




Just about the only two things going for the KB in terms of competitive strength is the fact that it's official, "from the horse's mouth" so to speak, so the info is always accurate, and it's not a third party reference, so there's no fear of reprisals for directing other players to using it.




That all being said, it's still really too early to tell, since it's still Beta. For all we know, when it's done, the KB could be so useful that it puts all the fansites to shame. I doubt it will, but you never know.










Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I seriously doubt that Jagex would EVER be able to put any of the fansites out of business, much less the great and might Tip.it.








I see it more of a way to improse customer support. For a very long time Jagex has been absolutely blasted for not having some better guides to their game. Considering the great lengths that some other online games go to inform their players, this is still nothing.








Plus, as mentioned, the community part can never be beat. RS is just too big, and fansites aren't. Well, they are pretty big. But that's not the point. The point is that the fansites will be here for a long, long time.

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Even it was to get rid of fansites (which I thought it was at first, but have since disregarded the thought) it is a pathetic attempt to do so. All I know is that it won't do me any good to go on there, because it doesn't really have the stuff I need (Good maps with all monsters, respawns, etc.) in it. I will just keep using Tip.It and other help sites until they shut down or I quit.








P.S. All it really is is just an updated playing manual...that's it.

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Jagex have concerned more on getting rid of, rather pointless, messages they get in Customer Support as a query everyday, and obviously to help the players of Runescape. This makes RuneScape Home Page looks much efficient than it was ever before.








So, obviously this update has served nearly great purposes. Out of nowhere, I can ever think of Jagex introducing the Knowledge Base just to get rid of the fansites, and having their players more concentrated in KB than in fansites. That's not true.








Quote from Knowledge Base:








"The aim of this update is to provide better support for our players, so that if you're stuck or just need some friendly advice, you can quickly get the help you need rather than asking Customer Support or hoping someone is talking about it on the forums"








The End of my post.








With regards to the last bit of the quote, Jagex really have been their own worst enemy with getting help, with actions such as banning question seeking threads.








In particular, Swarmsnapper's "I know where anything is" sticky thread, which staffed by him, Trenmor, Joel, me and others, generally provided fast accurate answers to questions in 'locations'.








The result of this meant you just had all the repeated spam threads that required alot more effort to keep up with and reduced the willingness of serial helpers(long live altruism).








But I can't really see the knowlegde base, after the initial buzz has worn off, either affecting the popularity of fansites, or the number of stupid querys/forum posts jagex gets, after all the number of times the simplest answer to their questions was "look in the manual" or "look at the map" I lost count of a very long time ago.








On the upside, for a while at least, perhaps people won't ask where you get a 'lava' cape from.

there are no stupid questions

just way too many inquisitive idiots

balance is scary to people who like things easy for them


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I don't think the reason was to fight against fansites, but I know it will be appreciated at least a little by players because people can now direct others to a source of information without worrying about being banned for mentioning outside sites. It looks like it has potential, but like others have said, it won't cover everything that fansites do. But as a reference to direct others to for help, it might turn out to be a nice addition.


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I believe Jagex simply feels they are inadaquete in what their website contains and presents. They just want to feel somewhat self-sufficient, in having everything a runescaper needs on the official website, which makes sense, but is too long overdue to be implemented now. After all, there are too many outside runescape communities who have too many dedicated members, and of course, free forums.

MOD EDIT: Offensive text removed.

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Depends what depth it goes into, but some players would want to know exactly what an item will do for them, while others would rather work it out by trial and error.








What is the best weapon, is an old question, for instance, and one which should not have a single answer - apart from "the best metal you can wield"

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Jagex have concerned more on getting rid of, rather pointless, messages they get in Customer Support as a query everyday, and obviously to help the players of Runescape. This makes RuneScape Home Page looks much efficient than it was ever before.








So, obviously this update has served nearly great purposes. Out of nowhere, I can ever think of Jagex introducing the Knowledge Base just to get rid of the fansites, and having their players more concentrated in KB than in fansites. That's not true.








Quote from Knowledge Base:








"The aim of this update is to provide better support for our players, so that if you're stuck or just need some friendly advice, you can quickly get the help you need rather than asking Customer Support or hoping someone is talking about it on the forums"








The End of my post.








With regards to the last bit of the quote, Jagex really have been their own worst enemy with getting help, with actions such as banning question seeking threads.








In particular, Swarmsnapper's "I know where anything is" sticky thread, which staffed by him, Trenmor, Joel, me and others, generally provided fast accurate answers to questions in 'locations'.








The result of this meant you just had all the repeated spam threads that required alot more effort to keep up with and reduced the willingness of serial helpers(long live altruism).








But I can't really see the knowlegde base, after the initial buzz has worn off, either affecting the popularity of fansites, or the number of stupid querys/forum posts jagex gets, after all the number of times the simplest answer to their questions was "look in the manual" or "look at the map" I lost count of a very long time ago.








On the upside, for a while at least, perhaps people won't ask where you get a 'lava' cape from.








Well said. (I don't think you know my real name in RuneScape...)








I am very well familiar with the sticky 'I know where anything is'. In fact, I helped in that sticky many times. I am even friends with half of the Staff you have mentioned. You think, I wasn't disappointed when that sticky was taken out from the Locations forum? Same thing happened in Clue Scrolls forum...But, now it's not worth mentioning those topics as they are old, and nothing can be done. :(








I should now stop being off-topic.








My ONLY reason to post that quote is to describe what Jagex is up to, and their intentions to introduce the Kowledge Base in RuneScape. Of course, Knowledge base includes some GREAT TOPICS, but it's obviously not there to reduce the amount of Fansites. Answered as it was the topic of discussion in this thread.








Oh well, I guess this is it.

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Am i stupid or is it supposed to have a link to this Knowledge Base or is it just the same old links in the left menu? I must be stupid casue i cant find this Knowledge Base
Try hard refreshing your browser. On the left, the first box is Runescape, there's 3 links. Under that is the Knowledge Base section.
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i wouldnt worry.








tipit has far more info than rs will ever put up on their site, plus its player based here which is a goldmine!








i think (as otheres above) its an attempt to reduce the amount of queries to customer support!









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My fansite preference will always be tip.it (obviously), but I have noticed that many fansites in general have carved out niches for themselves. I've found helpful and interesting information on one fansite that wasn't on another.








Ultimately though, I think the fansites will be about their community aspect, as was said earlier.








I agree that the Knowledge Base was likely created to improve their Customer Support-- at least cut down on their query load a bit.

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I think another problem is that with fansites, alot of people take their word as being as good as jagex's or maybe even better, and such aspects like forums and whatnot can also lead to problems like scamming(and maybe the fencing of auto'ed goods, where jagex cant monitor it if they're trying). Basically, everything and everyone on a fansite is beyond their control, and the only way to do anything about it is to compete and offer a better service. Although, I'll stick with tip.it right through til the end.

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