imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Okay, I might be going out on a limb on this, but i have a problem... As we know, the Fight Pits came out a while ago, with the promise of a new cape, the best cape in the game. The Fire Cape. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe it provides +11 on all defense, and +1 on all attack bonuses. With all the guides and common knowledge, we know you must have high prayer, 80+, high mele skills, and high range. For you to get the cape the way the majority of the Fire Cape population got their cape, you need full gunthans (for healing), lots of prayer pots, and lots of sharks. You must also have 2 full straight hours comitted to the cause. The cape, IF you get one, would be priceless to you, it being a trophey of your wealth, and ability to comit yourself to be precise in the way you battle in the pit. Today, the 100th quest came out. This quest is a total of 8 subquests. The 8 subquests all have requirements in which you must meet to be able to move onto the next subquest. Now, I'm not saying that getting all of these levels are easy (most of them below 60), but what I want to portray is that most people who can get a Fire Cape, and afford full gunthans, other armour, prayer pots, and sharks, can easily make the requirements for all of the subquests and quests that are required for the subquests. At the end of the 8 subquests, you can buy the new dragon gloves. If I'm not mistaken, they add + 13 to all attack and defense bonuses except a +6 to magic attack and defense bonuses. Lets weigh the items. Less attack and defense for the cape which 90% of the time needs armor that costs 12m, plus prayer pots, and sharks. More attack and defense bonuses for gloves that can be obtained by quests which most mid-level players have finished, or are working on. I know i finished Monkey Madness at lvl 75. i can do Legends with just a few quests that i just havent started yet because of lazyness. My point is not to compare 2 different armour classes, such as gloves and capes, but the requirements for getting each. Your thoughts? Since some people didn't understand/care to read all of the above..... Ug. Cape hard to get. Cost big money! Stats bad for cape. Gloves easy to get. Stats for gloves are better than stats for cape. This confuse hell out of me. Ug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoop111 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Gloves+Cape=Great Bonuses What do you care about, fire cape is still worthy to get Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peterka111 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 i do agree that it is very strange, since i m lvl 77 and have almost all requirements, but just use both, since then it is crazy good bonuses :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tewas Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 the point is that this reward isn't worth to show off. this quest will be one of those that everyone is done, and gloves will be in most players inventory/bank. jagex should made top few gloves accessible after far more complicated and chalenging parts. cuz gloves are better than infinity in mage, better than vambs in range and better than any other glove/gauntlet in melee. best piece of equipment accessible to anyone with lvl 70 cooking and monkey madness, wich is quite popular quest because of d scimmy reward 1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb. 02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb. 07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.Prayer is good for herbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 ... what i was saying is how the requirements are odd for somethng that gives a better bonus. i wasnt saying anything about using one or the other. the whole point of this thread is to compare the ability to get gloves which are way better than a cape, when the gloves are way easier to get. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peterka111 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 yeah that's really strange, since for the gloves, i only need a few more lvls, but for the fire cape, i need about 50 more lvls to do well at all now, wouldnt u think that the fire cape would have better stats since it shows combat skill and not like the gloves that shows quest skill this is really messed up in my opinion since now the people who did the fight caves have their cape reduced in effect compared to the gloves, especially when the gloves are rather easy to get Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blacklink8 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 The fire cape is a symbol or pride and power. The gloves are a symbol of pride for quests. The fire cape takes about 3 hours to get. All those quests take hours to do. I don't really care about how the gloves stats are better, everyone is gonna have them, only a few will have the fire cape. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugaholic Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 The cape spot has been reserved for items that show dedication. More of a status symbol than a stat heavy item. The God Capes, dedication to magic and a specific God, you can only have one God Cape at a time, whereas you can have all 3 books. Legends Cape, White, tattered, once a serious status symbol. Lava Cape.. Yea. (Obby cape.. Even though I love my obby cape and use it all the time, I really think it hurt the legends cape. They shoulda put a requirement on it.) Gauntlets have been decently easily replaceable items that add nice stats. I can't wait to get my master gloves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 The fire cape is a symbol or pride and power. The gloves are a symbol of pride for quests. The fire cape takes about 3 hours to get. All those quests take hours to do. I don't really care about how the gloves stats are better, everyone is gonna have them, only a few will have the fire cape. but my point is how the stats are off balance. most people have all those quests done by the time they hit the high combat levels to even attemp the cave for the cape. my whole point is why are the stats for the gloves so much better, when the ability to get the gloves comes before (should get lower stats) the ability to get the cape (should get higher stats). now, i agree that the cape is also a symbol of power and wealth, but dont you think the cape should at least get the higher of the stats, just because the cape is harder to get? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freshwacka Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Have you even killed the final boss? Hes really hard. 99 Crafting Blog Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slimysteve Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 The Fire Cape is the ONLY (I think) animated equipable part and cape. It is also a status symbol. In a few months, these gloves will be a essential part of everyones invent. You wont see that with the cape. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 Have you even killed the final boss? Hes really hard. :shock: Holy hell, is no one getting my point? and by the way, do you think the final boss is harder than a level 702 that switches attack from range to mage and can kill you in 1 hit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peterka111 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 *raises hand* i get wat ur saying by the time that anyone has gotten the fire cape, i would think that they would have done the quests and everything to get the gloves, making it seem as if the stats should be reversed with the gloves being + 11 def and the cape with +13 def Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 *raises hand* i get wat ur saying by the time that anyone has gotten the fire cape, i would think that they would have done the quests and everything to get the gloves, making it seem as if the stats should be reversed with the gloves being + 11 def and the cape with +13 def I love you :P thanks for someone understanding. Maybe i just said it so no one could understand. maybe this will work. Ug. Cape hard to get. Cost big money! Stats bad for cape. Gloves easy to get. Stats for gloves are better than stats for cape. This confuse hell out of me. Ug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aqua_dragons Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 you can't compare gloves and capes... Capes are weak, Gloves are not (in the runescape world) It only takes one quest to wear Rune Plate and thats way better then any of this. I agree that the quest should have been harder and the reward should have been greater though... but you are coming about this all wrong. Fire capes are still the best fire cape and now these gloves are the best gloves (correct me if I'm wrong). You can't put a second pair of gloves in the Cape spot... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eev Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 I see yout point. I don't agree with it. You're comparing apples and oranges, you may as well say that a warrior ring should give better stats than a rne plate. A warrior ring is a lot harder to obtain than a rune plate, and is a lot more expensive than a rune plate. The thing is theyre two completely different items. if you want to wear both though.. nothings stopping you! And comparing the gloves to the cape is just time wasting, it's not neccessary when theyre two completely different items. Even if these new gloves gave +40 to all stats, +60 to magic attack and defence, and prayer, you would still have no righ comparing them to the fire cape. The fire cape has its own separte item slot, and can be used in conjuction with the gloves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jessy87 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 he thinks they need to bump up that stats on the cape and fury ammy(i think fury ammy... lol) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LastBreath Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Eh, I'm kind of dissapointed with the quest honestly. No, I don't have 70 cooking, and I can't complete it. But you can kill just about everything with full prayer and 20 some odd prayer pots. that level 702 was the exception. still, the cape does look cooler. but yeah, I'd honestly like the cape to be a +20 instead of +11, but really, I think most of the people who have it, would have gotten it had it been a +0. you can't see the gloves very well. but the cape should have higher stats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruskin11 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 its the same reason that a dragon chain is more than a guthans plate. its not as strong but it is a sign of richness just like the fire cape is a sign of strength Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swampjedi Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Prize goes to Ruskin. Status. Status, Status, Status. My Goals and Achievements Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eloi44 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 fire cape becuase it has pray bonus, and we already have gaunts which work fine, when obby/legends capes are much inferior to fire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n64jive Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 armoured gloves were greatly needed, now cape and gloves are not in the same class, so its like comparing apples to oranges. Your comparing it like high lvls can only get cape and mids can get gloves. Where really high lvls can get gloves+capes, so now them who got cape, also have gloves and have a higher bonus. what your trying to argue has nothing to fall back on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 you can't compare gloves and capes... Capes are weak, Gloves are not (in the runescape world) It only takes one quest to wear Rune Plate and thats way better then any of this. I agree that the quest should have been harder and the reward should have been greater though... but you are coming about this all wrong. Fire capes are still the best fire cape and now these gloves are the best gloves (correct me if I'm wrong). You can't put a second pair of gloves in the Cape spot... you're right, but if you had cared to read, i wouldnt have to be making this post. I said in my first post that im not comparing gloves and capes, but the requirements and stats which each require/recieve. this has nothing to do with a cape being weaker than a glove. this has to do with the cape being harder to get by leaps and bounds, yet it is weaker. even if your cape to glove ratio was correct (gloves>capes) dont you think the stats should at least be the same if not greater for the cape? i mean, you spend 2 hours fighting monsters to get to a level 702. Most people suggest armour that costs 12m, arrows that are 400 ea or a bow that is required from a quest that costs 900k to buy, and close to 900k again to recharge it, AND all the stats to weild the suggested armour and not get your rear handed to you in the first 30 minutes. you also have to make prayer potions for your self and fish and cook high level food. or buy your own. what is the going rate now-a-days? 6k per 3dose prayer pot? which is 8k per 4dose (to save room in your inv). my point being i believe the cape is a bit harder to get than the gloves and should be treated statwise. jsut my oppinion :\ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imaerehw14 Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 i see both sides. i can agree that yes, im comparing "apples and oranges", but they are both fruit... i guess i need to make a new topic, in which every thing be evend out due to avability to get. but im not going to. i guess at the time it seemed logical... now, its kind of lost the flare i had for it. i guess all i was trying to say is that jagex put out a NEW item, with the availability to get it easier than an existing item. butt hey have done that before. so i guess to everyone.. i messed up :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dymed Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 my point being i believe the cape is a bit harder to get than the gloves and should be treated statwise. I think you are the one not reading. What people are saying is that you cannot compare two completely different pieces of armor at all. It doesn't make any sense. Using your logic, the Fire Cape should be the best piece of armor in the game as it's most likely the hardest item to acquire. It should give better defense bonuses than the Rune Plate. Hell, it should give better attack bonuses than the Dragon Long. After all, completing the fight cave is unarguably harder than completing Dragon Slayer or Lost City. So the Fire Cape should be stronger than both the Rune Plate and Dragon Long. Right? You're making illogical comparison. I understand you are not directly comparing the items, but rather the requirements needed to obtain them, but it's still illogical to compare two separate pieces of armor. Now, if they released another quest tomorrow that required level 5 cooking and took 20 minutes to complete and gave the rewards of gloves that gave +20 to everything, THEN you could compare the gloves from the 100th quest and the hypothetical ones. Do you understand what I'm saying now? To try to explain to you the fallacy of your arguement in your own simple terms: Ug. Fire Cape harder to get than gloves, should be higher stats. Fire Cape harder to get than Rune Plate and Dragon Long, so also higher stats. Ug. And that would just be ridiculous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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