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Wrongly accused of using macro - why?


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I have been temporarily banned for 3 days for supposedly using a macro.


Except - I never use macros. Wouldn't ever use a macro, don't even know what they are or how to get them.




So, three days of a membership I PAY for have been stolen away, I have been wrongly accused of using a macro, and unfairly had a black mark placed on my record. Whatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?




I just play the game. What could I have been doing that made Jagex programs flag me for using a macro?




I posted a complaint to Jagex, but have not received a reply.




This really seems to be lousy customer service. I am very, very irritated.

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Whatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?




That never existed on RS to my knowledge. Anyway, CS should get back to you sometime, seeing as "you're getting far more customer support than the free players". Cough.

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Yes well I'm really looking for an answer to my question about what I could have been doing to make Jagex flag me for macroing.




Since I don't macro and can't play for 3 days!!! I'd sure like to stop doing whatever it is they think I was doing.





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Make sure you talk often, so people won't think you are a macroer. For example, just ask what everybody's total level is (or the skill that you all are doing at the moment), sing a song, anything to prove that you are actually controlling your character.

OoC Overseer


137jq9.gif Eet mor kabbig! 137jq9.gif

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Make sure you talk often, so people won't think you are a macroer. For example, just ask what everybody's total level is (or the skill that you all are doing at the moment), sing a song, anything to prove that you are actually controlling your character.




good advise, but I have another suggestion to what might have happened.




Do you have another relative playing on your computer that you use? If so, we could conclude that your relative has been using or exploring macroning programs. I suggest I good talk with this person whoever it is...




for now, just wait. Three days? not that bad.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Nope I'm the only person who ever uses my computer.




And you're right 3 days isn't bad, but I play a lot. I live in a very small rural midwest town. Not much to do here. So it's real annoying not be able to play.




Plus - I PAY for my play, which means Jagex stole 3 days of service from me based on a false accusation. Yea that's only 50 cents, but it's real annoying to pay for a service and not be able to use it.

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If your a low level training a skill pretty solidly without speaking many people have become autoer obsessed and will report you if you don't respond




In such cases the best bet is don;t try to take the total high road and ignore them as it leads to the result u got, but to just respond with a polite comment




don;t really known what else it could be or what else you could do though


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Jagex is being Ban Crazy lately, but I feel for you. I've never got banned but still scared that I will (For I did nothing).




Although, can you get banned for saying dumb***? Cuz I said it to this noob who was buging the hell outta me, and he reported it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yes well at least you still have your account, 3 days isn't much. Make some scouts for fun and place them in wildy, then give them to meet so i can loot my clan's wars :P




Anyway, Jagex's autoing detector is messed up :roll:




Well, overall, I guess it's not that bad. Just don't get a perm ban. Imagine if Ghjjf, leader of DI (Damage Inc the #1 RS Clan) got a perm ban :shock:



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Well, maybe three days isn't the worst part of it, but you also get some sort of criminal record :?




Anyway, give CS until monday. You'll probably receive a reply, and if you asked, they should tell you what kind of offence you actually commited, too.




Also, as for not replying to players, sure, some will report you for macroing or whatever, and you'll (eventually) be checked by the system, but if you're innocent you shouldn't get an unfair ban or anything. I've never gotten into trouble because of it myself, so yeah.

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I really don't like getting a black mark for something I didn't do.


I don't like having to miss playing on my member's account for something I didn't do.


And I don't like paying Jagex for 3 days I'm not able to play for something I didn't do.




3 days isn't much, but it is on a weekend. I had herbs growing that will probably be dead. I was close to a couple of skill lvls that will have to wait.




Jagex should have something in place for temporary bans to appeal. They should send a warning or notification first instead of just banning. I would be glad to make a change if I'm doing something that Jagex flags pick up as a macro.




It's lousy customer service and I'm really disgusted.

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oh, well be happy it isnt a perm bann, like i got, but ya there are problems


with there system


as in they say you will get a message, when you recieve a black mark, but i never seen any of these message from my black marks, i was never muted or banned before and just perm banned me right away




agian just be happy its only 3 days and not perm





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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No I dont listen to music online.


But thanks for your post. That is what I am looking for - things I could be doing on my computer that Jagex mistakenly flags as macros.




Only thing I do in RS is play the game.




I do surf online when playing - news sites, rs help sites. Could that be causing a problem?

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I do that, too, and nothing's happened to me, yet. I spend a lot of time leveling up one skill at a time, too (specifically mining). Of course, I also talk to other miners, and since I mine coal in the fally underground mine, I fight scorpies while I'm waiting for the coal to spawn.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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I have been temporarily banned for 3 days for supposedly using a macro.


Except - I never use macros. Wouldn't ever use a macro, don't even know what they are or how to get them.




So, three days of a membership I PAY for have been stolen away, I have been wrongly accused of using a macro, and unfairly had a black mark placed on my record. Whatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?




I just play the game. What could I have been doing that made Jagex programs flag me for using a macro?




I posted a complaint to Jagex, but have not received a reply.




This really seems to be lousy customer service. I am very, very irritated.




Wouldn't ever use a macro, don't even know what they are or how to get them.




LOL, you're making yourself sound suspicious. You're stating that you don't know what they are, then how can you be so sure later on on your posts? And how can you say that you wouldn't ever use a macro if you don't even know what they are? If I were you I'd say, what is macroing in the first place... :roll:

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I asked a mod friend ingame (using my noob character) what a macro is to be sure what they are.


So no I don't use them!


You can imply all you want, but some people actually don't try to cheat.




Still looking for tips on what could be on my computer that flagged Jagex's scans for macros.

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No, until I was banned I didn't know what macros are. I heard the word, but never needed to know what they are, because they're cheating.


That's all I needed to know.




I know what flagging is.




Really irritates me that people imply I was cheating because I didn't know what macros are.


I just played the game. I didn't cheat because I don't cheat and I wanted to keep playing the game.

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