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IN AID OF THE MYREQUE- complete guide with pics


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ok hi people, just finished the quest and was doing a guide as i wen for my clanmates, so i might as well help you people out too.










take a pickaxe, hammer,spade , pot, a bucket, about 5k, 36 nails, 2 steel bars, 1 coal ore, mith bar, saphire, silver bar, soft clay, runes for saphire enchant and an item of food.


ancient magiks would be handy just for teleing to canafis




it is located south of mort'ton




place the food in the chest in order to pass through the gate.




after this, talk to the man near the building with a pub icon, ask him about any hidden areas, next go to the building with the collapsed wall, climb over it and use your pickaxe with the rubble. you can now enter the basement.




you will need a pot and about a buckets.mine the rubble, use pot on it and your bucket will fillwith rubble. you need 7 free inventory slots for junk you find.


go upstairs and use bucket with rubble pile to empty it and repeat this a few times






you will obtain a scroll and a plaster fragment.scrollandplaster7in.png.






i think you need them with planks to fix the roof




next talk to a townsperson and ask to help clear up the town, they will tell you to go to the general store (east), you will need your nails, hammer and planks ( can be bought from the mort'ton store). use planks on hole in the roof, ( 12 nails needed + 3 planks )








you then need another 3 planks and 12 nials to fix the damaged wall.


after fixing the building he asks you to sock his store with 10 tinderboxes, 10 bronze axes ( hatchet) and 10 of a random itemcrate3qh.png




now you are asked to fix the bank, go to the bank and fix the booth with planks and swamp paste. ( use plank with the booth which has the broken glass.) speak to the banker guy and he now asks you to fix the wall, another 3 planks and 12 nails here. cornelius tells you to hire someone to be the banker, ask him, second last option i think and he'l agree.




you need to head east of the bank to the furnace now after you talk to a local. he tells you to fix the furnace. search it then go to bank and get 2 steel bars, use it on broken furnace. search it after repairing and you will need to fuel the furnace. use coal ore with the fixed furnace and light it with a tinderbox.


head to the general store talk to gadderanks then wistik and he tells you that gadderanks is draning his blood, fight gadderanks then veliaf will come to your rescue! he fight off the juvinates once you have defeater gadderanks.


( don't worry if he dies, he comes back in the door again to help you lol )


don't kill him with a dds , you need to keep him alive to talk with him i think, my dds killed him and i couldn't see him, unless its a bug.




after the juvinates are dead, speak with gadderanks, you now get his warhammer :D.


speak with veliaf and he tells you to return to the hollows, long walk back to quest , talk with the 2 guys and then go back to veliaf before speaking with ivan and taking him to the temple.




i recommend going the short way, there are only 2 juvinates there, long route "safe" has 3


you will encounter some juvinates, you need to kill them using silver sickle. right click path and choose escape if you need to run away.




ivan is very weak, attack both the juvinates and hit one twice, then swap to other, hit it twice, swap to other, and keep hitting one twice then changing. otherwise they will wander off then attack ivan. you will now be at the temple of priest in peril. go down and talk to drezel.


talk with drezel and ask about ivandis, tell him ppls life depends on it until he gives you a key. right beside the bookcase is a door, use yur key on it, a trapdoor appears, you know what to do..bookcase in the middle has search option....up that's right search it, take the book and read it, theres another bookcase to. read all 3 books.


hea to the hollows again and use your hammer on the cave that is boarded up. enter the cave walk to the end and search tomb.

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use soft clay with the tomb to get a mould, tele away and make a silvrith rod






1 silver bar, 1 mith bar, the mould and a cut saphire. use silver bar on the furnace. add a cut spahire to it. use saphire enchant on it.


go back to drezel and enter the room to the west, use your rod with the well in the middle ( with a rope in inventory).




it is now wiledable rod of ivandis (10) and has special attacknewstaff8ly.png




now o to the new town and into the basement of the pub which you cleared earlier, veliaf will be there with the other 2 dudes, talk to him and hand over the staff to complete the quest .






the chest down in basement contains garlic.

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page 10 of my post shows 8 of us posting the reward :wink:

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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he u can use that bank good as a barrows bank way easyer then unnoting ur stuff in the general shop

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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what is staffs sats and what does spec do?




something to do with combat level i think or it won't have that little combat level writing :)




spec says:


This spell seems totally ineffective against this npc

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


Goals: | Fletching lvl: 97/[b:05c6bf8

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