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runescape, a learning experience?


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after thinking about a few things for a while, i realized ive learned alot of things from this game, sort of like a back-up knowledge






over this last year, ive learned like 20 dutch words


how gulible some people are


how cowardly and bottum feeding some can be


and i guess ive experiences people stupidity and narrow minded and i guess, open mindedness


and ive learned greatly how to ignore and be a jerk to people that bother me








now i dont really like being a jerk... id much rather be a trusted person, im the kind of guy who if you are on ancients and have the runes for a teleother, ill teleother you. but its unbelievable how many people ask me questions like, can you help me with this quest? and i ask what part they are on and they reply with "i havent started it yet", jeez i mean some people put up no effort

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i suppose to an extent but all u stated is learnt also from real life exp.




it is crazy how much people seem to be so lazy when asking for help as, same as u im a nice guy, i stood yesterday for 20 mins explaining how to do a part of monkey madness then he has the nerve to say its ok i found it on a fan site :evil:




tv is also a great education tool, tv rocks 8)

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but all u stated is learnt also from real life exp.






well, i disagree with you. yes i stated real life lessons, but i mean, runescape has REALLY opened up my eyes to these lessons






thats why id say, runescape was more of a learning experience then real life, because, honestly whenever i hear outrageous claims, i laugh and question if its true, now if it deal with runescape im inclined to believe it here is an example of such things








my fathers best friend, has a step daughter, who has a boyfriend. he was caught with 42 pounds of marijuanna, he was holding for someone else. now me and my dad discussed this, how do you tell a police officer 42 pounds(about a tiny shoe box in size for ea pound) of pot, is in fact... for personal useage






now, i find that beyond stupid, almost unbelieveable, yet it happened. this game has shown me situations of people being absolutely moronic.

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but all u stated is learnt also from real life exp.






well, i disagree with you. yes i stated real life lessons, but i mean, runescape has REALLY opened up my eyes to these lessons






thats why id say, runescape was more of a learning experience then real life, because, honestly whenever i hear outrageous claims, i laugh and question if its true, now if it deal with runescape im inclined to believe it here is an example of such things








my fathers best friend, has a step daughter, who has a boyfriend. he was caught with 42 pounds of marijuanna, he was holding for someone else. now me and my dad discussed this, how do you tell a police officer 42 pounds(about a tiny shoe box in size for ea pound) of pot, is in fact... for personal useage






now, i find that beyond stupid, almost unbelieveable, yet it happened. this game has shown me situations of people being absolutely moronic.




i guess your right as with rs u are instantly connected with thousands of people (2000 per server :P) thus more likly to come across more morons and the like. so id say your right in a short term time span but, long term ftw 8) and if u know the right ppl u just have to w8 for them to do something stupid, which is always a laugh

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Hmm, yes I think you learn from rs, but you should definately keep in mind that people behave differently on rs then they would in real life.




Why? Internet annonimity. I can be anyone I ever want to be on rs, I can be an obnoxious 8 year old, playing dumb and whining for free stuff, I can be a 80 year old guy in a wheelchair having his 1 hour internet time of this week. I can be male, female anything I feel like doing, just create a new account and you're good to go.


Just check back with yourself and your behaviour on rs, would you do everything you do on rs in real life? And I'm talking social interactions here, not pounding someones head in with a greataxe. If I look at my behaviour, it's mostly the same as in real life. I help people that ask me something, I go out of my way to help out friends. But on rs I can also be more abusive then I would normally be, if you happen to be the 3rd guy asking me for 'free st00f pl0x' and you start following me, you'd better be prepared for some top-notch flaming. I'd never do that in real life, I'd ignore that person, walk away from it, not confront him.




Probably most of the behaviour you see on rs is people doing whatever they want and getting away with it because there's absolutely no consequences. If you'd go around town begging for stuff and kept following people, you'd be socially outcast in no time. On rs however you can just switch worlds and go bother someone else.






Things I did learn from rs are how to talk English properly, that even though you've never met someone you can be good friends anyways, that anonimous people are not to be trusted under any circumstance and that playing a lot is good for your online rank on the social ladder, but bad for your real life rank on the social ladder. Since I'm currently prefering my ranking on the real life social ladder I don't play as much as I used to :D




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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tv is also a great education tool, tv rocks 8)




History/Discovery channel ftw 8)




mythbuster ownage... how do i blow up something...




and im not gr8 at english... but its a nice way to train my english spelling... from writing massages like these :lol: but just talking about something in rs is fine...




(plz dont flame about my english :P )


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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tv is also a great education tool, tv rocks 8)




History/Discovery channel ftw 8)




mythbuster ownage... how do i blow up something...




and im not gr8 at english... but its a nice way to train my english spelling... from writing massages like these :lol: but just talking about something in rs is fine...




(plz dont flame about my english :P )




lol yea the mythbusters. Favourite episode: the cement truck. They figured out that the myth wasn't true about 5 minutes after the start of the show and they just kept going with the different explosives. And at the end of the show they completely disintegrated the truck just for the fun of it :lol: I'm sure I parked it here :twisted:




And about this being good English training... it sure is. When people complain about your spelling just remember: your English is a hundred times better then their Dutch, so untill they write you something in perfect Dutch, they have no right to complain :lol:




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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How is:


"fr33 st00f pl0x!"


Good English? lol




I also learned coal and iron make steel bars lol :lol:


A lot of people are stupid these days :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I have learned what the following statements mean:








dubya tee ehf 8)




ROFLMFAO (and all permutations =p)






1337 5P34K




and a ton of other idiotic basterdizations of the english language.




Naw, I am just playing. I have learned that anonymity that the internet provides, brings out people's true selves (for the most part). I am not talking about male/female or black/white aspects of your character but how you interact with others. What depresses me is the fact that a good portion of the gaming community is immoral, lazy, cruel, and selfish... which is honestly not that far off of the average hoemoe (I heart filters) sapien. :cry: :cry: :cry:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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tv is also a great education tool, tv rocks 8)




History/Discovery channel ftw 8)




mythbuster ownage... how do i blow up something...




and im not gr8 at english... but its a nice way to train my english spelling... from writing massages like these :lol: but just talking about something in rs is fine...




(plz dont flame about my english :P )




playboy ftw 8)






Anyways, back on topic. English is not my first language (spanish is) but I know english perfectly and know bazillions of words and such and well travel to the US a lot and get to interact with english-speakers a lot. Anyways.. why would they teach me at school what a yew, a pike, a tinderbox, and you cant imagine how many other words I've learned. This game is so friggin educational I mean I'ts like going to school.



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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from runescape ive learnt that when i die... i WONT actually die... ill just loose all the clothes and accessories i have on me :)












i also learnt that 28 platemails take up the same space than 28 books on my backpack.



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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What does FTW mean? :oops:


I've been wondering for a while :oops:




For the Win, and while we are in the topic of asking what abbriviations mean, what does F-F-S mean?




BTW Runescape has some mediveal facts




IE: The Black Candle is held at an excommiunication ceremony

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What does FTW mean? :oops:


I've been wondering for a while :oops:




FTW = Ownage. :oops: I love that phrase like I'd love a child.




Yep, this is true. I've also learned to type quickly, and efficiently while still maintaining correct grammer. And I've learned a few ways to tick people off really quickly; very effective also when utilized against your little sister. :wink:


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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What does FTW mean? :oops:


I've been wondering for a while :oops:




For the Win, and while we are in the topic of asking what abbriviations mean, what does F-F-S mean?





For Fudge Sakes (middle word is different, but you get the idea)




Certain parts of the game are educational, but overall... I would have to say no.




The entire community has been dumbed down to a certain degree. Years ago you'd barely even run into one rude person every thirty minutes... now its almost every second.




Using examples of people being idiots isn't even going to help expand upon learning so much. Once you see a few instances... you've pretty much seen them all.




Whether it be a password scamming hoax, to begging, and to even flat out lieing... They all come in different forms, but are all the same.




I know the more people you are around, the more likely you'll see someone do stupid things... But even when I go out and help shop for groceries... I see people doing stupid stuff constantly. Whether its not returning shopping carts where they belong, to running stop signs... the real world is where the more important lessons are.




I don't even have to leave the house sometimes. Just recently some moron, who I can only assume was drunk, completely side swiped my parent's truck that was parked along side the road. Yet it is always parked there... someone managed to hit it.




Sorry, but life gives you a whole lot more to learn then a silly game. Life is where the costly lessons are, Runescape is more along the morals side for the most part.




The only other thing RS would teach (aside from the language aspects) is some of the quest have Literature in them. But they're so far off that you really can't use them as an educational source. You can only relate the quest to the actual story to a certain extent.


R.I.P Shiva

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