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How Many 99 hpers will there be by the end of the year ?


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(subtitle : How will it effect pvp and high levels?)




Well im sure everyone has noticed the popularity of Runescape has sky rocketed over the past year and is now the 3rd most played online game thats out. We've also noticed the amount of new items being implemented into the game making combat easier and easier to train(whips, barrows, firecape, obsidian sheild, frem helm, rings etc). Runescape players can now max out combat releated stats (including prayer) 3-4 times faster then they could in the past.




Now we currently have have around 3100 99 hp'ers (Last year January there were only around 350 after the game being out FOUR YEARS). Now with so many people maxing out there stats what does it mean for pking ? Before there used to be alot of variation between pkers, people had different stats , but now these days most people you fight are flat 99's like yourself. Meaning alot of people are limited and kept from becoming stronger while others rapidly close the gap between their stats.




Im pretty sure since the year still being fresh and summer is creeping up, by the end of December there will be over 10,000 people with 99 hp. Is there any pride or a sense of accomplishment in being high leveled anymore ? I felt as if there used to be but now that feeling is fading away pretty fast. A year or more ago someone could of seen a 123 and think to themselves "wow that guys high leveled and strong" .. Now someone can see a 123 and think themselves "oh .. just ANOTHER 123". Im not saying this because I want attention from other people for being high leveled. I get that enough by being 126 and constantly bothered. But im the type of person that likes to continue to become stronger then others. Its nice to see your "hardwork" paying off to some extent and im sure im not the only one who feels this way.




Of course I would love to see the level caps for range, mage, attack, strength, defence and HP raised to around 110-115 (exp for one 110 stat is around 38-39 mil exp) but from the way things are going I doubt it will even happen even though Jagex can EASILY do it. How much fun will pking be when everyones the same ? When theres no difference in stats between anyone ? How much fun will RS be for those higher levels who dont like skilling and are limited to the combat stats of 99 ? No fun at all to be honest. Especially when someone can easily train for less then 6 months and become the same as you.




I could type alot more but im sure you get my point by now. Feel free post your opinions on this growing problem (yes it is a problem). What do you think the wild will be like ? Will there still be a sense of accomplishment from "maxing out" at the end of the year etc etc ? ...

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Well in some way I agree with you.Since Rs2 was released,training in all fields became easier.They should be raising the level cap but with certain tweeks to it.Like the higher level you go,the less xp youll get.They have to make the game more challenging.




They have to make quests actually challenging and release weapons/armors which requires skill to obtain,not combat.The problem is not only with the leveling but with the economy.There are higher level players,and its very easy to obtain any item now.




As for your question,the wildy will be bigger but in shambles.Since most people a year from now will be the same level basicly,its gonna require numbers to dominate,rather then skill or levels.That would be no fun to oldschoolers who actually worked hard and learned how to solo pk.




As for accomplishment,yes it would be a accomplishment,but a very common one.Unless Jagex actually trys to make the game fun for people who worked hard for those levels,then Runescape would be losing a extremely dedicated and loyal fanbase.

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Mye , imo this game has become way to easy


YET people are still complaining how slow training goes


you get 110k xp with dharok training an hour



Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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RS is a game of discovery, without forums its unlikely you would learn the most efficient ways of trainign on your own.




The effort to get to the point is great. And the thought to train a skill to its higher levels is daunting. Thats why they rewarded us better players with better gear to help us train more efficiently.




It is still alot of time to invest to get 99 HP, but theres no reason to hate us for it. If trainign is so easy go get your own 99 hp.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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RS is a game of discovery, without forums its unlikely you would learn the most efficient ways of trainign on your own.




The effort to get to the point is great. And the thought to train a skill to its higher levels is daunting. Thats why they rewarded us better players with better gear to help us train more efficiently.




It is still alot of time to invest to get 99 HP, but theres no reason to hate us for it. If trainign is so easy go get your own 99 hp.




Did you not read the part where I state that im 126 .. Meaning I already have 99 hp ... Why would I hate anyone for it ? This post is simply saying that there will be too many "maxed" out players by the end of the year and being maxed out is losing its sense of accomplishment. Im not asking them to slow down training, just increasing the level cap would be enough.




The time taken to acheive 99 hp isnt that much. Its extremely easy to get it with all these new items. And they didnt really reward the better players seeing as all these new items can be worn at a fairly low level .. They basically rewarded everyone with p2p lol.

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I'm not sure whats wrong with alot of people having maxed out combat skills.


Afterall, I thought successful pkers wanted to be know for skills over stats.


If alot of the pkers are 120+ then it would just come down to skills and a bit of luck.


I'm nuetral on the whole raising the cap thing since I don't have any problems with it now or in the foreseeable future.


13mil xp is still alot for me, and magic is like the only skill I could see myself getting 99 this year in since its so fast and cheap.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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RS is a game of discovery, without forums its unlikely you would learn the most efficient ways of trainign on your own.




The effort to get to the point is great. And the thought to train a skill to its higher levels is daunting. Thats why they rewarded us better players with better gear to help us train more efficiently.




It is still alot of time to invest to get 99 HP, but theres no reason to hate us for it. If trainign is so easy go get your own 99 hp.




Did you not read the part where I state that im 126 .. Meaning I already have 99 hp ... Why would I hate anyone for it ? This post is simply saying that there will be too many "maxed" out players by the end of the year and being maxed out is losing its sense of accomplishment. Im not asking them to slow down training, just increasing the level cap would be enough.




The time taken to acheive 99 hp isnt that much. Its extremely easy to get it with all these new items. And they didnt really reward the better players seeing as all these new items can be worn at a fairly low level .. They basically rewarded everyone with p2p lol.




My mistake. Still who cares? When you reach the max at something others will eventually catch you. Some day they may raise the maxes. I hope they dont as that would cause people to further no life to reach the next few insane levels.




Eventually there will be clans that have 120 min players and you will see some truly epic battles.




Im happy to be just another lvl 123 player. I play the game for my own enjoyment, not to be seen asa god and be worshpipped becasue I devoted more time to the game than others.




i would love to be in your position, able to just play the game, not chasing any number any more. Do new quests and kill people. That would be the life.




Not slave away chasing insane numbers:-(


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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RS is a game of discovery, without forums its unlikely you would learn the most efficient ways of trainign on your own.




The effort to get to the point is great. And the thought to train a skill to its higher levels is daunting. Thats why they rewarded us better players with better gear to help us train more efficiently.




It is still alot of time to invest to get 99 HP, but theres no reason to hate us for it. If trainign is so easy go get your own 99 hp.




Did you not read the part where I state that im 126 .. Meaning I already have 99 hp ... Why would I hate anyone for it ? This post is simply saying that there will be too many "maxed" out players by the end of the year and being maxed out is losing its sense of accomplishment. Im not asking them to slow down training, just increasing the level cap would be enough.




The time taken to acheive 99 hp isnt that much. Its extremely easy to get it with all these new items. And they didnt really reward the better players seeing as all these new items can be worn at a fairly low level .. They basically rewarded everyone with p2p lol.




My mistake. Still who cares? When you reach the max at something others will eventually catch you. Some day they may raise the maxes. I hope they dont as that would cause people to further no life to reach the next few insane levels.




Eventually there will be clans that have 120 min players and you will see some truly epic battles.




Im happy to be just another lvl 123 player. I play the game for my own enjoyment, not to be seen asa god and be worshpipped becasue I devoted more time to the game than others.




i would love to be in your position, able to just play the game, not chasing any number any more. Do new quests and kill people. That would be the life.




Not slave away chasing insane numbers:-(




But for a pker like myself it really sucks being stuck at level 126 since alot of people are hardcore pkers and not really into skilling or doing quest. Not to mention most quest are geared toward lower levels instead of high levels like myself and many others over the combat of 120. Some people are satisfied with being just another 120 or 123 but most arent :P




Since when you come down to it this game is always about chasing levels and they are limiting and holding alot of people back while at the same time making it easier for others. Yes there is skill involved in pking but theres also that factor of luck once you and the person your fighting are both maxed out. Thats where the problem lies. Wild being full of everyone that are flat 99's will cause alot of problems.

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I hardly think having 99 fighting stats is maxed out, unless you're a caveman of course :P




Considering fighting is about the easiest thing to lvl those stats dont garner any respect anymore at least they shouldnt.




I understand how it would stink for pking, but lets be honest pking has stunk ever since rs2 came out.

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off topic, do you think I could apply to DI? Im just an avg 123:-(




ON topic 126 is just a number as prayer really doesnt garner you any advantage in the wilderness.




Not taking anyhtign away form your accomplishment but the only difference between you and I is that you trained up prayer.




Im jealous, but we'd be evenly matched in the wild.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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Yes, getting to maxed combats still is an achievement. (did i spell it right? :shock: ) And yes, many people will get it during this year. :lol:


Pking (and every other pvp activity) still takes some skills. For example the new mud pie and different potions, prayers, weapons and styles make a whole worlds to pking. You need to know what you are doing and when many people have nearly the same stats, its only from their strategies (and luck :x) :wink:

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Oh and Btw for those who dont know, the level cap used to be level 100 when I played on rsc (was a long time ago), they raised it from that and they can easily raise it again now :P








Btw its more luck then skill alot of the time when its melee vrs melee :P

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there is only one player who is "maxed out", combat isnt everything people, move on to better things.




Despite nearly all skills are mainly there to support and improve and train combat ? 8)




If you read through my post you'd see that I myself hate skilling, I know alot of people who perfer training combat even after maxing out over skilling since training skills is boring :P

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I get exactly what you are saying, granted I am only 125 and only 94 magic, im well over 99 (in xp) for my fighting stats, and no I did not raise slayer and get the xp. I was 138th to 99 hp, and I would love to see the level cap raised, give me a reason to train again, I do not enjoy skills, and I miss the days where it was a rare occasion to come across another pker with 99 hp. agree with you 100 percent :wink:

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The thing about raising the level cap is that some people will automatically advance to level 110 for some skills due to the experience they have in their skills.




30 people will automatically have 110 attack.


7 people for defence


10 people for strength


13 for hitpoints


8 for ranging


3 for mage




Note: This was done using 40mil xp as level 110.

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what about gradual cap raising? every month the cap is raised by one level...




basically it gives you 30 days to train and "catch" the next cap...



Follow the progress of top players and my weekly updates here: 200M in all Skills

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The legendary g33 feels EXACTLY the same as you.... Everytime I go somewhere I c 24,856,327,685,845,834,952 ppl 120 plus and it annoys me because if the stat capped got raised alot of seperation would occur that day... I think they would have to raise the stats on all skills tho because higher hp theyd make new food for fishers to fish and cookers to cook and new bow for ranged etc etc etc but i 100 percent agree with u...

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The thing about raising the level cap is that some people will automatically advance to level 110 for some skills due to the experience they have in their skills.




30 people will automatically have 110 attack.


7 people for defence


10 people for strength


13 for hitpoints


8 for ranging


3 for mage




Note: This was done using 40mil xp as level 110.




Good... they have the xp for that level thats what level they should be..... they shouldnt have to wait any time at all to get the level they earned

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