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RS Tunes


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First of all, as a side note to moderators: if this is not allowed please feel free to delete this topic.




I had some free time and decided to rip (record to mp3) some tunes off runescape and post them here. Here are the links:












Dangerous Way


Island Life




Dagannoth Dawn


Dance of the Undead


Evil Bob's Island




Aye Car Rum Ba




Mage Arena










I have made my best effort to record them in HiFi, and must say these recordings are in Original Quality.




Also, If anyone wants to request me to record a tune(s), please PM, and ill PM you the tune(s). Maximum of 3 tunes per request.






Enjoy! :D








>Fixed ScapeMain.


>Added Aye Car Rum Ba, Mage Arena, Castlewars, ScapeSanta, ScapeScared.


>Added Dance of the Undead, Complication, Harmony, Evil Bob's Island, Dagannoth Dawn.


>Added Island Life, Dangerous Way, ScapeMain, SeaShanty, ScapeOriginal, GroundScape.

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Why? because its in a zip file? Well, if you want I could upload the tunes speratly, thatll take some time tho...








I am currently uploading the files seperatley, because you all are scared of a zip file lol :roll:




>Uploaded "Groundscape", check first post.

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OMG i see what you mean by possible keylogger, howd the name change? Omg it was called rstunepack........ Did a mod change it?




Anyways ill remove the zipfile then.




EDIT: Zipfile removed, ill just upload the mp3's seperatley.

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what the heck r u on?




you can juts go into the directory where java stores its permenant temp files and all songs tht have played while ur on the game are there as mp3 or wma files


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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Ooo, now everyone who loves the runescape music can listen to it wherever they go.




Not me though, i hate the music.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I took the "Jingles" from the game while playing for a barrows thing. Unfortunatly, my account now has this glitch where...




#1 Whenever the music changes, the barrows song plays.




#2 I can't see color in text.




#3 The dragon scimitar special sounds like the mace special...





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THIS IS GREAT MUSIC! if i can request three, id like dance of the undead, fight or flight, and dagannoth dawn :) if mod says this is illegal, just send me the links through PM.. does this fourm even have PMs..?

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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I took the "Jingles" from the game while playing for a barrows thing. Unfortunatly, my account now has this glitch where...




#1 Whenever the music changes, the barrows song plays.




#2 I can't see color in text.




#3 The dragon scimitar special sounds like the mace special...








lol just record it dont go in and hex runescape lol.

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these songs seem to have higher tempo then the midis in the game. they also sound funny! :P




but not to insult you or anything, they are really good "remixes". you can tell they are from the game, yet somewhat fintered :o anyway, i still awate fight or flight :D

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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First off, these are direct recordings from my SoundBlaster Live! 24-Bit SoundCard. You see, Runescape decides wether to use 8, 16, or 24bit sound based on your soundcard. Most people have the 16-bit soundcard so they hear slightly Lower Layers of sound than the actual song. Since these were recorded on a 24-bit soundcard, your player cannot decide what type of frequency to play, because it is forced to play the 24-Bit version of the tune.




This may all seem complicated, but simply put, these tunes are recorded on a higher Quality and you will hear the higher quality instead of the quality runescape (your JAVA platform) sets for you.






On a side-note, I cannot record Fight or Flight because I havent unlocked it yet :lol: . If you tell me where it is found I can unlock it.

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Umm well ive never heard about that before, and If they dont like it, like i said, mods, please delete this thread.




But i dont see how sharing music FOR FREE is illegal.




Uh, isn't that the whole reason all those artists get mad when you download songs for free? They get no money? Well, somehow this must affect Jagex... Maybe as small as making their song creating team cry, or as major as... Andrew loading a shotgun and turning into Rambo, and raiding Tip.It... With reindeer... And a Duckmobile... Oh! And cheese. Gotta have cheese.




Or not?



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