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���¢�¢â�š�¬��â��We End With The World���¢�¢â�š�¬���


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I like the vid, I just didn't totally quite get it.




Its pretty much built around the 100th quest and then its just random RS2 and RSC moments.




I get the message at the end... Just didn't quite get what signifigance some of the other things had.




I will admit however that the standing at that burial site reminded me of the loss of Shiva, for whatever reason. I liked the part after that, that fast forwarded to the lvl 38 alter.




Good stuff and it was nice to be reminded of what RS use to be like. Its just a shame that the same community no longer exists (maybe that was your message to begin with, I dunno).


R.I.P Shiva

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I like the vid, I just didn't totally quite get it.




Its pretty much built around the 100th quest and then its just random RS2 and RSC moments.




I get the message at the end... Just didn't quite get what signifigance some of the other things had.





rewatch it and listen to the words, theyre VERY signifigant, you need to remember im a product ov kuloshovian thinking(to sum it up in 1 sentence that the only true meaning ov an image comes from those before and after it) so go into it with that outlook and it should make more sense:)

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I like the vid, I just didn't totally quite get it.




Its pretty much built around the 100th quest and then its just random RS2 and RSC moments.




I get the message at the end... Just didn't quite get what signifigance some of the other things had.





rewatch it and listen to the words, theyre VERY signifigant, you need to remember im a product ov kuloshovian thinking(to sum it up in 1 sentence that the only true meaning ov an image comes from those before and after it) so go into it with that outlook and it should make more sense:)




edit: and dragon, ya, i posted to pretty much every major clan but anarchy because anarchy said your post will be deld if you have link in it




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I feel so damn inspired!


Oergg that was brilliant! I really hope this becomes the call to arms we all hope it can be.




I was going to post the exact same thing, a video like that will stay with everyone through all the years of their RS lives... it was truly inspirational and it will go down in RS history

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Don't understand what you're getting at with your first post, maybe I will after watching the video... 25% done will edit when done. (Hope it's not a RS Classic product thing that I won't get)




EDIT: After watching the movie and reading your other post I greatly agree and After you post it will post my agreement




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am I the only one wondering * after watching that vid?




Don't worry you are not alone, to me it just seemed like random clips bashed together in a random order. I might try getting some sleep and watching it again in the morning, but at this moment in time this video makes no sense whatsoever to me.

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Hmm, can't say i really understood much, as i have been gone from rs for about 2 years, and i stopped pking once rs2 came out, so i don't know what this whole altar fiasco was about...




I liked the music in it though. Also whoever said it was too big...it took me a bit over 3 mins to dl the biggest version...must be your connection.

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I read both posts and I'm behind you 100%




I loved the video, especially the last scene




Great job on both the video and the idea




Good luck with getting what you want done :wink:

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am I the only one wondering * after watching that vid?




Don't worry you are not alone, to me it just seemed like random clips bashed together in a random order. I might try getting some sleep and watching it again in the morning, but at this moment in time this video makes no sense whatsoever to me.




if it didnt make sense go back and rewatch it, if you need the subtitled version to get it give it a shot, maybe in awhile after enough peopel draw their own conclusions ill write a tipit times article explaining it

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I agree, people need to support one another and show Jagex that we need updates which last not updates which are created for the sake of being updates. The updates they do now seem to be created simply for them to have the ability to say 'we update our game weekly'. Rather than having meaningful updates.






i absoulutely agree


my time-table is something like


monday- check out new update


tuesday-sunday-make money




we need a update with a point


not another quest that takes about 1 hour to complete for about 5k experiance in one skill, maybe a new skill or guild or something like that

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Well...from the lyrics and clips what i got from it was:




The clips from rsc and the clips from the 100th quest were contrast of new and old RS.




Personally, i don't think the stuff about changing the altar fits with the rest of the video. I mean it's like: look at old rsc, now look at rs's 100th quest, aww how cute. Look how much rs has changed and how long of a road it's been. Oh, nastalgia...Oh, btw, CHANGE THE LEVEL 37 ALTAR NOW!!!!!!




It seemed to me that the "the world is ours" part was like a segue to a new section that would be about making the changes for the community, instead of just ending.

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you mean the clips of the alter is rsc being a mass war zone and the clips of rs2 showing the later as a dead place where nothing happen. didn;t show anything about the alter?


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Oergg you put SO much thought into that movie, and the words of the song fitted so perfectly with what was occuring. The words I see are very significant.




I wub you man, those memories were so much, let's hope we can all unite to bring the updates we desire.







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Oh paw claw, please don't hurt me with your scathing criticism, hsss!








In original rs i was a pure so i did my pking at castle or bandits, i didn't pk at altar, so i didn't recognize it.




Also, as Oergg said, what really matters is what the end user gets out of it, so don't criticize for posting what i personally got out of it.

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