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The Future Of Pking


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In my eyes, pking has gone downhill from rsc to rs2. Jagex has attempted to make many updates to try to improve it, but in the long run, it's making it worse :(




I miss rsc 3 round hits so much :( And the short time in battle where you can't teleport, or feed. Now days we rely on ko'ing our oponent, because when they get low on food escaping/teleporting the wilderness is FAR too easy.




Another dissapointing note is the mage bank. Unless you're with a clan, you're gone. Soloing there does not exist as it did in rsc.




I understand Jagex has made the fighting more realistic, and less risky to adventurers. This is why I've thought about a system that should hopefully work for both worlds.




Note - I'm posting here first to get some feedback from my loyal tip it site :D If the idea is a sucess I might consider taking it over to the rs forums for Jagex to inspect.








Here's what I propose -








NO teleporting in the wilderness whatsoever when skulled. Teleblock will still be in use at the mage bank, although personally I believe it killed the solo pking population up there :( I would rant to remove it, but Jagex would not listen.




This stops EASY escaping for those who wanted to get into a fight in the first place. If you're adventuring/clue seeking/etc then naturally you won't skull and won't need to worry about it.








Protection prays DO NOT WORK when skulled. Protection prays make escaping far too easy, as one can only muster half the damage, making ko'ing near impossible. Naturally, when unskulled you can use protection prays to escape dangerous pkers.








I do have various other ideas to improve pking, however I know they will not go ahead :(




I believe my ideas will lighten up solo pking, and actually make it worthwhile again. I understand there will be MANY conflicts with my ideas, and a lot of the less risky and less rsc familiar people will flame the heck out of me :P




But to those who remember the old days, try to invision the pking days of rsc and help me form some kind of system that can rekindle pking while maintaining jagex's new invisions. My ideas are merely quick thoughts.




Help? :P



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I agree rsc pking was so much better. Your suggestions are good, but i think pking is pretty much a lost cause as of now. Soloing is basically dead now. I mean what happened to the old days when everyone was basically on an even playing ground...We all put on our melee gear, pot, pray, then att and hope for some big number 3 hittage...If you won it was either because you had better stats or could catch better....Nowdays it's if you have better items or have a bigger team :roll:




I think one of the biggest problems is the "triangle". I mean sure it's cool cuz it added depth, but unless you wanna get owned easily if you are just unlucky enough to come across the type of combat that kills you easily, then you gotta carry at least 2 sets of armour, at least 2 weapons, etc.




But yeah, i support your suggestions, and any start is still good :)

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as to teleporting; i think youre being really nostaligic and forgetting the only reason this wasnt a problem in rsc was because pures owned the castle, nonpures teled like nothing, id say the ratio was smaller




as to prayer, naw, jagex loves prayer, it keeps pray pots up and the only real way to make money farming/herbing is ranarr so they wouldnt get rid ov it




read my thread, p2p is dead in terms ov wars and huge battles(who rsd and ds had one yesterday), hyrbiders dont have huge problems with prayer except the whole meleeing in hides with prayer on, then you have problems, but most hide meleers dont have tb so its easy enough to say fine i wont fight you and leave; instead people flame them and die




watch my vid:P

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Hate it,When rc-ing you cant tele out because your skulled? Or cant pray just because your skulled? Have you thought of that?

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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Protection prays DO NOT WORK when skulled. Protection prays make escaping far too easy, as one can only muster half the damage, making ko'ing near impossible. Naturally, when unskulled you can use protection prays to escape dangerous pkers.







the only problem with that , is the person who initiates the first attack is now at a disadvantage if the person he attacked decides to fight back.

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I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Hate it,When rc-ing you cant tele out because your skulled? Or cant pray just because your skulled? Have you thought of that?




Well I thought you could tele while skulled, just not in the wildy. Although I rarely pk this idea seems to be a great one for livining up the system. More risk=more gain.



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Hate it,When rc-ing you cant tele out because your skulled? Or cant pray just because your skulled? Have you thought of that?




Well I thought you could tele while skulled, just not in the wildy. Although I rarely pk this idea seems to be a great one for livining up the system. More risk=more gain.






Most ppl Rc in the wild including me thught the abbys,When rc pkers come his new ideas would mean not being able to telly or pray from them..

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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NO teleporting in the wilderness whatsoever when skulled. Teleblock will still be in use at the mage bank, although personally I believe it killed the solo pking population up there I would rant to remove it, but Jagex would not listen.





erm yeah i hate them teleporting but what if your in 52 wild, at MB, just skulled,and haviing to wait for 20 mins to rebank? that'd be hell.....

I'm 106 and I'd do it if it wasn't for what Reb posted...


If Reb jumped off a cliff, would you follow him?

:lol: Who wouldn't? :wink:

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2. Protection prays DO NOT WORK when skulled. Protection prays make escaping far too easy, as one can only muster half the damage, making ko'ing near impossible. Naturally, when unskulled you can use protection prays to escape dangerous pkers.




I agree - and in a role playing sense its sorta like; When you in wild, and get skulled, its like your obeying the law of Zamorak by killing others and the strong against the weak. With that, you shouldnt be able to Pray, because prayer goes through Saradomin - and you shouldn't be aloud to mix the 2, seeing how they contradict eachother.



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Doesnt anyone care about the fact that your Rcing thru abbys and you cant tele from Rc pkers or pray from them?

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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jagex has tryed returning the honor with smite, and tele block but it seems they made these skils to high for normal pkers to use..to me it sort of looks like they only did it too satisfy the veterans who were complaining....

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Jagex will end up with adding additions(not changes) to the system to try to make pking more dangerous




I hope so


I don't think you read that right. At least in my opinion we'd want core foundational changes, not bandages after bandages wrapped over each other repeatedly hoping eventually the wild will be right.

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I used to pk alot on rsc...and here, its nothing. Everything is way to easy, and no more solo pking. I go to mage bank, fight 1on1, ten mins later, 30 clan kids come. So.. Im completly in favour of that idea, or to making a part of the wild, just like the old rsc wild.

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Uk, that was one of the first flaws I found. And I'm not sure how Jagex would go about changing that to make abbysal crafting actually half safe. If they couldn't teleport when skulled, then ancient mages would have no troubles getting free glories all day long :( - Big flaw




erm yeah i hate them teleporting but what if your in 52 wild, at MB, just skulled,and haviing to wait for 20 mins to rebank? that'd be hell.....




Perhaps levers don't follow the same rules, and you can teleport whenever as long as you're not teleblocked.




the only problem with that , is the person who initiates the first attack is now at a disadvantage if the person he attacked decides to fight back.




I had this as a concern from the start, but then I rememberd how everyone who was pking north of edgeville were skulled anyway, and the ones who weren't were the ones begging for a fight, they didn't recieve one. I think with the further advantages of not skulling fewer people would even give these non skullers a look in. Meaning no more of this 3 item cabbage.








Just woke up :P So I'm in no state to try to shape my ideas to fix some of the big flaws. But thanks everyone so far for your replies and support. It's good to see we can have a good discussion about this :)




P.S. Oerrg, I read your video and watched your post, it owned bigtime. I actually think I made a reply :oops:



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I think that the LOGIC behind the ideas (make pkers more lethal vs. each other and less lethal to non-pkers) is sound but (as you pointed out) there are some major flaws. Keep at it though, it might be something worthwhile if you can come up with a better system.


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Could someone please explain to me why there is mage bank pking? Most people there go with nothing on and it just seems to me like a waste of time.




PS. Yes, I support your ideas.

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