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Can you sit down, I know I can!


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Hey, just wanted to post a picture of my guy Sitting in Runescape. It may or have not, but by the looks of my friends they did not know. Well here is the pic...








Have fun sitting! :lol:

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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technically, thats kneeling :roll:




Wrong, he is sitting on a stool.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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w00! Finally! Time to go milk some cows so I can get some rest. I've been standing on my feet for what feels like 5 years...


Feel free to use this sig as yours if you like the comic. :D

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interesting, didnt see that. but your doing something while sitting




ya so, milking cows is quite relaxing you know.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Chiars follow you in the fally haunted house :shock:




They're simply mocking you because you can't sit on them.




Chair: Oooh! Don't I look comfy! Come to me and sit!


*As your character tries to sit down the chair pull itself away*


Chair: Oh yeah that's right you can't sit down!

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Well... sorry to break it to everyone, but it technically isn't sitting. Especially by the standards of some other games (Star Wars Galaxies and Knight Online, just to name a few).




Milking a cow is simply an animation. Your character isn't exactly sitting.




The Games room might be close... but there really is no command linked to sitting. Therefore you're more or less forced to go back to a standing position after a game is over.




Thats just my opinion, I guess. Sitting to me would be something that is an ultimate, controlable, action done by a character. In the two games I listed, they have commands of their own to tell your character to sit (and in SWG you can sit in chairs or on the floor... KO is limited to the floor only).




The game isn't quite there yet, but I'm sure sitting will be a command eventually.


R.I.P Shiva

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You can also sit regularly in the games arena.




And also, you can "sit" during your canoe rides.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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It is saqting. I perfer standing though. :D


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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