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Ambient sounds for Runescape


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I was thinking the other day (I don't do this very often, so bear with me) that it would be really cool if Runescape had ambient sounds. What do I mean? Well, if you walk through a forest you hear birds, woodpeckers pecking some wood, grass rustling, etc. Walk through a dungeon and you hear water dripping, distant wailing, and rocks crumbling. Walk through a city and hear people talking, carts rolling, etc. Jagex certainly has the money and ability to do it, so what do you guys think?



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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that would be most awesome!




especially if it means that you can choose between music, ambient, both, or none...




and it would even be better if every city has their own "feel" like that :)

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nice idea, that would certainly be cool. would make it more realistic, but the sounds would have to sound realistic, unlike the stupid sound *effects* that have no relation what so ever to the action


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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I think it'll be difficult for JaGex to implant this to RuneScape. All our current music files are in midi form -- simple to make and remarkably small file size (~few kb). If high quality sound's added, our download size will increase significantly. Furthermore, Java tend to not handle mp3 or wav files really well.

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Thanks guys for the positive replies. I too would love to see this implemented.



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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RuneScape already has some very basic ambient noises. You can hear duck's "quack," sheep "baa," cows "moo" and kittens "meow." It's very basic, but it's a start.




I don't think it would be too hard to put in more, like hearing the ocean when you're along a shoreline, or hearing distant moans, or the drip-drip of water while in a dungeon. Just because it is a .midi, doesn't mean that these sounds can not be made, it would just take some finesse. Whoever composes the RuneScape music could definately do it though, because there is talent there if you've ever actually listened to some of the songs.

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RuneScape already has some very basic ambient noises. You can hear duck's "quack," sheep "baa," cows "moo" and kittens "meow." It's very basic, but it's a start.




I don't think it would be too hard to put in more, like hearing the ocean when you're along a shoreline, or hearing distant moans, or the drip-drip of water while in a dungeon. Just because it is a .midi, doesn't mean that these sounds can not be made, it would just take some finesse. Whoever composes the RuneScape music could definately do it though, because there is talent there if you've ever actually listened to some of the songs.




Perhaps the Runescript that Andrew created to code Runescape could be adapted to handle mp3s? But yea, Jagex has a lot of talented people that could do this.



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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RuneScape already has some very basic ambient noises. You can hear duck's "quack," sheep "baa," cows "moo" and kittens "meow." It's very basic, but it's a start.




I don't think it would be too hard to put in more, like hearing the ocean when you're along a shoreline, or hearing distant moans, or the drip-drip of water while in a dungeon. Just because it is a .midi, doesn't mean that these sounds can not be made, it would just take some finesse. Whoever composes the RuneScape music could definately do it though, because there is talent there if you've ever actually listened to some of the songs.




Perhaps the Runescript that Andrew created to code Runescape could be adapted to handle mp3s? But yea, Jagex has a lot of talented people that could do this.




If they did that then RuneScape would not be friendly to users of dial-up (even though we are now a minority). That is one of RuneScape's main features; the fact that it is accessable to almost everyone, no matter what kind of computer, or connection they have.

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It would be nice, yes, but there already are some.






The animals have been mentioned, but did you know on the troll stronghold, if you walk near Mushroom, (the sleeping troll,) you csn hear him snore? :o


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Really good idea. But what would happen to ordinary musics, because it sounds a little strange if you walk in Varrock and there people talk and birds sing and then there are this normal Varrock music. Should they delete the old musics then?

Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns!

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Aaah, they should make a different version of High Detail.




Very High Detail?


High Detail Plus?




It would be great to here a door creak open, your own footsteps, wildlife or the soft russle of trees. It would add a whole new element to the game.

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Concerning the music:




There should be an ability to choose your own combo of sound effects, music, and ambient sounds because (as someone mentioned before), a lot of the Runescape music won't go well with ambient music.



I swear some of you people would think it was a fair update if we had a lever you could pull which gave you 99 all stats and any item you liked. ----- Paul Gower; Runescape Senior Content Designer

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I might actually play on High-Detail if they were to add this.




ditto... although id play on high detail if there were a "no roof" option. I hate roofs. I mean i cant see inside when im outside kay.



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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