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Is anyone else self-suficcent?


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self-sufficiency i practice when i need items i can easily get or take little time to get. Buying of items are only when these items would take me a long time to get and have the potential to make money for me.


~99 wc achieved on 14th June 2006~

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If I would try to be self sufficient I would "lose" a lot of money.


for example, when I go runecrafting natures I buy all my essences. if I would mine 10K ess, this would take me about 10 hours, saving me 400K cash, however, if I'd buy the essence, and spend that 10 hours on crafting natures, I would make about 3M, minus the 400K is 2.6M


that's why I'm not self sufficient :wink: .

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I do whatever is best for me. For example, if I need 10,000 chaos runes then I could either a). make them or B). do something else to get them. If B is quicker than A then I am going to do B.




Its called being effecient and even if you aren't physically using your money, you can be making a lose by having a high opporunity cost (or wasted opportunity).

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Oddly enough, I've remained self sufficient for ages. Since I started Runescape, until the present day (around level 104) - I still prefer to get my own raw materials - fish my own fish, mine my own ore. I have no idea why I do it, I know that it's tediously slow, and I'm losing out on money over the time I spend doing this, but it's just a habit I've grown into. Occasionally I'll buy my own materials, but more often than not, I'm self-sufficient.




I'd say Runecrafting is the one difference for me. For a very long time I've been buying my essence, because taking the time to craft it is missing out hugely - it's so cheap anyway - and crafting nats makes such a large profit it doesn't really bother me spending 10% of the profit on essence.






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Sometimes self-effiecient is not a good thing. You must need some one to merchandise with. Plus being self-E sometimes mean you won't need help to do a quest, like my brother he don't use any guide or help from friends or anything and he got kind of jealous i finish 70% of member quests and he only did like 10. Finally he change his mind and i help him do all the quests i have done that he have not yet do. Anyways as jaklumen have said about the bow S's and essence, i totally agree with it, time is just to valuable for a person to be alone and do everything by itself escpecially quests, and merchandising. :)

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If I can, by the off chance that I have been levelling that skill, I will. However, noever would I think when I got 40 attack and defence that I was about to go and get my smithing to level 99...

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Mostly self-sufficient, except in armour/weps for my main. Couldn't imagine not being self sufficient in training/recovery food.




Unless you use "illegal trading", you generally need at least one self-sufficiency skill and another (maybe the same one) which can provide trading supplies.




Could you keep a character in supplies entirely from using/trading kill drops and free pickups - maybe you could, but it would be very slow.

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i gues im kinda of both, currently im smithing steel arrows...




to do this im buying my coal


mining my iron


buying my feathers


and cutting/fletching my shafts




this allows me to still get xp in mining and fletching but allows me to also make money alot more quickly.




also as im mining in falador i go past the air alter so im currently making 108 air runes each iron ore run which = extra cash and RC xp!





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i am. i rarely buy stuff if i can make it however if it takes a while to make it like if i had to get 1000 coal to make 500 steel bars id most likely buy it unless im outta cash then id make money to buy it.


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There are three main things that I don't do myself they are:




Gather rune essence. much easier to buy and still high profit




Gather Bow Strings. same as ess.




Gather yew logs. even though i can cut i wanna alch in bulk and cuttin 5k yew logs isn't somethin i wanna do.



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There was a topic on this a while ago.




I see nothing wrong with spending some cash to save a little time.




There are some raw materials that just take too long to gather. Wool is one of them-- it takes forever to shear sheep for wool in mass quantities. I suppose I could take shears to the pen just outside of Lumby, glory to Draynor, and walk back, but the time invested vs. the money spent at the store in Ardougne-- well, it's cheaper to buy wool balls at the store.



Flax for bowstrings and rune essence are a little different-- you can gather flax in Lletya and spin it reasonably fast in Seers, and ess is fast if you have access to the Magic Guild. But yet people spend money on bowstrings and ess all the time.


I see a greater case for spending money on skills than saving up for rares (especially as they are so high now) but your mileage may vary.






Most people who buy rune essence make runes and sell them for a profit so it would be a waste of time to save 30gp ea off the runes your crafting when you could be runecrafting and making alot more.




That's more of an issue if you are merchanting runes. Definitely, I think people buy essence because it's a time saver and still turns a profit, especially with high-demand runes, or if the crafter has a high enough RC to make at least 2 to 3 times the runes from the essence.




If, however, you are broke and are making runes for yourself, I don't think ess mining is that big a deal. I think most everyone mined a little essence when they first started runecrafting, at least when they were lower leveled all around and didn't have many ways of making money.




Buying raw materials is just a way of shifting money around from some skills to another. There's always some other money-making skill involved, and I'll include merchanting with that.

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Look up a guy named Moridin.




He is self sufficient.




Every skill.




99 thieving from palidins to pay for his 99 magic....that kind of stuff.




he's just a beast.

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only thing i did was cut my own logs for fletching and fish and cook. Anything else i brought :roll:

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


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I mostly only make Ring of Forging from all Rubys i get for Fire Giants, then mine Iron and smelt, then make into Knives.. :wink:


Then fish mu lobbbys and cook them.. Back to Waterfall for me!

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pfft, try getting all your own materials for 85 magic boy :)



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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