xvillexvalox Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 I haven't seen this done yet on forums but if I missed it please tell me. ###Guide to F2P Pures### Contents. 1.Introduction 1.5-Myths 2.Getting started 3.Training 4.Pking 5.FAQ ######################### 1.Introduction I will attempt to make a useful guide on how to create a F2P pure as of now I won't have any pictures but possibly later. I myself have created 3 F2P pures (1 is now my main and a member). I have learned from experience what works and what doesn't and wish to pass on my knowledge. ######################### 1.5-Myths Pures can only be 1 combat type or mage/range! This myth is Busted... In F2P most pures are like this because most haven't been exposed to P2P Hybrids, which almost all P2P pures are. Same as in P2P, F2P pures can be hybrids too. ######################### 2.Getting started Let's start from the VERY begining, choosing a name. What I think is a HUGE mistake is when pures make their names give away the fact that they're pures, therfor don't chose a name like Pk U F45T or something and names like o 0o o0 0o also give you away. I like to make simple names but hard to remember, such as my current pure X_X_X_Qweiop reason why to make it hard to remember is that F2P players will try and constantly beg for some stuff back if you kill them (mostly lower lvls). Thanks for this addition to doomster... Just made a new pure... (hybrid) A small start (but every little helps) can be made in the Tutorial island... 1. Do level 3 strength (3 attack optional) in the rat cage, even though you will be nagged to continue. You cannot return to the cage after you leave it. If you want to be a steel or black pure or a hardleather bodied ranger, then do 3 defence here as well. 2. Do 3 ranged - a good melee pure (iron) is going to need a ranged level of 20 for studded legs, or 40 for green dragonhide legs+vambs. 3. When given the runes for mage training, drop them and talk to the instructor again, repeat for 5 more each time, then collect. 35 seems to be enough to reach level 3. On leaving tutorial, set your attack style to aggressive and head for the dummies at Varrock, get attack up to 8 on the dummies, then either bring strength up to match, or push on towards a black weapon - when you can do it, Vampire Slayer has an attack bonus. You also want to be getting to grips with supporting quests such as cooks assistant, Rune mysteries, Imp catcher (magic bonus), Witches potion (magic bonus), Doric's (mining) and perhaps preparing for Knight's Sword (a major leap toward smithing your own iron armour). Unless you break the rules and drop trade, you need supporting skills which will either provide supplies or trading stock. If you can fish and cook your own battle food and replace lost iron or steel armour, then the cost of your wilderness missions is considerably reduced. As well as Melee training, you would also weaken and curse your way to a good magic level, and range up to 20 for an Iron/Studded melee pure. The Melee pure really needs to be a hybrid, as the ranged level allows some better armour pieces, while the mage level aids magic defence and allows amulet enchantment, alching or teleport. A good Melee hybrid also has the option of carrying range or mage equipment as well. The case for a ranger or mage to be a 3-way hybrid is weaker., though being able to do worthwhile melee damage when out of ammunition is a point worth considering. Moving further... How much should you spend on your pure? Not much and if you think 300k is alot pures aren't for you. But if you choose to make your mage level higher you might need about 1M for a decent pure. What should I buy? A F2P Pure's shopping list: ***A PIC OF MY PURE'S BANK ACCOUNT AT BOTTOM*** 400+ Lobbies 400+ Cakes/Pizza 50+ Str potions 5+ str ammies 5+ iron/steel/black sets of armor 2+ iron & steel & mith & addy & rune scimis 2+ Power ammies 2+ shortbow, oak short, willow short, and maple shorts 3k+ bronze arrows or 2k+ iron 2+ chaps/studded chaps/green chaps 2+ cowls/coifs 2+ soft/hard leather bodies 2+ vamps/green vamps ##For mages## 2+ magic ammies 5+ wizard hats (blue) 5+ wizard tops (blue) 17k+ minds 17k+ airs Air staff Earth staff Should I get my def up? No and yes. Most pures have 1 def but having 5 or 10 only hurts by one or two combat lvls, being a hybrid will help balance it out though. Some will ask about 20 def or Rune pures and my answer is: NOT FOR F2P. 20 defence for mith armor isn't worth the combat lvls unless you're 60+ in all pking stats. 20 def pures are mostly members pure mages so they could wear mystic armor. 40 def or rune pures are for extremely good member pkers...usually with 70+ in all pking stats. My past experience with 20 def is this: I created a f2p mage pure (before I figured out the myth) i had 47 mage and 20 def... and I only used mith sheilds. NOT WORTH IT. I was 35 combat and the other day i saw a normal mage pure casting Earth blasts(or chaos rune spells) easily hitting 11s+. ########################## 3.Training This is the hardest thing to do with a pure because of low def, you are forced to fight weak monsters. For melee/low range I started with men,cows,goblins,and giant rats. Best place for men in north of Edgeville. For cows, the draynor cow pen because it's almost always empty. And giant rats by goblins almost next to the Lumbridge castle wall. Mages/high rangers can start out with the single black knight in draynor... there are 2 sets of rocks that you can use for cover. I started there at lvl 2 mage with wind blast, once i killed the first black knight i was lvl 6, remember, even at failure you get mage xp for spells. And guards by edgeville(next to men) are great because you can use the gate for protection... problem is people will often open it to annoy you. Mages should use earth strike(mind rune spell) to train A.S.A.P. because it is rather cheap if you use an earth staff because then you only need 1mind and 1 air to cast (40gp ea, or almost free if you're above 44 runecrafting). Earth strike hits a max of 6 so it's not too bad and 17k casts should get you to 59 mage for fire blast. ######################## 4.Pking (Still need help developing this part...) Was training my pure today and made this pic of it: Currently getting 40 range and attack. Don't judge me on my trimmed armor... I like it and i can afford it so I don't care. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stealthman8 Posted April 24, 2006 Share Posted April 24, 2006 i had 47 mage and 20 def... and I only used mith sheilds. NOT WORTH IT. maybe because mith shields lower mage bonus?, and your right, 20 def for mages is bad... but if you become a member mystic is worth the 20 def 75/80 Hitpoints | 81/85 Strength | 1/1 Pray | 1/1 Defense [Make Me Rich!] | [Brutal Ownage] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 25, 2006 Author Share Posted April 25, 2006 ^^^ I meant it wasn't worth it defense wise. Even though i was 20 def I started only maging with anti-dragon sheild. I just made a pic of my newest pure in training. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dorkvader Posted April 25, 2006 Share Posted April 25, 2006 Mages should use earth strike(mind rune spell) to train A.S.A.P. because it is rather cheap if you use an earth staff because then you only need 1mind and 1 air to cast (40gp ea, or almost free if you're above 44 runecrafting). Earth strike hits a max of 6 so it's not too bad and 17k casts should get you to 59 mage for fire blast. fire strike hist for one or two more damage max i think. si since it os onley a few more levels i reccommend buying a fire staff it costs teh same and is ultimately better nice guide. but what about def pures? (i have two of them a def/prayer and a pure def) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 25, 2006 Author Share Posted April 25, 2006 Mages should use earth strike(mind rune spell) to train A.S.A.P. because it is rather cheap if you use an earth staff because then you only need 1mind and 1 air to cast (40gp ea, or almost free if you're above 44 runecrafting). Earth strike hits a max of 6 so it's not too bad and 17k casts should get you to 59 mage for fire blast. fire strike hist for one or two more damage max i think. si since it os onley a few more levels i reccommend buying a fire staff it costs teh same and is ultimately better nice guide. but what about def pures? (i have two of them a def/prayer and a pure def) Def pures aren't worth it in F2P, in members more for using abyss and nat running/crafting. Fire strike takes up 2 airs... if you want to get 59 with out spending 300k extra I still suggest Earth strike because it only needs 1 air, 1 mind. :) EDIT Oh and BTW my pures always have a fire staff for pking... I'm not saying to use Earth spells for instead, just for training cause 17k airs is alot cheaper than 34k airs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waffleh Posted April 25, 2006 Share Posted April 25, 2006 1.5-Myths Pures can only be 1 combat type or mage/range! This myth is Busted... In F2P most pures are like this because most haven't been exposed to P2P Hybrids, which almost all P2P pures are. Same as in P2P, F2P pures can be hybrids too. I always thought the to be "pure" You had a predominant stat. For example, sy I'm doing a def/prayer pure. Good combo. But I won't get anywhere with iron weaps. So, eventually I would get to soemthing like this in combat: 20 Att. 20 Str. 50 Def. Well, that's how I learned anyways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doomster Posted April 25, 2006 Share Posted April 25, 2006 Just made a new pure... (hybrid) A small start (but every little helps) can be made in the Tutorial island... 1. Do level 3 strength (3 attack optional) in the rat cage, even though you will be nagged to continue. You cannot return to the cage after you leave it. If you want to be a steel or black pure or a hardleather bodied ranger, then do 3 defence here as well. 2. Do 3 ranged - a good melee pure (iron) is going to need a ranged level of 20 for studded legs, or 40 for green dragonhide legs+vambs. 3. When given the runes for mage training, drop them and talk to the instructor again, repeat for 5 more each time, then collect. 35 seems to be enough to reach level 3. On leaving tutorial, set your attack style to aggressive and head for the dummies at Varrock, get attack up to 8 on the dummies, then either bring strength up to match, or push on towards a black weapon - when you can do it, Vampire Slayer has an attack bonus. You also want to be getting to grips with supporting quests such as cooks assistant, Rune mysteries, Imp catcher (magic bonus), Witches potion (magic bonus), Doric's (mining) and perhaps preparing for Knight's Sword (a major leap toward smithing your own iron armour). Unless you break the rules and drop trade, you need supporting skills which will either provide supplies or trading stock. If you can fish and cook your own battle food and replace lost iron or steel armour, then the cost of your wilderness missions is considerably reduced. As well as Melee training, you would also weaken and curse your way to a good magic level, and range up to 20 for an Iron/Studded melee pure. The Melee pure really needs to be a hybrid, as the ranged level allows some better armour pieces, while the mage level aids magic defence and allows amulet enchantment, alching or teleport. A good Melee hybrid also has the option of carrying range or mage equipment as well. The case for a ranger or mage to be a 3-way hybrid is weaker., though being able to do worthwhile melee damage when out of ammunition is a point worth considering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 25, 2006 Author Share Posted April 25, 2006 1.5-Myths Pures can only be 1 combat type or mage/range! This myth is Busted... In F2P most pures are like this because most haven't been exposed to P2P Hybrids, which almost all P2P pures are. Same as in P2P, F2P pures can be hybrids too. I always thought the to be "pure" You had a predominant stat. For example, sy I'm doing a def/prayer pure. Good combo. But I won't get anywhere with iron weaps. So, eventually I would get to soemthing like this in combat: 20 Att. 20 Str. 50 Def. Well, that's how I learned anyways. Pures nowadays have low def and prayer if any to stop combat levels from rising but because of a low combat lvl, a lvl 40 could be equal to a lvl 55+. In some cases (mostly range pures/hybrids) you can have 70+ range around 35 combat :shock: but people with those pures probably have 90+ mains. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mortoxs Posted April 26, 2006 Share Posted April 26, 2006 I've never seen lvl 30s with 70+ range in f2p =\. (pertaining to mid lvl pking 50-75, for 1 def pures) A good pking account would be one who has mage/melee stats. Since mage hits Very accurately you would give your opponent an element of surpise. Also it does not require you to change weapon unless you want to save on runes. While having a melee/ranged hybrid requires you to switch from your weapon to your bow, this can waste 1-2 precious seconds. Btw i notice you have 26 mage and wear black g to wildy. Can i say that you use your black (g) amour to lure ppl to skull on you? Then tele away if you get owned? This should go here i think:http://forum.tip.it/viewforum.php?f=64 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WHAMMO Posted April 26, 2006 Share Posted April 26, 2006 Pure has nothing to do with having a predominant stat, or anything like that. The meaning of pure means "having more health than combat level". Atleast, that was the original one, back in RSc. Since acheiving this meant (back then) to have a low combat level and lots of health-adding skills (back then only str, att, and def), pures were always melle and usually had high strength and attack, to be the most powerful. Good guide, by the way. (WHAM) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 27, 2006 Author Share Posted April 27, 2006 Btw i notice you have 26 mage and wear black g to wildy. Can i say that you use your black (g) amour to lure ppl to skull on you? Then tele away if you get owned? If you looked at my bank i have about 2 sets of full normal black and 7+ sets of full steel. I use my gold trimmed for training because it looks cool... Currently tying to get my main from 67 to 70 str so i wont update much now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaelforcwynd Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 My experimental Rune/Strength combat account. I planned for 25 Magic for teleports but i gained some extra levels from teleporting in from the Wilderness already. I got the Woodcutting levels from testing if I could use an Axe as a weapon just by having the right Woodcutting level. I couldn't. This is an experiment in progress, I still haven't decided whether to keep training Strength or just leave the account at Combat Lvl 65. I also have a few different ideas about which combination of equipment to carry, depending on whether I intend on becoming skulled or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buddy69 Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 I'm gonig to make a pure soon. 1 Attk 1 Str 1 Def 1 Range 1 Prayer High magic And just keep worknig that magic level. Especially when you go into the wilderness with full bronze and everybody thinks they can take you on...until you take out a staff. I just dont know when Ill get around to doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hazardmaster Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 My experimental Rune/Strength combat account. I planned for 25 Magic for teleports but i gained some extra levels from teleporting in from the Wilderness already. I got the Woodcutting levels from testing if I could use an Axe as a weapon just by having the right Woodcutting level. I couldn't. This is an experiment in progress, I still haven't decided whether to keep training Strength or just leave the account at Combat Lvl 65. I also have a few different ideas about which combination of equipment to carry, depending on whether I intend on becoming skulled or not. Whydon't you jsut use a rune kite ratehr than a dfire shield. Anyway, thanks fofr the guide, you've brought me out of months of main-hibernating and onto my pure :D Where would you train ranged BTW? Jagex ruined barbarian bar with the makeover, it's hard to range over now. BTW, DON'T GET DEFENCE. People egt 10 def for black, saying they can see the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaelforcwynd Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 The dying while skulled setup I like to use. Sometimes I replace the Strength Amulet for a Holy Symbol or the Swordfish for Lobsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sprites Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 For meelee pures: a great monster to train on is the level 17 zombie in edgeville dungeon. They hit low, they have fairly high hp, and it's rarely ever crowded there. I need some advice. Should I just train strength or should I try and get his attack up to 60? Kill corporate radio. http://www.killradio.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hazardmaster Posted April 28, 2006 Share Posted April 28, 2006 For meelee pures: a great monster to train on is the level 17 zombie in edgeville dungeon. They hit low, they have fairly high hp, and it's rarely ever crowded there. I need some advice. Should I just train strength or should I try and get his attack up to 60? Maye perhaps you should try just getting strength up. Most F2P pures that I know do attack to 40 and the rest for strength. IMO prayer is a waste... BTW any pures would like to add me ingame? I'd hlvoe to chat and train, my pure's RSN is "0 0h" with zeros, not the letter "O". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oem666 Posted April 30, 2006 Share Posted April 30, 2006 :? my own mini guide to pures........no def! def makes u raise combat more givin u less power for ure lvl then u get owned when people hit 18 on u and u hit 15 if ure lvl 52... plus no prayer yes u can get 31 pray and hit same az u would with no pray and u keep ure scim but when the pray runs out u dnt hti as well and they will own u... 40 range is a must for meeles unless u dnt want to lvl faster,anyway d chaps help u protect from mages(they do lower some str but dnt worr its worth it)....also the myth about hybrids....hybrids if they maintain everything even like lets say 50 range mage str 40 att makes em have 2 less str than usual......i knoe this becuase i have 10 pures 2 mage 3 range rest melee....fir wildy outfits..melees: wear iron pl8, d chaps,anti dragon fire shield str ammy or power if ure a hybrid, gloves,carry in inventory blu wiz robe hat,so when a mage atts u have more mage def.....rangers:leather bod, d chaps, vamps. ammy of power,100 arrows(u dnt wanan lsoe 1 k arrows)use addys prefferably....mages:anti drag shield mage robe hat and skirt elemental staff not air tough always use air runes beacuase they r required for any f2p mage spell so u can just buy air runes and not worry if u gain a lvl and u can use fire blast and dont got fire runes....other things i havent covered o yes 25 mage is also a must...u dnt wanna die with all ure stuff plus in lvl 1-3 u wont get az many kills az giants......hmm the last thing how to train purs...melees:start getting str to 5 then att to 5 get str to 15 then att to 10 str to 25 then att to 20 str to 40 then att to 30 str to 55 then att to40 then keep doin str all the way 42 att if you want to be accuret....for rangers mages just keep training your range mage =)....anyway thas all i can think bout for the moment soz if i left anything important out ... o and when ure out there by ureself never join teams of 3 ppl or more ul get bsed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hazardmaster Posted April 30, 2006 Share Posted April 30, 2006 :? my own mini guide to pures........no def! def makes u raise combat more givin u less power for ure lvl then u get owned when people hit 18 on u and u hit 15 if ure lvl 52... plus no prayer yes u can get 31 pray and hit same az u would with no pray and u keep ure scim but when the pray runs out u dnt hti as well and they will own u... 40 range is a must for meeles unless u dnt want to lvl faster,anyway d chaps help u protect from mages(they do lower some str but dnt worr its worth it)....also the myth about hybrids....hybrids if they maintain everything even like lets say 50 range mage str 40 att makes em have 2 less str than usual......i knoe this becuase i have 10 pures 2 mage 3 range rest melee....fir wildy outfits..melees: wear iron pl8, d chaps,anti dragon fire shield str ammy or power if ure a hybrid, gloves,carry in inventory blu wiz robe hat,so when a mage atts u have more mage def.....rangers:leather bod, d chaps, vamps. ammy of power,100 arrows(u dnt wanan lsoe 1 k arrows)use addys prefferably....mages:anti drag shield mage robe hat and skirt elemental staff not air tough always use air runes beacuase they r required for any f2p mage spell so u can just buy air runes and not worry if u gain a lvl and u can use fire blast and dont got fire runes....other things i havent covered o yes 25 mage is also a must...u dnt wanna die with all ure stuff plus in lvl 1-3 u wont get az many kills az giants......hmm the last thing how to train purs...melees:start getting str to 5 then att to 5 get str to 15 then att to 10 str to 25 then att to 20 str to 40 then att to 30 str to 55 then att to40 then keep doin str all the way 42 att if you want to be accuret....for rangers mages just keep training your range mage =)....anyway thas all i can think bout for the moment soz if i left anything important out ... o and when ure out there by ureself never join teams of 3 ppl or more ul get bsed Learn to use a full stop? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buddy69 Posted April 30, 2006 Share Posted April 30, 2006 lol yep. i didnt know if he was still talking about whatever he was talking about in the other sentance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 30, 2006 Author Share Posted April 30, 2006 I made a video for this guide. I am currently loading it on tinypic.com youtube didn't seem to be making any progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lets_3ekout Posted April 30, 2006 Share Posted April 30, 2006 :? my own mini guide to pures........no def! def makes u raise combat more givin u less power for ure lvl then u get owned when people hit 18 on u and u hit 15 if ure lvl 52... plus no prayer yes u can get 31 pray and hit same az u would with no pray and u keep ure scim but when the pray runs out u dnt hti as well and they will own u... 40 range is a must for meeles unless u dnt want to lvl faster,anyway d chaps help u protect from mages(they do lower some str but dnt worr its worth it)....also the myth about hybrids....hybrids if they maintain everything even like lets say 50 range mage str 40 att makes em have 2 less str than usual......i knoe this becuase i have 10 pures 2 mage 3 range rest melee....fir wildy outfits..melees: wear iron pl8, d chaps,anti dragon fire shield str ammy or power if ure a hybrid, gloves,carry in inventory blu wiz robe hat,so when a mage atts u have more mage def.....rangers:leather bod, d chaps, vamps. ammy of power,100 arrows(u dnt wanan lsoe 1 k arrows)use addys prefferably....mages:anti drag shield mage robe hat and skirt elemental staff not air tough always use air runes beacuase they r required for any f2p mage spell so u can just buy air runes and not worry if u gain a lvl and u can use fire blast and dont got fire runes....other things i havent covered o yes 25 mage is also a must...u dnt wanna die with all ure stuff plus in lvl 1-3 u wont get az many kills az giants......hmm the last thing how to train purs...melees:start getting str to 5 then att to 5 get str to 15 then att to 10 str to 25 then att to 20 str to 40 then att to 30 str to 55 then att to40 then keep doin str all the way 42 att if you want to be accuret....for rangers mages just keep training your range mage =)....anyway thas all i can think bout for the moment soz if i left anything important out ... o and when ure out there by ureself never join teams of 3 ppl or more ul get bsed Learn to use a full stop? Prefferably the enter button to make paragraphs too :wink: . A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted April 30, 2006 Author Share Posted April 30, 2006 Wow... I recognized philip kolar as a mod that posted on my thread and i thought he was going to yell at me for not having the video up yet even though my name says it does. Edit: Frantically runs around and changes name before he notices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xvillexvalox Posted May 4, 2006 Author Share Posted May 4, 2006 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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