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i can ride wheelies (on bikes) for at least 2.5 miles havent tried to go further




No offense, but you're lying. I have been riding a bike (Aggressively) for a very long time now, and there is no way that I could ride a wheelie any where near half of a mile. Not to mention the fact that you have to find a strip of land long enough to ride one at... sorry, but unlikely story.




some guy went like (a long way) more than 1000+ miles..




doing just that.. he only stopped to sleep/eat. took him 4 months to do the journey though. im sure u can find it on the net somewhere.



Went for 2.8k miles. It was a journey so he stopped for rest of course. I couldn't find the one where the person held it the longest.

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I sometimes know what people are going to say before they say it.


I think it's creepy.


besides that.... I can make my sister mad in 3 seconds without saying anything, touching anything or insulting her. :twisted: its fun :twisted:

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i seem to have an extreme sense of deja vu because i have at least one of them a day. Kidney punches don't effect me, along with pressing thumbs in my back or pinching my shoulders, freaky! :shock:

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i can ride wheelies (on bikes) for at least 2.5 miles havent tried to go further




No offense, but you're lying. I have been riding a bike (Aggressively) for a very long time now, and there is no way that I could ride a wheelie any where near half of a mile. Not to mention the fact that you have to find a strip of land long enough to ride one at... sorry, but unlikely story.




some guy went like (a long way) more than 1000+ miles..




doing just that.. he only stopped to sleep/eat. took him 4 months to do the journey though. im sure u can find it on the net somewhere.



Went for 2.8k miles. It was a journey so he stopped for rest of course. I couldn't find the one where the person held it the longest.




Yes, but he did it on a motorcycle :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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i can ride wheelies (on bikes) for at least 2.5 miles havent tried to go further




No offense, but you're lying. I have been riding a bike (Aggressively) for a very long time now, and there is no way that I could ride a wheelie any where near half of a mile. Not to mention the fact that you have to find a strip of land long enough to ride one at... sorry, but unlikely story.




some guy went like (a long way) more than 1000+ miles..




doing just that.. he only stopped to sleep/eat. took him 4 months to do the journey though. im sure u can find it on the net somewhere.



Went for 2.8k miles. It was a journey so he stopped for rest of course. I couldn't find the one where the person held it the longest.




Hahaha. On a motorcycle.


Completely different, it is so easily to do on a motorcycle and especially easy when you compare it to a bicycle. It's highly unlikely.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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i can bend all of my fingers back 40 degrees without pushing on them


i can bend my elbow backwards


i can dislocate my shoulder at will


i can bring my hands from behind my back over my head infront of me


i can lift my foot up then bring it infront of my hip




im extremely double jointed


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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i can ride wheelies (on bikes) for at least 2.5 miles havent tried to go further




No offense, but you're lying. I have been riding a bike (Aggressively) for a very long time now, and there is no way that I could ride a wheelie any where near half of a mile. Not to mention the fact that you have to find a strip of land long enough to ride one at... sorry, but unlikely story.




some guy went like (a long way) more than 1000+ miles..




doing just that.. he only stopped to sleep/eat. took him 4 months to do the journey though. im sure u can find it on the net somewhere.



Went for 2.8k miles. It was a journey so he stopped for rest of course. I couldn't find the one where the person held it the longest.




Yes, but he did it on a motorcycle :P




Bikes =! Motorcycles? They're not the same in the US?

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I thought when you said you started riding a bike 'aggressively', I thought you meant riding a motorcycle :lol: :lol:




Dirt bikes? Hells Angels bikers? No? Bike doesn't mean motorcycle in the US?




Bike = Bicycle and Motorcycle, sorry should have been more specific. Ahh, too bad, I was looking forward to arguing with you on how bicycles are different than motorcycles, you bore me. :D

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I can understand spoken Icelandic even though I've never actually learned a word of it.




I can tell the difference between my language books in the dark by smelling them.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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I used to get deja vu when I was really young. One time, I knew a question in a test before we had it. I can also fling an ordinary playing card across the room - I did it for the first time yesterday. I can get very good marks in tests without studying or doing my homework, and my friends all hate me for that. And sometimes I lose sense of my surroundings (sorry If that didnt make sense) - one time my mum told me it was 1:00 a.m, and I seriously thought It was only 9 p.m :shock:

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Some other things I remembered..




I can sleep with my eyes open


I can go through a whole day and not remember any of it (really freaky)


I can jump really far and high from a spot


I have OCD, I can spend all my life doing something like training agility (on RS) and not get bored.

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I used to get deja vu when I was really young. One time, I knew a question in a test before we had it. I can also fling an ordinary playing card across the room - I did it for the first time yesterday. I can get very good marks in tests without studying or doing my homework, and my friends all hate me for that. And sometimes I lose sense of my surroundings (sorry If that didnt make sense) - one time my mum told me it was 1:00 a.m, and I seriously thought It was only 9 p.m :shock:




I also have a nack for passing extremely hard tests with extremely good marks without doing any homework or studying at all. Even without paying attention in class.


I have very good natural ability in every sport on the planet. It dosn't matter what sport it is i play, if its my first time playing it i am better than people that have played the sport all their lives. Im not sure how i just have a nack for playing sport alot and i enjoy it. :)


And i see yous have put on that you can raise your eyebrows. I can raise my right eyebrow but not my left.

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I have OCD, I can spend all my life doing something like training agility (on RS) and not get bored.


Yah but it isn't strong enough for farming, nothing is.


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I'm telekinetic.


I used to be able to move a spoon on a thumbtack, but unfortunately I don't have a video of it. I do have a video of me moving a paper wheel for several minutes.


Also I've moved paper underneath a glass case.




But that was a little over a year ago and I haven't moved anything since. :?


Kill corporate radio. http://www.killradio.org

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