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To Fix Autoing You Must Fix The Game


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As Runescape has continued to grow, and make a mark on the gaming market, it is assumed that certain problems become accentuated. Many of these problems lie in the fact that In-Game Currencies have real-life value, something many players are trying to take advantage of; some through legit methods, and others through cheating. Autoing seems to be by far the most popular way to go about this cheating, and many players are offering solutions to problem. However, the majority of these suggestions do not come close to fixing the dilemma, as autoers can easily create new accounts, no matter which actions are taken against their previous ones.




Jagex needs to realize that older skills in Runescape are far too basic, and are just as easily conducted by bots as by humans. Newer skills like Farming and Slayer seem to have greatly reduced the ease of autoing, by creating more complex means of gaining experience. Older Skills like Woodcutting, Fishing and Mining are nothing more than point and click, which at some point HAS to change, if Jagex wishes to ever become rid of the massive swarm of autoers on Free Worlds.




The solution to the problem is really quite simple. Jagex must incorporate some skill factor into the game, which would leave bots at a massive disadvantage. This "skill factor" does not have to be major. One possibility in Woodcutting would see a player do the usual click on a tree, and then a graphic of the tree would appear on their screen, divided into 6-7 different areas. If you click on the area with the crack in it, your chance to get a log from the tree would greatly increase.








Just like Bank PINs, the Cracked area on the tree would rotate around the different areas randomly, and although it would take an extra click when training the skill, experience could be adjusted accordingly, to make the Experience / Hour of the average player basically exactly the same as it is today. Not only would this basically obliterate the Autoing community, but it would also favour players who are actually paying attention to the game, instead of just clicking like a zombie every now and then.




Although many people have become comfortable with the current leveling system, it is quite unrealistic to expect Jagex to ban all these autoers with the current conditions. There really is no way to ban a specific person from playing the game in this day and age, as people can access the game through Cybercafes, friends' or families' computers; basically any spot with non-restricted internet access. The only way to fix Autoing is to fix the game folks, and it's time people accept that.

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I think that would require a massive rehaul of the whole skill. Other than that, anything that makes it harder for autoers is good (except for the fact that autoers get around everything). If it does require the right kind of skill (not clicking fast on a specific spot), it could work. I think reasoning is more important than skill though, because in this game there's only one element where skill is required really, that being in certain combat situations and in a few minigames. I had an idea to combat autoers using reasoning on the suggestion board where threads like this belong, want to read it?

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your right, the game needs to change but this may not be the best way..wat about people who play but go to a different window when they chop wood? Slayer and farming are hard to auto with, but thats cause slayer is combat, (hard to auto in) and farming is pretty random. Something needs to be done about fishing, mining, and wc...but wat?

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Make a decent exp cap per day would be a better option if you ask me. Helps promote people going out and doing other things as well.




That meaning... only allow individuals to gain a certain amount of exp in each skill. Not a total. So if someone reached their exp cap in mining... they could take what they mined and still smith it on that day. Once the cap is hit, just make the account unable to do anything that would gain exp in that skill.




Obviously its not full proof, but that would probably be the best they could possibly come up with. Either way... it would be better for the community.


R.I.P Shiva

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Make a decent exp cap per day would be a better option if you ask me. Helps promote people going out and doing other things as well.




That meaning... only allow individuals to gain a certain amount of exp in each skill. Not a total. So if someone reached their exp cap in mining... they could take what they mined and still smith it on that day. Once the cap is hit, just make the account unable to do anything that would gain exp in that skill.




Obviously its not full proof, but that would probably be the best they could possibly come up with. Either way... it would be better for the community.


I doubt that would really help. They'd just have half their accounts logged on at once and switch them when the first half hit their cap. Then the legit players will have the annoyance of a daily xp cap. Way too easy for autoers to get around, and it'd be yet another nuisance caused by autoers to legit players.

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what if rune scape sent you a random math problem or something like that or a question about your suroundings that could have many simple answers something tthat could just switch 1 or 2 variables in the questions if you get it wrong your loged or you get an auto then log

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Actually, there's a much simpler way, one that nobody has seen yet. Wanna know what it is? RS1. That's right, the place that has recently been flooded with autoers is actually the best place to go.




I know, I know, you're probably thinking "it was overrun with autoers," and you're right, it was. Why? Two reasons: a) the people playing, and B) the lack of security updates. Anyone here that has played since before RS2, will know what I'm talking about. Back then, it was a great place to be! RuneScape was a friendly place, like a small little town; everybody knew everybody else. Then RS2 came along, and suddenly the "small town" became a "larger than life country of it's own." With this, comes the bad side of the game, the little kids. You may say "but that's stereotypical CWolf2! And that's wrong!" Well screw that idea, because the truth is, they wouldn't exist if they weren't true. The younger crowd tends to be the less mature group of the game (not always, but most of the time), everyone knows this. Before RS2 came out, this game was awesome! People would lend you the "rare" items for a picture, and trust that you would give it back (which you WOULD). Was it wrong of them to trust you? No, it would be wrong of you to abuse that trust, much like people do today.




But back to the point: curing the disease that is "autoing." In RS1, Woodcutting was great, AND complex, unlike it is now. RS2 has seemed to dim down basically everything. What took hours, now takes mere seconds (you try trading 4,000 yew logs in RS1 why not?). With RS1, you would swing at the tree, and you'd only get one try. If you missed, you missed, and stopped cutting. Now, you don't "miss," you simply keep chopping, even through each log. I suggest we take hints from the older game, as they seemed to stop the tide of autoing for quite some time. And as for the autoing on RS1? It was mainly with mining, smithing, anything that wasn't Woodcutting. Why? It was too much of a pain, and F2P only had normal trees, so there was no use in it. That was the great part! You had to pay to get anything great in the game. If it were up to me, I'd say do what WoW started on, random spawns for trees, ores, and the like. Fishing may not be great, but it's pretty close to perfect (now we just need to get rid of the titles that advertize "fish here for sharks!").




Well, I would post more, and I hope you guys don't take this way out of context. I'm off to bed, I shalt be backeth later...eth.

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The best solution is aggressive NPCs to patrol where the autoers mine and chop wood. These NPCs would only know 3 words: Destroy the autoers!




Aggressive NPCs are the very reason why you don't see autoers mining in Edgeville Dungeon, Chasm Mine, or Dwarven Mine. They would be destroyed.




Instead, they mine in Rimmington, the Mining Guild, the Essence Mine, and anyplace where there are no NPCs to threaten them. The fact that they are in the Mining Guild really irritates me. :evil:




Other than the occasional random event, which they survive 99 out of 100 times, there is absolutely nothing to deter them from cutting trees.



The only easy day was yesterday.

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The best solution is aggressive NPCs to patrol where the autoers mine and chop wood. These NPCs would only know 3 words: Destroy the autoers!




Aggressive NPCs are the very reason why you don't see autoers mining in Edgeville Dungeon, Chasm Mine, or Dwarven Mine. They would be destroyed.




Instead, they mine in Rimmington, the Mining Guild, the Essence Mine, and anyplace where there are no NPCs to threaten them. The fact that they are in the Mining Guild really irritates me. :evil:




Other than the occasional random event, which they survive 99 out of 100 times, there is absolutely nothing to deter them from cutting trees.

Actually, there's a much simpler way, one that nobody has seen yet. Wanna know what it is? RS1. That's right, the place that has recently been flooded with autoers is actually the best place to go.




I know, I know, you're probably thinking "it was overrun with autoers," and you're right, it was. Why? Two reasons: a) the people playing, and B) the lack of security updates. Anyone here that has played since before RS2, will know what I'm talking about. Back then, it was a great place to be! RuneScape was a friendly place, like a small little town; everybody knew everybody else. Then RS2 came along, and suddenly the "small town" became a "larger than life country of it's own." With this, comes the bad side of the game, the little kids. You may say "but that's stereotypical CWolf2! And that's wrong!" Well screw that idea, because the truth is, they wouldn't exist if they weren't true. The younger crowd tends to be the less mature group of the game (not always, but most of the time), everyone knows this. Before RS2 came out, this game was awesome! People would lend you the "rare" items for a picture, and trust that you would give it back (which you WOULD). Was it wrong of them to trust you? No, it would be wrong of you to abuse that trust, much like people do today.




But back to the point: curing the disease that is "autoing." In RS1, Woodcutting was great, AND complex, unlike it is now. RS2 has seemed to dim down basically everything. What took hours, now takes mere seconds (you try trading 4,000 yew logs in RS1 why not?). With RS1, you would swing at the tree, and you'd only get one try. If you missed, you missed, and stopped cutting. Now, you don't "miss," you simply keep chopping, even through each log. I suggest we take hints from the older game, as they seemed to stop the tide of autoing for quite some time. And as for the autoing on RS1? It was mainly with mining, smithing, anything that wasn't Woodcutting. Why? It was too much of a pain, and F2P only had normal trees, so there was no use in it. That was the great part! You had to pay to get anything great in the game. If it were up to me, I'd say do what WoW started on, random spawns for trees, ores, and the like. Fishing may not be great, but it's pretty close to perfect (now we just need to get rid of the titles that advertize "fish here for sharks!").




Well, I would post more, and I hope you guys don't take this way out of context. I'm off to bed, I shalt be backeth later...eth.




Is it just me or is those ideas PERFECT?



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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I have to agree with the aggressive npc idea. It has been suggested before and I know it will be a lot of work for jagex but at least they don't have to make tweeks like pure ess that really do nothing to help solve the problem. The random npc's would really slow down autoers but they will eventually find a way around that too. The xp cap idea is a really bad idea because that's what seperates the top players from the average players. Plus, if you put an xp cap the top ppl with the most xp would always remain the best because they would just get their allowed xp and stop playing for that day. This would hurt the competition a lot.

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With the RSC suggestion; yes, while it is true that in general the community was better back then, it wasn't as golden as you portray it. People didn't lend out party hats to strangers, typically only to trusted friends; greed was as omnipresent in RS2 as it is in RS1 and everywhere else in the world, it merely wasn't as overt or pronounced.




Also, you contradict yourself; you stated that autoers in RS1 didn't woodcut because it was too hard, yet you point out that it wasn't profitable either and that they still mined, smithed, and performed other tasks such as certing. If the autoers in RS1 were complex enough to cert, and even circumvent the fatigue system (which they did; I saw it firsthand as a friend of mine used it, it was truly ingenious the way they handled sleeping bags), why not cut trees? Only because there was no point; I don't believe you could even cert normal logs, although I may be mistaken. Overall, I'd say that autoing was easier in RS1, the game just wasn't as popular and the efforts of the cheating community weren't as strong as they are now.




With aggressive NPC's; they could work, but they would probably prove to be an annoyance to normal players. As well, they would shut out most skill pures and new players from skills, or at least cause the skill to become far more difficult. Even then, autoers will simply auto defense a bit, or find another spot.




Also, as to the original suggestion; unique, but it wouldn't work. The most popular macro system I've seen so far uses a color-detection system, and would simply look for the area in the tree with the colors that would indicate a crack. It'd probably perform the task faster than a human could as well, as simple as the task sounds. I would have to agree that the only thing that prevents autoers are tasks which require reasoning; however, I have no inkling as to what could possibly be implemented into normal skills that requires reasoning without completely changing or destroying the current system.





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I've seen many suggestions of aggressive NPC's being placed near any popular skill-training area, and I agree it would deter the autoers to a certain extent. However, it would also leave the legit players at a disadvantage; I've done my share of training Thieving at Market Stalls, and the NPC's are a huge hassle.




My suggestion was not necessarily to implement my diagram of the tree, I was just using it as an example. The only way you can beat the bots is by adding some sort of Reasoning, or a Skill-Factor to the game's money-making skills. Bots will continue to get around any other barriers; whether it be random events or aggressive NPC's.




The ONLY other viable option to free the game of autoing would be a massive rehaul of F2P. If there was no way to make good money in Free Worlds, the Autoing community would be truly crippled. However, what makes Runescape so popular is that basically all of their customers were players who enjoyed the F2P experience. If the F2P market was crippled, then there would likely be much less members.

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