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Values? What do they mean and do you feel you have them?


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I'm a runite miner. I am hunted by people I will never know, who pursue me and my kind for money, sport, or both. I am treated like dirt. I am insulted, laughed at, killed- I am told it is "my fault" for coming into the wilderness and that I should "mine elsewhere." I'm a free player. There is only one place to mine runite, and that is the level 46 wilderness. More than half of the people who come to kill me- the cowardly miner-killers- are members with pest-control trained magic and range, and take it for granted that I am as well, and look down on me if I report that I am not. I have seen- and talked to with my scout account- many killers who are rich members, but who kill us and keep our ore anyway, knowing that we are helpless. They don't care. They find it fun. They would much rather kill a totally defenceless target than fight a fair battle that they could lose. Even other miners attack me, often with the intention of killing me instead of driving me away from the ore.








Why don't they have honor or try to understand us? Why does their greed outweigh any decency they might have? Why do they believe that because they CAN kill us, they SHOULD kill us?








"It's only a game- stop obsessing over pixels."








A game I and other runite miners- not to mention countless other people- have spent months of time in trying to get those "pixels" without having to resort to getting it at the unfair expense of others' time and effort. They kill us for those very "pixels" and they want them the easy way, not caring how much time the person they stomp on put into getting them.








I believe that a person who demonstrates their worth as a human being in something as small as a virtual online game deserves much greater recognition than one who demonstrates his skill at using that game to exploit real people.

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You can't change the way people are in game or out, all you can do is set good examples and play the game honestly in order to make it enjoyable. Yes, people are getting greedy when selling but who isn't? We all want to make as much as we can, that's just how things are. As far as newbs go I usually help them as much as I can, maybe its cause I'm F2P.

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I could say that I totally agree with you, but that would be to lie a bit. Because I know I think money is important. Both in real life and in Runescape. You need money for surviving, and in RS it would be almost impossible to get 99 prayer or something similar without alot of cash.




At the skills section i agrre with you though. According to me, a level 99 skill (or more of them) aren't any real value. It's just a way to show of all the xp you have got, a sort of achiviement. I'm not saying a level 99 skill is something not to be very happy about, just I don't think it should be priority over fair play.








Way to many people these days tries to cheat in RS using auto programs and scams other players to get more money and thereforce get more power according to themselfes. I thinkthere should be no value of the money which someone have earned by cheating. Sadly, today is the money which someone have cheated to get exactly as perfect to buy things for as normal money earned by work.








I have a few in RS which I look up to alot for their perfect way of playing RS. I look up to them because they value fair play and friendship more than high skills, party hats and cash. I'm trying to think this way about Runescape, because I think that will make the game a alot better place.








If everybody tried their best to value friends, fun and fair play in this game more than high level skills, GPs and rares, RuneScape would become a much greater, friendlier and better game than it is now.











Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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i think ppl value combat lvls/money so much is because, at least in my experience, the real jerks are the lvl 20-60, who think either if your lower than them your a noob, and if your higher and you dont give them free stuff your a noob also. im not saying the vast majority of lvl 20-60 are jerks, but most of the jerks ive met are in that lvl range and are usally pure. The majority of the lvl 90+ ppl ive talked to are very nice and understanding because theyve been playing the game for a while and have to have patience to get higher lvls. there are definity alot of lvl 90+ppl who are also jerks, but in my experience, if you arent a pure and havent cheated your way to money or xp, and are a higher lvl, you are pretty nice.(nothing against pures, but alot of them are jerks)




that just my opinion.




OF course that mother is badly crazy,

but I dont understand why the 22 year old girl wants to live with and have sex with the 13 year boy, just because he is lvl 126 or something?

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I'm a runite miner. I am hunted by people I will never know, who pursue me and my kind for money, sport, or both. I am treated like dirt. I am insulted, laughed at, killed- I am told it is "my fault" for coming into the wilderness and that I should "mine elsewhere." I'm a free player. There is only one place to mine runite, and that is the level 46 wilderness. More than half of the people who come to kill me- the cowardly miner-killers- are members with pest-control trained magic and range, and take it for granted that I am as well, and look down on me if I report that I am not. I have seen- and talked to with my scout account- many killers who are rich members, but who kill us and keep our ore anyway, knowing that we are helpless. They don't care. They find it fun. They would much rather kill a totally defenceless target than fight a fair battle that they could lose. Even other miners attack me, often with the intention of killing me instead of driving me away from the ore.








Why don't they have honor or try to understand us? Why does their greed outweigh any decency they might have? Why do they believe that because they CAN kill us, they SHOULD kill us?








"It's only a game- stop obsessing over pixels."








A game I and other runite miners- not to mention countless other people- have spent months of time in trying to get those "pixels" without having to resort to getting it at the unfair expense of others' time and effort. They kill us for those very "pixels" and they want them the easy way, not caring how much time the person they stomp on put into getting them.








I believe that a person who demonstrates their worth as a human being in something as small as a virtual online game deserves much greater recognition than one who demonstrates his skill at using that game to exploit real people.




Whine more please?




Yes, exactly. They - or sometimes, I could say we - kill you since you are weak and you have a lot of ore. But heck, not only you cry about your death, but also, you curse all the runite miner PKers into oblivion, since you cannot really take the risk for that runite.




This is the kind of behavior I hate. Your entire post sounds like you are a 9-year old and your father needs to sit down to you and needs to teach you how to lose sometimes. So pay for membership or stop bugging everyone! There is no 'win game' button in RuneScape!




Sorry for the offensive post.




What I really hate though is the kind who wouldn't even try to gain a profit in a harder way than "free st00f plx" and this is the fake team galore which is situated in F2P but is done by members of both factions - F2P and P2P. I would basically never go in the wildy without tele runes because, call me a tele noob, the rest of the team members will always gang on me, 100% of the time if we have just seen each other the first time, and quite often even if we have known each other for a longer time already. I have only had 2 successful, non-BSing PK team so far - in one I was the only melee (I was kinda careful with that but my team mates were trustworthy. I only knew one of the team members from earlier, but still) and the other one was a trio of two friends and me (note: those two guys didn't even know each other back then).




THIS is what fits into the topic.



You're being watched.

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On occasion one may observe a wordsmith of such profundity that one needn't comment on his thoughts; the words do enough justice to themselves.









What I really hate though is the kind who wouldn't even try to gain a profit in a harder way than "free st00f plx" and this is the fake team galore which is situated in F2P but is done by members of both factions - F2P and P2P.




Whine more please?








I would basically never go in the wildy without tele runes because, call me a tele noob, the rest of the team members will always gang on me, 100% of the time if we have just seen each other the first time, and quite often even if we have known each other for a longer time already.




There is no 'win game' button in RuneScape!








THIS is what fits into the topic.




Your entire post sounds like you are a 9-year old and your father needs to sit down to you and needs to teach you how to lose sometimes.








Sorry for the offensive post.








Moving right along...








Many people respect power largely because it's something they don't have. By the same token, powerful people may be resented out of jealousy. In RuneScape, that power comes in the form of levels and material/monetary wealth. A person with very high levels and lots of money to wash it all down is often respected because he has something that others do not; how long he took to get it and whether or not he did it legitimately is of no consequence to people who haven't the maturity or decency for scruples.








On the other hand, such judgments could stem from the fact that most will never meet the top RuneScape players, and thus they would be evaluated purely by statistics and not character. There's nothing wrong with this, unless the person making the judgment makes a gross extrapolation about their worshipee's character based on their stats (which is sometimes the case).








So I think a lot of us- myself included - fall into camp #1 when we see people we'll never meet and fall into camp #2 when we can.

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Personally, I have always felt that integrity and common courtesy was far more important than financial status. As my grandfather always told me, "Money comes and goes, but a good reputation can never be replaced."








This is why I always try to be friendly and helpful whenever I can in the game...after all, every one of us was new at one time. I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated. It may be trite, but it's an attitude that has worked for me on more than one occasion.








This post pretty much sums it up for me very well written I must add.








COMMON COURTESY~ is it that hard ? ( Course not ) Yes it is a game but I really believe




the way you act/treat people in game is how you most likely treat people in real life.








Its a game but I still treat people the way I would like to be treated, and




if the other person fails at doing that then I have no respect for them or




there evil ways. :wink: I say nothing and just walk away and hope to never




bump into them again.




I embrace #2, getting to #1 is not all that hard on this game besides it all




boils down to Monoply money anyhow. :lol:


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Personally, I have always felt that integrity and common courtesy was far more important than financial status. As my grandfather always told me, "Money comes and goes, but a good reputation can never be replaced."








This is why I always try to be friendly and helpful whenever I can in the game...after all, every one of us was new at one time. I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated. It may be trite, but it's an attitude that has worked for me on more than one occasion.








This post pretty much sums it up for me very well written I must add.








COMMON COURTESY~ is it that hard ? ( Course not ) Yes it is a game but I really believe




the way you act/treat people in game is how you most likely treat people in real life.








Its a game but I still treat people the way I would like to be treated, and




if the other person fails at doing that then I have no respect for them or




there evil ways. :wink: I say nothing and just walk away and hope to never




bump into them again.




I embrace #2, getting to #1 is not all that hard on this game besides it all




boils down to Monoply money anyhow. :lol:








This is exactly my say on the topic. Word for word, line for line.

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I may be wrong but this seems to be going in the direction of: "either I'm polite and nice or I try to grab money and get skills". It may be the purpose of this to bring extremes out but for me, things are not that black and white.








I consider myself a polite person (has to do with upbringing), I could never be rude to a person I don't even know for no reason at all. Maybe it's all about my mom who taught me the very needed common courtesy and told me that it has one of the highest priorities in life. I do not try to "get" something with it and also I don't think I'm like mother Teresa - all good and serene. It's just part of who I am. So yes, I value the second choice highly.








BUT. Always the dreaded but part.




I do play this game for myself. For me, it is about skills. Money is a necessity in my eyes - I do not care for party hats (yes, it's nice if someone has it and all that - I can understand the wish for bling. After all, I have a fury I don't really need, all for the bling lol). But skills. Aah. Well it's a personal win to get a 99. I do not do this for anyone else. I'm actually rather worried about it because if I continue long enough, I can't escape being known and that is what horrifies me (think of all the negative attention..). But that's a different subject.




Point being - I love skilling to prove myself that I can do it. I would never even consider going against the rules - not because I'm awfully lawful but because it would so ruin the fun for myself and for others. I do cross the road in wrong places quite often in real life lol.








Got blabbering. Anyway flat out the point is - it's not like




1) omg I'm all about money/skills and to hell with politeness




2) omg I'm so nice, I could not care less about money/skills




No. It's all about finding that perfect balance that lets you have fun (you do play this game for yourself not for someone else) and on the same time respect others who are doing the same. No matter what their personal goals are - party hats, 1 mil buckets (yea, my friend is goaling for that), dragon chain, 99 strength... etc etc.








That is my more or less humble opinion :roll:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I may be wrong but this seems to be going in the direction of: "either I'm polite and nice or I try to grab money and get skills". It may be the purpose of this to bring extremes out but for me, things are not that black and white.








Anyway flat out the point is - it's not like


1) omg I'm all about money/skills and to hell with politeness


2) omg I'm so nice, I could not care less about money/skills


No. It's all about finding that perfect balance that lets you have fun (you do play this game for yourself not for someone else) and on the same time respect others who are doing the same. No matter what their personal goals are - party hats, 1 mil buckets (yea, my friend is goaling for that), dragon chain, 99 strength... etc etc.




That is my more or less humble opinion :roll:




Of course we live in a world of gray. My dichotomy of option A/B or 1/2 isn't rooted in the real world of course as morality and ethics always have overlaps and varying degrees. However, for purposes of my point, I feel they are still quite valid.




(A bit of a tangent here...) As for your statements, note my sig. I mention my skill totals, quest totals, and other "accomplishments." It is included more for my own benefit rather than the rest of you all. Though the crafting, herb, and farming lvls do help out quite a bit on trades...




Anyways, god knows that I read my own posts more often than the rest of you probably do. (I know I'm not alone in this.) Perhaps it's my own editorial style, or perhaps it's a touch of ego... however, note the link when you click on "View your posts." http://forum.tip.it/search.php?search_id=egosearch. :wink:

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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