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Everything posted by st_shir

  1. Thought about this issue and came out with this - I play with public on and private off. I don't add almost anyone. Why? Because first I want to play alone and second I'm not a big chatterbox. I do get annoyed at people who constantly accuse me for everything, starting with botting and ending with the end of the world. I do answer people. Not so much for being afraid of reporting but out of common courtesy. I was just raised that way. Now what bugs me about the situation is the presumption that one has to start a conversation with every random player he/she even passes by. Most of the time I do not want to talk to you, nothing personal. Maybe I do take a bit too much of real life to the game for I do consider it rude to ask a complete stranger about how much money he/she has or accuse them of illegal actions. Now to the point - I do want the right to remain silent. Not to ignore you but I wish people would just choose the time and person for chatting - you do not need to talk to everyone. And yes, take a hint if I only say yes or no. The big issue in the world generally is that people presume that others are like them in every way. We are all different, we have different preferences, I do not try to change people into acting after me, I just wish they would respect my choices as I do theirs (that is shown by me not ignoring you for example). And to clarify - respecting me would mean not pushing the conversation even though it's clear I'm not fantastically happy to talk. Yes, some people take this as only a game, not a chat room, just as some people take this as a chat room. Most people are somewhere inbetween. Okay long and windy and quite possibly very confusing. Let me just add, I have a few friends in rs. And those relationships have regularly started from being silent together for months:P
  2. Nicest thing done for me - hmm.. I guess it was when I was very new both in members and in RuneScape in general. I killed like my fourth goblin and got a clue that wanted me to go to Rellekka. Anyway, I looked at the world map and was convinced that Rellekka is in the wilderness. Everyone I asked about it just laughed at me and mocked me for being a noob :? So I decided I will be brave and just enter the dreaded place. On the way I saw a very red guy from who I politely asked again (I was convinced he will laugh). He took the time to explain the wildy border and Rellekka and some other stuff too. I have been given stuff later on but this first one is very special. Even more so because I knew nothing of other players or high scores and I remembered his name since he was the first to be kind to me. Later on I found out he's like famous or something and never talks to anyone he doesn't know. I appreciate the fact that he did talk to me. Just a clarification: it doesn't matter that he is famous, it matters that he made an exception to his habit just because of my poor newb self lol. Nicest thing I've done - uhmm.. I guess that question is for people who I've been nice to. I dont know what to consider nicest. Yes, I give out stuff now and then and always return death piles etc but that's just standard to me. Oh, but I guess the happiest reaction was when I returned a d2h to a guy who died (I was like lvl 20 and most money I had seen was something in the lines of 100k - he never saw it coming lol). Idk. Overall I think the nicest thing do not involve giving people gifts. It's the general help, returning death piles, not stealing, being polite etc.
  3. I think the point is not so much in do all people want attention or not. The point is more in how they seek it. It is infact impossible to live without any attention, you could categorize basically any social interaction under attention seeking if you brutally wish to do so. The thing is where is the line drawn between healthy and not so healthy seeking. It is totally normal to try to be good at something. We all try. We can make up all kinds of reasons as to why but mostly it's so we could feel good about ourselves and get some positive feedback. The range of feedback we need is a personal thing, it's not the same for everyone. That largely depends on your experiences in life and your view on things which are both quite dependant on one another. Attention seeking becomes a problem when it's pushed to the extreme. When it isn't accepteable within social boundaries. For example, lying, boasting arrogantly, putting other people down etc. Attention comes to you whether you like it or not. There are all kinds of attention. The most basic way to differ them is positive and negative. Whatever you do in life reflects in reactions from other people since you affect them even if it is only the most smallest effect. If you do things firsthand to feel good about yourself and get attention as a natural process, it's all totally normal and doesn't need any blaming or excuses such as omg you definately seek attention. When it becomes a sick obsession, then we can talk about attention seeking in its negative light. And well if we do talk about the negative version here then there is absolutely no grounds to say everyone does that. As to why people revert to obsessive behavior is, most basically put, largely because of their life. Maybe he/she is the middle child who like so many of them get less attention normally then older and younger sibling. Maybe his/her parents are workaholics. You never know what's the detailed story behind it. But it is extremely wrong to label someone as attention seeker just because "we all do it" or "oh man you have better stats than me, attention seeker/nolifer/noob". In any case, all people are different and who am I to say that this person or that one is an attention seeker. If I think so, it's only my view on things not a definite fact. People need to understand this more, whatever you think is not a certain worldwide fact that everyone should accept and think the same way. Got long and bit blurry but I hope it made a point to someone at least.
  4. Just to start off: NO I don't want to be added. And anyway, I have my private on friends. I was surprised to see so many struggling with problems to find friends. Anyway, a tip. Stay in one world and be polite. That's all I do and well.. I consider myself quite antisocial, meaning I don't want to chat 24/7. And I get too much people saying add me. And not just those little pesky scammer types but normal people. So all I could think of why is it so is pick a home world and act nice. Keep your reputation clean and people will storm you. It's just a tip how to make friends ingame:) Maybe someone will find it a bit useful.
  5. Aha confusing at first, read it all though.. I got one thought however. Did he specify what runes he was making? In case of fires, 4k is possible with CW banking. At least I think it is. Been a while since I made them. Anyway to the point of all this. It is annoying yes but well, human ego is a wondrous thing. Some have it smaller, some bigger. And there all the things begin. Also these blindfolded arguments about weird things.
  6. The thing about rares is that they are basically symbols of wealth and power. Everybody wants to be bold and beautiful and rich as hell. So here comes the greed part. The whole selfish topic is a pseudoproblem created by greed. You hear someone is quitting and he has a rare or four. Wee, time to try to get your piece of power. Even if you don't act on this thought, it still crosses our minds in the form of "wouldn't it be cool..." or whatever. So the guy goes ahead and just quits. And there people think duh I didn't get any, he's really selfish. The excuse for calling it selfish is absurd. Most people get rares to keep them (for showing off), that would be same kind of selfish. It doesn't matter if you play or not, the pixels are still stuck in YOUR bank not theirs. In the end of the day, you don't have to excuse yourself about how you use your sharks for example. Why is this any different? It's a question of private belongings not a question of omg-do-the-public-some-good-and-give-away-all-your-phats. If it's yours, alch it, drop it, give it away, do whatever you wish because it belongs to you NOT to the community. And about this particular guy, I'm a patient person and all but I would've blocked him long before it got that nasty. He's a jerk of a higher degree.
  7. Abyss pking have you ever... 1. Yelled at an rc pker where you were runecrafting, but then tried to kill an rcer at another time? [no] 2. Come back to attack the pker who attacked you, but when someone you attacked came back for you, you called him a noob? [no] Normal Pking/death matches have you ever... 1. complained about protect prayers, but then did them yourself when you were losing? [no] 2. complained about teleporting/tagging/pjing, but did them yourself at some time before/after the incident? [no] 3. complained about people safing/double eating, but you do it too when given the chance to live?[no] Basic Runescape Principles have you ever... 1. Tell people that you would return items you find in a death pile if you saw the person die, but when the time came, you kept them?[no] Or if the above never happened, were you lying when you said you'd return them?[no] 2. Do you complain about autoers and say they need to go, but you buy supplies from them anyway because it's cheaper and faster? [no] 3. yelled and reported a scammer, but got curious to see if it'd work? [no] Lying have you ever... 1. Told someone your friends list was full when it really wasn't? [yes] 2. Told someone you were signing off, but you really put private on "off" and kept playing? [yes] 3. Lied about your gender to get free items[no] (please say no...) Friends these questions are to be answered if it was a very close friend asking you for the following, or you helping a friend have you ever... 1. Been asked by a friend to Pilejump a deathmatch if he lost, which he did, and you did, even though you claimed to be against it.[no] 2. Asked to borrow a friend's expensive item to try on, but secretly you felt like stealing it?[no] If yes, did you actually take it?[ ] (anything counts, from 10 gp to a party hat) 3. Killed a boss monster (Kq, KBD, etc) with a friend and lied about the drop so you could get all the money?[no] 4. Thought about killing a friend in wild to get his items?[no] 5. removed a friend in game by telling him/her you'd "be back later"[yes]
  8. My total level is 17,7 times higher than my post count... :roll: Post count: now 101 Total: 1787 I read the forum almost every day but I don't post alot. I tend to post when I seriously have something to say on that topic or when I'm bored to the extreme. Both cases don't happen too often lol. There's usually someone smart out there who says what I would if I posted and RS keeps me out of boredom.
  9. My tiny hellkitten is named Banshee. I keep her in bank though, she likes it in there, snuggles up on my pile of crap and feels happy.
  10. 1. What is your combat level in the game? 88. Been that way for a year or so. 2. What is your total level in the game? 1779 3. What is your favorite skill or activity in the game? I'm a maniac, I make myself insane goals and fill them. Planning a new insanity is the best part. Finishing isn't that good. If that's too general, I like skilling. Now for the REAL life questions... 4. What is your occupation? (if you're a student state whether you are a middle school, high school, or college student I'm a freelancer graphic designer and an artist though that doesn't make money nowadays. 5. What are your favorite hobby? Art is my passion, work and hobby. But other than that, I love to read and play RS obviously. Also, I honestly admit, I like to knit and crochet :oops: 6. What age group do you belong in? I can safely say I'm somewhere around 22 - 22 years old heheh. Don't mind giving that out since that's public knowledge mostly. 7. Where's your favorite place to hang out? Hm well I don't go out much since I'm really not fond of places with lots of people. I like to go to the movies and in my favorite chinese restaurant sometimes though. And the happy-go-lucky drinking days are over for me by now so no pubs anymore. I'm boring, I know lol. 8. How did you come to play this game? My husband was a computer teacher to the 1-4th grade in school and his little students were playing it all the time in class lol. I was bored out of my mind and we started exploring what do kids do these days. Expected something entirely different though, afterall they were only like 7-11 years old. 9. What's your goal in life, if you have one? I have few. I want to get my own house in the countryside, build a shed for studio and write a book (doesn't matter if it will be published, main thing is that I'd do it). Oh yes, I'd also like to have more kids. I have one atm. And most of all, I want to be happy, whatever that would look like. 10. What's your favorite academic subject? History 11. Do you have a gf or bf? Yes, married. 12. What's your favorite sport to watch or play? Definately soccer. I cried when Zidane got that red card =P~ 13. What's your favorite TV show? Don't watch tv much. I remember I loved "Dawson's Creek" though... Oh yeah and "L Word" rocks. OPTIONAL QUESTIONS: 14. Do your friends play RS? My husband does and my best friend just started yesterday. She's bored out of her mind, home with a little kid hehe. 15. If they do, do you play with them often? Um not really. I'm kind of a loner in game and in real life. That doesn't mean I never do but generally I love to walk alone hehe.
  11. Scamming in real life is basically fraud. Now, though fraud is indeed illegal in real life, doesn't automatically make scamming illegal. However, it is in no sense or way moral. Think of it this way - there are hundreds of different religions/beliefs in this world but what do they have in common? What do atheists have in common with catholics, muslims with buddhists etc? The common element here is the moral code and ethics. Yes, it may vary, but it stays the same in most points. Fraud is simply not accepteable as a practice as it is deeply immoral. What has that got to do with an mmorpg? Easy, the main code of conduct just has to translate from real world to a game that kids play, it is unthinkable otherwise. Young people are very susceptible to their surroundings, whether they admit it or not and game or not, but the morals need to be there. Long and winding but I hope you do catch my drift here - I'm struggling to save my cat from her irrational passion for the fan so if I missed anything, I'm sorry :roll:
  12. There are loads of stuff that's annoying but the most annoying things always come down to one word: noobs.
  13. No, definately not. But use wax. Gel makes hair look greasy and like you have dandruff. Warm a tiny bit of wax by rubbing hands together, then splash it in your hair and voilÃÆÃâÃâá!
  14. I'd take phats. Don't want money or things that will ruin the challenge of the game. Wouldn't sell those phats, though I would give purple one away to the first person who is nice to me for no reason lol. I hate the color purple hehe. I'd like to have a phat not because they are expensive but because they are so old. I think I have a weakness to antiquities. It's like having a piece of unique RuneScape history. Though yeh, I doubt I'd ever buy one. There's always so much better things to do with money.
  15. Oh man, how pathetic is that... March 18th, 1985 - The Australian television series Neighbours airs its first episode. Yeah, the only thing that happened that day according to Wiki. Heheh. Maybe that's why I'm doomed to having soap opera-like neighbours wherever I move.
  16. I have and I'm female so where is this world coming to? Me and my friend (he had long hair and loved Nirvana) were getting beer from the store and on our way back got ganged up by 8 skinheads. Quite obvious where this is going huh. Anyway, luckily some other friends were close by so nobody had to be hospitalized or anything though we got our butts kicked really good. That was the first and last fight I have ever been in. O wait there was this thing with me flying an ashtray at a guy for very severe reasons but that doesn't count I think. All in all, I'm not a violent person.
  17. Aww, late again. Wanted to apply for news commentator but in this case, creative writer will be good if it's still availeable.
  18. Tartu, Estonia What the hell is Estonia? Er okay but Tartu?!
  19. I've had broken wrist twice. Didn't play RS back then but I know, first off most things in RS don't require much hand movement and second, broken wrists regularily end in casts which means you can't move it in a way that is bad for you. If, however, your wrist is hurting after playing, then take a break. But it shouldn't be a problem :wink:
  20. Michael Jackson (don't ask). Blob of paint.
  21. Nope, didn't know. Did you know unicorns really exist? Well there's an animal (white oryx, not sure how it's spelled in english) who is white and has two long straight horns. They use horns for fighting and usually you can see them with only one because he has lost the other in a fight. So medieval people thought that was unicorn.
  22. Because according to color therapy red is most energized. Also it is good to wear red clothes because that gives out a bit less energy than receives. On the same time, black only gives and white only receives. So seems weird but red is actually the most balanced color. Red is also symbol for power and that is what everyone strives for in one field or another. Hope you got some ideas here. Why are cherry blossoms so pretty? I mean apple blossoms are nice and all but most people think cherry blossoms are the best. Why so?
  23. 3/10. Sorry, just not my taste :)
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