fgfuyfyuiuy0 Posted May 9, 2006 Share Posted May 9, 2006 What did you do that was funny/or thought of something differently when you were little. Examples: When I was 2, I was supposed to be taking a nap. Well, my Dad came in to check on me (Because I would take my sister out of her crib and push her down the stairs or something 8-)) and noticed I was missing. He checked on my sister first (Of course :P) and noticed she was fine. He looked around the room for me and saw a shadow, casting from behind the blinds. He walked up to it and heard," Hi girls!" I was talking to 2 College girls, walking by. He didn't want to scare me, It was just a screen holding me up, so he didn't want me to get scared and fall out. He then went,"Herumph." I stuck my foot out from the blinds and started moving it around to try and feel and my foot hit my dad. Then I whispered," Uh-Oh..." :P What I thought when I was little: I used to think and Under Tow was an "Under Toe", which I thought was a Toe under water. I also used to think that "Double-Dipping" was when you dipped a chip in the Salsa twice (without biting it. Just dipping twice). Tell funny stuff that happened to you or what you ddid/things you thought were different form what they meant. I <3 Gears of War 2. Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kido14 Posted May 9, 2006 Share Posted May 9, 2006 He looked around the room for me and saw a shadow, casting from behind the blinds. He walked up to it and heard," Hi girls!" I was talking to 2 College girls, walking by. You talked to college girls when you were 2..? :? That's just kind of creepy.. I thought girls were icky up to like 3rd grade. There is no way I would have thought of myself for being cool for talking to some older girls. :? I have a couple stories, but I feel like I'm almost bragging in a way if I share them because if I talk about that kind of stuff with my friends, it usually goes like this: Me-"When I was 3 I did . Cool huh?" Friend-"Oh yeah? Well when *I* was 3, I ." And it basically just goes on to whoever brags about their stories of being a little kid the most. Maybe that's just me, I don't know :x Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/MY FAVORITE BAND:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
katha610 Posted May 9, 2006 Share Posted May 9, 2006 Me-"When I was 3 I did . Cool huh?" uiii.......i did that too.. i always said: 'when i was 3' and then i told all the things that i couldnt do at that age.. funny thing was i said it on my 4th birthday.... ya, great change :roll: 8-) i guess i did a lot of funny things........ it just gets kind of annoying hearing them everytime when family gets together. :shock: and evertime they change a little bit because my mom iinvents some new stuff. --> everybody talks about how they chenged from the last time, etcetc.. haha :roll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meesa Posted May 9, 2006 Share Posted May 9, 2006 well heres mine: I was several months old, and at that time on of my sisters was 2. We would be riding in the car... me in my car seat and my sis next to me in hers. I would make a grunt noise, grin, and then my sister would go nuts, screaming, saying "Dung said uh!!!!". She called me dung too, my real name is David, but she'd call me dung. Probably why I would make the grunting noise. I did it a lot, and people say it was obvious I would do it to make her mad. haha... innocent children.... err... yeah.... I also have another sister who's name starts with an "H". Well, my mom would make hard-boiled eggs, and then put an "H" on them, so we knew they were hard-boiled. Well, I thought the "H" stood for my sisters name, so I never ate any, thinking they were all hers. (I was like 6 or 7 at the time) Well, thats mine! :lol: :oops: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackalope14 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 I did some odd things as a child. Just to list a few: -once, at daycare, I told all the kids that the sugar cookies were potaos (and of course none of the kids liked potatos) and no one ate them so I got all the cookies. ( I think I might of posted about this on these forums before) -my dad decided to let me pull the van into my grandparents drive way (bad idea) and I smashed the car into their garage door. He took the blame for it. -I thought cowboys only wore the color orange and never blinked... -I liked to throw rocks at cows. (I was really mean to animals :oops: ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faux Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Since my house was sort of right around farms back in the Philippines, our games were definitely dirty. We'd throw cow pies (hardened - useful for cultivating our garden as well :shock:) at each other. We'd go play in the mud. Go rumbling in the haystacks. Go catch some tadpoles. Etc. Interestingly enough, only time I get sick is if the rain catches us playing outside. :: Guess the Movie Contest Champion: pfilc23 :: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Since my house was sort of right around farms back in the Philippines, our games were definitely dirty. We'd throw cow pies (hardened - useful for cultivating our garden as well :shock:) at each other. We'd go play in the mud. Go rumbling in the haystacks. Go catch some tadpoles. Etc. Interestingly enough, only time I get sick is if the rain catches us playing outside. I used to play alot outdoors as well. My brother, our friends and I would ride our bikes around, exploring and catching frogs. :) Can't say I ever threw a cowpie though. Oh, and I've NEVER gotten sick from playing outside in the rain. :? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fgfuyfyuiuy0 Posted May 10, 2006 Author Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. My sisters and I used to play that when we were little. Ahhh, how I miss the old days. Used to be simple. "Nuh-Uh! I didn't touch the floor!" All it seems like now is "You got OWNED you noob!!!1111". Back on topic, we used to play it just like you and when we went to the park, we used to do it so someone was the "Lava Monster" and if they tagged you, you were it. They couldn't get on the "Island", which of course is the Play Gym, but you did have to, at some point, go down slide and try to climb back up before "It" got you. I <3 Gears of War 2. Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biabf Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. My sisters and I used to play that when we were little. Ahhh, how I miss the old days. Used to be simple. "Nuh-Uh! I didn't touch the floor!" All it seems like now is "You got OWNED you noob!!!1111". Back on topic, we used to play it just like you and when we went to the park, we used to do it so someone was the "Lava Monster" and if they tagged you, you were it. They couldn't get on the "Island", which of course is the Play Gym, but you did have to, at some point, go down slide and try to climb back up before "It" got you.That game was frikin' awesome! I loved it!! When I was 5 me and my friend used to argue about whos dad was strongest. 'My dad can lift my house up' I used to say. He would come back with 'Well my dad can lift my house and car to the sky', I would reply 'So? my dad can lift my house, my car, my pool, your house, your car and your pool up!' We would go on for hours like that lol. Good old days. Uhm... Any of you remember forts? Making forts out of chairs and boxes and stuff? That was great. It was best when you moved, Tons of boxes everywhere! Would be awesome to be like that again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Ah! I remember making forts! :D They were so great... I'd make them out of boxes and pillows, and blankets... I remember thinking that we all died after Saturday... Because it was the end of the week. :? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Google90 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 ~At the table~ sis: my plate has a bunny design me: so? my plate has 3 rings on it sis: my spoon is longer than yours me:so what my spoon is short sis:I have more soop in my plate me: atleast i'll eat less carrots! ETC... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fellupahill Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. o you did that 2!!! and i thought i was the only stupid one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
insane Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. I'm pretty sure any child that hasn't played this game was deprived! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. I'm pretty sure any child that hasn't played this game was deprived! Absolutely! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fgfuyfyuiuy0 Posted May 10, 2006 Author Share Posted May 10, 2006 When I was 5 me and my friend used to argue about whos dad was strongest. 'My dad can lift my house up' I used to say. He would come back with 'Well my dad can lift my house and car to the sky', I would reply 'So? my dad can lift my house, my car, my pool, your house, your car and your pool up!' We would go on for hours like that lol. Good old days. Uhm... Any of you remember forts? Making forts out of chairs and boxes and stuff? That was great. It was best when you moved, Tons of boxes everywhere! Would be awesome to be like that again... I remember me and my friends fighting over whos Dad was stronger. Fun times. My sisters and I used to make forts all the time! Best part of being a kid because you got to use your imagination when building and after building the forts. Acted like it was a castle or thought of it as a hide-out, so my parents coudn't find me. Didn't really work because it's a huge, massive thing in the livingroom :P Fun times. I know it kind of sounds wierd... but when my sisters and I were little we'd take our mattress's or sleeping bags (Preferably the mattress), but we'd sit on them and ride them down our staircase :P Any of you do that or was it just my sisters and my crazy mind? I <3 Gears of War 2. Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedofsound Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 awwwww.......... the good ol' days.... " the floor is lava" "forts" "matress rodeo" anybody remeber when you got it bit older and it was winter, there was ton of snow, and you would have like mosh pits, but not really mosh pits, you'd just tackle your friends and give them whitwashes sometimes. What abvout "smear the queer!" I love that game You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 awwwww.......... the good ol' days.... " the floor is lava" "forts" "matress rodeo" anybody remeber when you got it bit older and it was winter, there was ton of snow, and you would have like mosh pits, but not really mosh pits, you'd just tackle your friends and give them whitwashes sometimes. What abvout "smear the silly boy!" I love that game I remember doing that. :D Does anyone remember Wet Willies? :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fgfuyfyuiuy0 Posted May 10, 2006 Author Share Posted May 10, 2006 awwwww.......... the good ol' days.... " the floor is lava" "forts" "matress rodeo" anybody remeber when you got it bit older and it was winter, there was ton of snow, and you would have like mosh pits, but not really mosh pits, you'd just tackle your friends and give them whitwashes sometimes. What abvout "smear the silly boy!" I love that game I remember doing that. :D Does anyone remember Wet Willies? :lol: How could I forget... My Dad gave me those -.- I <3 Gears of War 2. Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captaingoodguy Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 I remember when I was young I used to "rap" all the time, I don't know why, I don't even remember being exposed to any real music unitl I was like in Grade 4. Another time: my uncle, who lives on a farm and has horses and that good stuff, tried to get me to put on some chaps (like in RS, but for cowboys :D ) and I said "you're never gonna make a cowboy out of me". And to this day I haven't tried on a pair of chaps, lol. Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knives669 Posted May 10, 2006 Share Posted May 10, 2006 awwwww.......... the good ol' days.... " the floor is lava" "forts" "matress rodeo" anybody remeber when you got it bit older and it was winter, there was ton of snow, and you would have like mosh pits, but not really mosh pits, you'd just tackle your friends and give them whitwashes sometimes. What abvout "smear the silly boy!" I love that game I remember doing that. :D Does anyone remember Wet Willies? :lol: How could I forget... My Dad gave me those -.- I still get them sometims! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enzeru Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 When I was 3ish I put my toy snake in the pool and yelled for my dad to come kill it, when he came out he saw it was a fake snake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonFirenze Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 I remember the lava game. Fun times. The best childhood memory was probably when we moved and this whole room was just filled with boxes and matresses. It was like crowd surfing on soft things. Ive never had so much fun! Only wish i could do it again. Lvl 80 construction. Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h) God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faux Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 Me and my brother used to play a game called "The Floor is Lava". That's where you can't walk on the floor. But, you can walk on the furniture and stuff. We used to throw pillows on the floor and step on them, walk on chairs, beds, and tables. :lol: It was so great. I'm pretty sure any child that hasn't played this game was deprived! Absolutely! We never played that. We played the game (similar in a way) called 'Langit Lupa' which literally translated to English means Heaven Earth. If you walk on the floor/ground, the person who is 'it' can tag you. But if you step on something like a huge rock or a table, he can't go after you. So pretty much, people tease around the 'it' until 'it' manages to tag a person. And I remember before too when I had a goat pull my on my bike. My dog used to do it a few times until he got weak/old. And I remember when I was younger, I loved being a gardener. I would trim the dead stems in rose bushes and even plant roses, santans, etc. into empty baby powder milk's canisters. They would bloom until I forget to water em. I use to play a lot with fire too. I loved fire. I'd try to make a small bonfire using broken twigs in our trees in the backyard and cheat using plastics to make it last longer. I would also go to the beach (about 1 to 2 miles away from my house) and go swim/catch little crabs/play in the sand/fly a kite. The kites would be handmade by us using thin sticks and newspapers and glue. Mine mostly sucked cause they broke easy. But if one of our dads' would make it, they'd use bamboo, skin it, use coloured paper and those things would last forever. You can even tie little ribbons/hearts in the end to make the tail spin. Damn, I love my childhood memories :( I spent my time outside from the time I eat breakfast til the sun goes down. I can watch the sunset from my bedroom too. :: Guess the Movie Contest Champion: pfilc23 :: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgrazotis Posted May 11, 2006 Share Posted May 11, 2006 hmm i never thort girls were icky i had my 1st crush in grade 1 since then i had bout 2. i remember when we used to visit my dads work and this guy waould make us bazookas out of a round cardbord tube (like a massive toilet roll) and a hell of a lot of sticky tape and a little handle and we used to play guns on the street with these massive bazookas. In our house u can walk around through the kitchen and through the living room then back to the kitchen in a circle. My dad was chasing me one day when i knocked my brothers ice-cream out of his hand. He chased me around and around and around and then (in the kitchen theres a bit sticking out so if u sit in the corner and sum1 runs past they wont see u if they dont turn there head) i sat there and he was running around for ages. Then i laughed and he said he was too tired to smack me lol. i remember when i was about 5 and i saw a movie on tv as soon as it was over i used to run to my room and act out wat happened with my toys. thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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